Title Page
- James Storah
- Marcus Cartmell
- Mike Cottier
- Paul Chesworth
- Daniel Hannon
- Valerie Egerton
- Samuel Ramsden
- Deborah Marshall
Contractor / Representative
- Excalon
- Spie
- Operations South
- Operations Lancs
- Gallagher
- Operations North
Works Reference
Conducted on
Full duration spent complying with conditions (e.g where operatives have travelled from, time spent removing spoil, distance travelled, where travelling to next).
Permit Conditions Compliance
NCT04A - This condition requires us to clear surplus material and unused plant from the highway to minimise the area occupied by our works at the end of each working day.
NCT08B - Instead of the temporary signals working by remote or automated means there is a need to have at least one person on site to manually control the temporary signals.
NCT09C - This condition states that any temporary traffic signals must be removed from the highway within a maximum of 4 hours following completion of works irrespective of the day of works completion (I.e 7 days per week). If complied with, state when works were reinstated.
Auditors signature