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A clearly defined employee improvement plan enables management and employees to outline current concerns relating to work performance, expectations for the future, timescales for improvement and any support that will be provided. It is an informal process which is aimed at restoring full job capability to the required standard before any formal disciplinary and/or capability procedures are triggered.
A PIP may be used for both conduct and capability purposes and is recorded and reported on in HR. Before you initiate a PIP you must identify exactly why the employee isn’t meeting expectations fully. The flowchart below illustrates the options available to improve performance. Particular note must be made of the difference between the inability to do a role due to lack of experience and a trained person whose performance has slipped. Management must help the employee by doing everything reasonable to help employees meet the required standard by providing support; coaching and re-training where appropriate. A reasonable amount of time (a few weeks up to 2 months depending on the issue) should ideally be given to see an improvement. -
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Define Expectations
Key Responsibilities from Job Description
Standard Expected
Review Date
Specific Behaviour Required
Standard Expected
Review Date
Recommendations (to be discussed with HR)
Once you have completed this form, please sign and send to HR for their records - hr@help-link.co.uk