PTO / CTO Title
AURECON: Document No.
Work area
Conducted on
Prepared by
Personnel involved:
Occupation of the person being assessed:
Contractor or sub-contractor involved
Is there a risk assessment for the task being observed?
Is the task being conducted covered by a Procedure or method statement?
Has the person being observed signed the JSA?
Is the JSA for the task completed correctly?
Are all site management rules being complied with during the task? (PPE requirements, traffic management, etc)
Does the person being observed have the appropriate competencies required for the task?
Is a work permit required for the task? <br><br>If so, is the permit approved by the EPCM?
Is all appropriate PPE used as prescribed?<br><br>PPE correctly applied?
Is all plant and equipment being used for the task fit for purpose and in a safe and serviceable condition?
Is the working environment safe to complete the task? (bund walls in place, weather conditions, etc)
Is adequate communication being used between workers completing the task? (two way radios, visual, etc?)
Is there any source of energy present, identified and attended to? (Eliminate or Isolate)
Is there any training required for the task and is the worker competent to perform the task?
Is the four steps to safety applied and was the person observed able to relate to it with regards to the task that is carried out?
Is simultaneous operations taking place and have all parties communicated with each other? (Joint operations)
Instructions or Advice Provided to Person Being Observed? GUTS principle applied?
Instructions to make the task safer
Advice given
Positive Feedback to Observed Person
Opportunities for Improvement
Deviation Actions
Fatal risk deviations - FRC BECSA
FRC 1: Vehicle and mobile equipment
FRC 2: Explosives and blasting
FRC 3: Ground control
FRC 4: Hazardous material
FRC 5: Isolation and lock-out
FRC 6: Permit to work
FRC 7: Working at height
FRC 8: Lifting operations
FRC 9: Drowning
FRC 10: Equipment safe guarding
FRC 11: Oxy-fuel gas
Others not FRC
Behaviour deviations
Checklists completed correctly?
Pre-use inspection carried out
SOP followed
Hazards identified
Negligence or in violation
Authorised to perform task
Licences for the task
OEM specifications followed
PPE compliant - correct use
Safety devices tampered with?
Intoxication - drugs and or alcohol
Drug test performed
System deviations
Checklist completed
Risk assessment and or JSA completed
MSDS available
SOP in place
Proof of competency
Proof of training
Operating outside scope of work
Operational requirements specified
PPE availability
Equipment deviations
Safe access and egress
Chemicals controlled effectively
Design requirements followed
Use of correct tools for the task
Electrical equipment safety
Engineering changes documented
Engineering approval
Ergonomics addressed
Lockout facilities
Safety guarding
Operating within limits
Spillages observed
Unsafe acts
Unsafe conditions
Signature of the Observer
Signature of the person being observed
Signature of the Supervisor / Foreman