Title Page
Work Order #
Email Address
Installers on site
Part 1 - Site Hazards
Are there site hazards?
If yes, Please record the description of the hazard from the list below: -Loose dog(s) on Site -Unsupervised Children -Dead/Decaying Animals -Stored Chemicals -Narrow Driveway -Unsafe Parking -Access Level (trip hazards) -Wasps or Bees -Broken Glass -Rusty Nails or Metal -Height (Safe for Ladders) -Asbestos on site -Rubbish on site, Please add how much -Other Hazard
If there is a site hazard, have you ensured that all identified risks to health and safety have been eliminated or otherwise minimized appropriately before commencing the installation assessment?
If there is a site hazard, have you reviewed and understood the Site-specific Health and Safety Assessment and the controls implemented to manage identified risks?
If there is a site hazard, Did you inform the owner of any site specific hazards that you found may affect them?
Part 2 - Electrical Hazards and Issues
Old or Brittle Cabling?
Please provide details
Other Electrical Hazard?
Please provide details
Any electrical issue that will prevent installation?
Please provide details
Part 3 - Pre-existing Damage to Property
Any existing damage to walls, floors, floor coverings, ceilings, doors, windows or drapes at area of install indoors?
Please provide description
Please add photo
Any existing damage to external walls, soffit, roof, deck paving at area of install outdoors?
Please provide description
Please add photo
Any existing damage to ceiling, insulation, trapdoor, cabling at area of install in ceiling space?
Please provide description
Please add photo
Technician / Van Leader to sign