Title Page
VALID TO: (QA Use Only)
Detailed Risk Assessment Part 1
1. General Information
1.1 FRA Type:
1.2 Property Type:
1.3 Property Designation:
1.4 Responsible Person:
1.5 No of Floors:
1.6 No of Flats (if applicable):
1.7 Ground Floor Area (m2):
1.8 Total Area of all Floors (m2)
1.9 Building Description:
1.10 Building Construction:
1.11 Extent of common areas:
1.12 Areas of the building to which access was not available:
1.13 If applicable, state which flats were sample inspected:
2. The Occupants
2.1 Management Extent
2.2 Details of any onsite Management
2.3 Person managing fire safety in the premises
2.4 Person consulted during the fire risk assessment
2.5 Number of occupants (maximum estimated)
2.6 Approximate maximum number of employees at any one time
2.7 Number of members of the public (maximum estimated)
2.8 Identify any people who are especially at risk (Sleeping Occupants, Disabled Occupants, Occupants in remote areas and Lone Workers, Young Persons, Others)
3. Fire Safety Legislation
3.1 The following fire safety legislation applies to these premises
3.2 The above legislation is enforced by
3.3 Other key fire safety legislation (other than Building Regs 2000)
3.4 The other legislation referred to above is enforced by
3.5 Guidance used as applicable to premises and occupation
3.6 Is there an alteration or enforcement notice in force?
3.7 Fire loss experience (since last FRA)
Detailed Risk Assessment Part 2
A - Electrical Ignition Sources
Is the fixed electrical installation periodically inspected and tested, (include dates if known)?
Action/Recommendation Required?:
Action Priority:
Is PAT testing in common areas carried out?
Action/Recommendation Required?
Action Priority:
Is there a policy for personal electrical appliances (consider restrictions of communal supply points such as outlets and T pin outlets)?
Action/Recommendation Required?
Action Priority:
Is the use of adapters and leads limited?
Action/Recommendation Required?
Action Priority:
Are they any PV cells installed and do they have the appropriate isolation systems and signage to assist the fire and rescue service?
Action/Recommendation Required?
Action Priority:
B - Smoking Policies
Are there suitable arrangements to prevent fire as a result from smoking?
Action/Recommendation Required?
Action Priority:
Is the policy being adhered to and are "No smoking" signs provided in the common areas?
Action/Recommendation Required?
Action Priority:
C - Arson
Are premises secure against arson by outsiders? (Please state how)
Action/Recommendation Required?
Action Priority:
Are bins secured or fire loading stored in a suitable location? (Please state bin type, location, if and how it is secured)
Action/Recommendation Required?
Action Priority:
D - Portable Heaters and Installations
If used, is the use of portable heaters regarded as safe?
Action/Recommendation Required?
Action Priority:
Are fixed heating systems maintained annually?
Action/Recommendation Required?
Priority Action:
E - Cooking
Are reasonable measures in place to prevent fires as a result of cooking, including replacing filter(where necessary)?
Action/Recommendation Required?
Action Priority:
F - Lightning
Does the building have a lightning protection system?
Action/Recommendation Required?
Action Priority:
G - Housekeeping
Are combustible materials kept away from any sources of ignition, including gas and electrical intake cupboards?
Action/Recommendation Required?
Action Priority:
Are the escape routes kept clear of items combustible materials or waste and free of any trip hazards?
Action/Recommendation Required?
Action Priority:
Are mobility scooters or electric vehicles stored in the means of escape? If yes has an assessment been undertaken in line with the NFCC "Mobility Scooter Guidance for Residential Buildings"?
Action/Recommendation Required?
Action Priority:
H - Hazards Introduced by Contractors
Is there satisfactory control over works carried out in the building by contractors (e.g. hot work permits)?
Action/Recommendation Required?
Action Priority:
I - Dangerous Substances
If dangerous substances are used, has a risk assessment been carried out as required by the Dangerous Substances and Explosives Atmospheres Regulations 2002 and are they stored correctly?
Action/Recommendation Required?
Action Priority:
J - Other Significant Hazards
Are all issues deemed satisfactory? [1]
Action/Recommendation Required?
Action Priority:
Are all issues deemed satisfactory? [2]
Action/Recommendation Required?
Action Priority:
K - Means of Escape
Is the escape route design deemed satisfactory? (Consider current design codes)
Action/Recommendation Required?
Action Priority:
Is the fire-resisting construction (including any glazing) protecting escape routes and staircases of a suitable standard and maintained in sound condition?
Action/Recommendation Required?
Action Priority:
Is there adequate provision of exits (including exit Widths) for the numbers who may be present?
Action/Recommendation Required?
Action Priority:
Are doors on escape routes easily opened? (and are sliding or revolving doors avoided?)
Action/Recommendation Required?
Action Priority:
Do final exits open in the direction of escape where necessary?
Action/Recommendation Required?
Action Priority:
Are travel distances satisfactory? (consider single direction and more than one direction, property risk profile and occupancy characteristics)
Action/Recommendation Required?
Action Priority:
Are there suitable precautions for all inner rooms?
Action/Recommendation Required?
Action Priority:
Are escape routes separated where appropriate?
Action/Recommendation Required?
Action Priority:
Are corridors sub-divided where appropriate?
Action/Recommendation Required?
Action Priority:
Do escape routes lead to a place of safety?
Action/Recommendation Required?
Action Priority:
Are the stairs and/or lobbies provided with adequate ventilation? (If considered satisfactory, please state provision)
Action/Recommendation Required?
Action Priority:
Are there any other issues that could affect the means of escape, for example plastic conduit/loose cables not secured by fire rated fastening?
Action/Recommendation Required?
Action Priority:
L - Flat Entrance Doors
Are the sample inspection flat entrance door or doors in good condition and appropriately fire rated?
Action/Recommendation Required?
Action Priority:
M - Common Area Fire Doors
Are all common area fire door and frames in good condition and appropriately fire rated?
Action/Recommendation Required?
Action Priority:
N - Emergency Lighting
If emergency lighting is provided, is the coverage sufficient and in good repair? (Internal and external)
Action/Recommendation Required?
Action Priority:
If EL not provided, is borrowed/artificial lighting sufficient for escape? (Internal and external)
Action/Recommendation Required?
Action Priority:
O - Fire Safety Signs and Notices
Is there adequate provision of visible fire safety signs and notices? (Consider directional, exits, stairs, fire action notices, Fire door keep shut, fire equipment and 'do not use lift' signage)
Action/Recommendation Required?
Action Priority:
Wayfinding Signage (buildings over 11 metres in height). Are there clear markings for flat and floor recognition provided?
Action/Recommendation Required?
Action Priority:
P - Means of Giving Warning in Case of Fire
Is a reasonable fire detection and fire alarm system provided in the common areas, where necessary?
Action/Recommendation Required?
Action Priority:
If installed, is the common area AFD adequate for the occupancy and fire risk?
Action/Recommendation Required?
Action Priority:
If not installed, are the premises deemed safe without a common area AFD system?
Action/Recommendation Required?
Action Priority:
If there is a communal fire detection and fire alarm system, does it extend into the dwellings?
Action/Recommendation Required?
Action Priority:
Where appropriate, has a fire alarm zone plan been provided?
Action/Recommendation Required?
Action Priority:
Where appropriate, are there adequate arrangements for silencing and resetting an alarm condition?
Action/Recommendation Required?
Action Priority:
If applicable, is a separate domestic hard-wired smoke/heat alarm within the flats installed to a suitable standard?
Action/Recommendation Required?
Action Priority:
If applicable (Sheltered scheme) is the smoke detection within the flats monitored by an alarm receiving centre/on site scheme manager via a telecare system?
Action/Recommendation Required?
Action Priority:
Q - Measures to Limit Fire Spread and Development
Is there adequate levels of compartmentation between floors and between flats and the common escape routes?
Action/Recommendation Required?
Action Priority:
Are hidden voids appropriately enclosed and/or fire-stopped? (consider above suspended ceilings)
Action/Recommendation Required?
Action Priority:
Is there adequately fire protected service risers and/or ducts in common areas, that will restrict the spread of fire and smoke?
Action/Recommendation Required?
Action Priority:
Is compartmentation maintained in the roof space?
Action/Recommendation Required?
Action Priority:
Are electrics, including embedded meters, enclosed in fire rated construction?
Action/Recommendation Required?
Action Priority:
As far as can reasonably be ascertained, are fire dampers provided as necessary to protect critical means of escape against passage of fire, smoke and products of combustion in the early stages of a fire?
Action/Recommendation Required?
Action Priority:
Is there reasonable limitation of linings to escape routes that might promote fire spread?
Action/Recommendation Required?
Action Priority:
Are soft furnishings in common areas appropriate to limit fire spread/growth?
Action/Recommendation Required?
Action Priority:
Does the premises have any external balconies, cladding or materials which may promote external fire spread?
Action/Recommendation Required?
Action Priority:
Has a note been prepared of the external walls of the building and details of construction materials used? Does the note include and identify the level of risk that the design and materials used?
Action/Recommendation Required?
Action Priority:
Does the External wall note include any mitigating circumstances that may have been taken to reduce the risk?
Action/Recommendation Required?
Action Priority:
Has the responsible person reviewed the external wall note on a regular basis and revised it if there have been any significant changes in the external walls.
Action/Recommendation Required?
Action Priority:
Are all other fire spread/compartmentation issues satisfactory?
Action/Recommendation Required?
Action Priority:
R - Fire Extinguishing Appliances
If required, is there reasonable provision of accessible portable fire extinguishers?
Action/Recommendation Required?
Action Priority:
S - Relevant Automatic Fire Extinguishing Systems
Are there any automatic fire suppressant systems on site?
Action/Recommendation Required?
Action Priority:
Are there any fixed fire fighting mains within the premises?
Action/Recommendation Required?
Action Priority:
If any other relevant systems / equipment is installed, state type of system and comment as necessary
Action/Recommendation Required?
Action Priority:
T - Procedures and Arrangements
Recommended evacuation strategy for this building is:
Has a competent person(s) been appointed to assist in undertaking the preventative and protective measures including in house checks?
Action/Recommendation Required?
Action Priority:
Are there appropriate documented fire safety arrangements and procedures in place in the event of fire?
Action/Recommendation Required?
Action Priority:
Are there suitable arrangements for liaison and calling the Fire Service?
Action/Recommendation Required?
Action Priority:
Are there suitable fire assembly points away from any risk?
Action/Recommendation Required?
Action Priority:
Are there adequate procedures in place for the evacuation of disabled people who are likely to be present?
Action/Recommendation Required?
Action Priority:
Are staff nominated and trained on the use of fire extinguishing appliances?
Action/Recommendation Required?
Action Priority:
Are staff nominated and trained to assist in evacuation (Where applicable e.g. Offices, supported schemes)?
Action/Recommendation Required?
Action Priority:
U - Training
Do staff receive adequate induction and annual refresher fire safety training? (To include fire risks in the premises, fire safety measures in the building, action in the event of fire and on hearing alarm, location and use of fire extinguishers, calling the fire service)
Action/Recommendation Required?
Action Priority:
Are employees nominated to assist in the event of fire given additional training?
Action/Recommendation Required?
Action Priority:
V - Testing and Maintenance
Are all fire safety provisions for the building (AFD, Emergency Lighting, sprinklers etc.) routinely tested and maintained?
Action/Recommendation Required?
Action Priority:
W - Records
Is all routine testing and staff training including fire drills suitably recorded and available for inspection?
Action/Recommendation Required?
Action Priority:
X - Premises Information Box
Is a Premises Information Box located at the premises accessible to the Fire and Rescue Service, secure from unauthorised access and kept up to date?
Action/Recommendation Required?
Action Priority:
Y - Engagement with Residents
Has all Fire Safety information & procedures been disseminated to the residents?
Action/Recommendation Required?
Action Priority:
Z - Any Other Information
Are all issues deemed satisfactory? [1]
Action/Recommendation Required?
Action Priority:
Are all issues deemed satisfactory? [2]
Action/Recommendation Required?
Action Priority:
Type 3 FRAs
- Sample Flat Inspection
1. Inspection Details
1.1 Flat / Property Number:
1.2 Has a Type 3 dwelling survey been performed?
1.3 Is there appropriate detection in place?
2. What Detection is in Place?
2.1 Mains Smoke Detector in Hall
2.2 Main Smoke Detector in Lounge
2.3 Mains Heat Detector in Kitchen
2.4 Main Detection in Bedroom(s)
2.5 Battery Smoke in hall
2.6 Link Heat detector in hall
2.7 Other
3. General
3.1 If on the ground or 1st floors, is there secondary means of escape from each habitable room? Door or window of at least 0.33m2 with no single dimension smaller than 450mm.
3.2 Does the layout of the flat meet the relevant Building Regulations (Travel distance, protected entrance hall, alternative escape etc.?)
3.3 Are there any extraction fans that are not vented directly to an external wall?
3.4 Are there any missing internal doors?
3.5 Is the fixed electrical test in date?
3.6 Are there any signs of hoarding?
3.7 Is the cooker in a safe position?
3.8 Assessor's Miscellaneous Comments or observations - please consider compartmentation within the flat or any tenant alterations?
Assessment Risk Ratings
Risk Rating
Likelihood of Fire
Taking into account the fire prevention measures observed at the time of this risk assessment, it is considered that the hazard from fire (likelihood of fire) at these premises is:
Potential Consequences of Fire
Taking into account the nature of the building and occupants, as well as the fire protection and procedural arrangements observed at the time of this fire risk assessment, it is considered that the consequences for life safety in the event of fire would be:
Potential Consequences of Fire
Premises Risk Rating
Accordingly, it is considered that the risk to life from fire at these premises is:
On satisfactory completion of all remedial works the risk rating of this building may be reduced to
Limitations Statement
BAFE Certificate (QA Use Only)
Part 1a - Name and Address of Certified Organisation
Part 1b - BAFE Registration Number of Issuing Certified Organisation
Part 1c - SSAIB 3rd Party Certificate Number
Part 2 - Name of Client
Part 3a - Address of premises for which the Fire Risk Assessment was carried out
Part 3b - Part or parts of the premises to which the Fire Risk Assessment applies
Part 4 - Brief description of the scope and purpose of the Fire Risk Assessment
Part 4b - Limitations of FRA
Part 5 - Effective Date of the Fire Risk Assessment
Part 6 - Recommended Date for Reassessment of the premises
Part 7 - Unique Reference Number of this Certificate (Job Number)