Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Document No.

  • Office Safety Inspection for (enter "Shire of...")

  • Administration Area

  • Conducted on

  • Location
  • Personnel

1. Electricity

  • 1.1 Has electrical equipment been tested?

  • Action suggestion: (The items 'out of schedule' require identified and tested and tagged in line with the schedule).

  • Action suggestion: (Schedule a test and tag inspection and maintain the schedule going forward).

  • Action suggestion: (Implement a test and tag schedule for office equipment).

  • Images supporting findings:

  • Other additional details or findings:

  • 1.2 Are plugs, sockets and extension leads in good condition?

  • Action suggestion: (The items identified were tagged out; the items require removed and inspected for disposal or repair by a qualified electrician).

  • Images supporting findings:

  • Other additional details or findings:

2. Slips, Trips and Falls

  • 2.1 Can people move safely around the workplace and are passages kept free from obstruction?

  • Action suggestion: (Take a photo of before and after and detail the issue(s).

  • Action suggestion: (The area requires a priority tidy-up to remedy the most significant issues, and requires review to identify the root cause of the issues so a 'fix it for good' solution can be identified and implemented).

  • Images supporting findings:

  • Other additional details or findings:

3. Manual Tasks

  • 3.1 Have you identified any manual tasks that may cause injury?

  • Action suggestion: (Consider doing or reviewing the manual tasks risk assessment).

  • Images supporting findings:

  • Other additional details or findings:

4. Violence and aggression

  • 4.1 Is a procedure present and easily identifiable on immediate actions in dealing with violence, aggression (inc dealing with difficult customers, cash handling and hold ups)?

  • Action suggestion: (Consider placing the procedure in an easily accessible location for staff so it can be readily referred to in panic situations)

  • Action suggestion: (A procedure for dealing with aggressive or threatening customers should be considered, with staff trained to the procedure and the procedure made easily accessible and the scenario tested).

  • Images supporting findings:

  • Other additional details or findings:

  • 4.2 Are counter security systems functioning: doors to counter locked/shut, not left open, alarms and panic buttons functioning?

  • Action suggestion: (Detail the issue, take images. Consider reviewing the risk assessment or placing a work request; if it is a maintenance issue).

  • Images supporting findings:

  • Other additional details or findings:

5. Lighting

  • 5.1 Is the lighting sufficient to allow easy movement and for work to be done without adopting awkward postures, or straining to see?

  • Action suggestion: (Detail the issue, take images. Consider reviewing the risk assessment, referring for a lighting survey, or placing a work request; if it is a maintenance issue).

  • Images supporting findings:

  • Other additional details or findings:

  • 5.2 Is the working environment free of any glare contrast or reflection?

  • Suggested action: (Detail the issue, take images. Consider reviewing the workstation risk assessment, or a recommending a review of the identified source/area of the glare; or placing a work request if it is a maintenance issue).

  • Images supporting findings:

  • Other additional details or findings:

6. Workspace

  • 6.1 Are desks and workstations easy to get to and from?

  • Action suggestion: (Take a photo of before and after and detail the issue(s) to understand if there is a continuing issue that needs resolved).

  • Action suggestion: (The area requires a priority tidy-up to remedy the most significant issues, and review to identify the root cause of the issues so a 'fix it for good' solution can be identified and implemented).

  • Images supporting findings:

  • Other additional details or findings:

  • 6.2 Is there adequate legroom under desks, free from bins, cables and stored items?

  • Action suggestion: (Take a photo of before and after and detail the issue(s) to understand if there is a continuing issue that needs resolved).

  • Action suggestion: (The area requires a priority tidy-up to remedy the most significant issues, and review to identify the root cause of the issues so a 'fix it for good' solution can be identified and implemented).

  • Images supporting findings:

  • Other additional details or findings:

  • 6.3 Do desks and other furniture appear stable, uncluttered, and without sharp edges, or damage?

  • Action suggestion: (Detail the issue, take images. Consider reviewing the workstation risk assessment, or a recommending a review of the identified furniture's suitability/functionality; or placing a work request if it is a maintenance issue).

  • Images supporting findings:

  • Other additional details or findings:

  • 6.4 Do chairs appear in good condition, functional and without tears or rips to fabric?

  • Action suggestion: (Detail the issue, take images. Consider reviewing the workstation risk assessment, or a recommending a review of the identified chair's suitability/functionality; or placing a work request if it is a maintenance issue).

  • Images supporting findings:

  • Other additional details or findings:

  • 6.5 Is there enough space in walkways and around cupboards, storage and doors?

  • Action suggestion: (Take a photo of before and after and detail the issue(s) to understand if there is a continuing issue that needs resolved).

  • Action suggestion: (The area requires a priority tidy-up to remedy the most significant issues, and review; to identify the root cause of the issues so a 'fix it for good' solution can be identified and implemented).

  • Images supporting findings:

  • Other additional details or findings:

7. Amenities

  • 7.1 Do toilet facilities appear functional, clean and hygienic?

  • Suggested action: (Ensuring the toilets are vacant and not in use, take a photo and detail the issue(s). Monitor the issue to understand if there is a continuing issue that needs resolved).

  • Suggested action: (Detail the issue, take images. Consider bringing the issue to the Manager's direct attention and/or placing a work request if it is a maintenance issue).

  • Images supporting findings:

  • Other additional details or findings:

  • 7.2 Do kitchen facilities appear functional, clean and hygienic?

  • Action suggestion: (Take a photo and detail the issue(s). Monitor the issue to understand if there is a continuing issue that needs resolved).

  • (detail the issue, take images. Consider bringing the issue to the Manager's direct attention and/or placing a work request if it is a maintenance issue).

  • Images supporting findings:

  • Other additional details or findings:

8. Emergency

  • 8.1 Are the emergency evacuation diagrams clear and can be easily viewed?

  • Action suggestion: (Take a photo and detail the issue before and post rectification. Monitor the issue to understand if there is a continuing issue that needs resolved).

  • Action suggestion: (Detail the issue, take images. Bring the issue to the Manager's direct attention).

  • Images supporting findings:

  • Other additional details or findings:

  • 8.2 Are fire exits easy to see and clearly marked and routes to them unobstructed?

  • Action suggestion: (Take a photo and detail the issue before and post rectification. Monitor the issue to understand if there is a continuing issue that needs resolved).

  • Action suggestion: (Detail the issue, take images. Bring the issue to the Manager's direct attention).

  • Images supporting findings:

  • Other additional details or findings:

  • 8.3 Are fire extinguishers located in their brackets, appear unused, tested within the last 6 months, and have signage above them?

  • Action suggestion: (Take a photo and detail the issue before and post rectification. Monitor the issue to understand if there is a continuing issue that needs resolved).

  • Action suggestion: (Detail the issue, take images. Bring the issue to the Manager's direct attention).

  • Images supporting findings:

  • Other additional details or findings:

9. Working Climate

  • 9.1 Do workers feel the temperature is OK (not too hot, not too cold)?

  • Action suggestion: (Detail the issue(s), i.e. too hot/too cold/ is it a heater/airconditioning service issue. Monitor the issue to understand if there is a continuing issue that needs resolved. Consider bringing the issue to the Manager's direct attention and/or placing a work request if it is a maintenance issue).

  • Action suggestion: (detail the issue. Consider bringing the issue to the Manager's direct attention immediately and/or placing a work request if it is a maintenance issue).

  • Images supporting findings:

  • Other additional details or findings:

  • 9.2 Does airflow appear to be adequate?

  • Action suggestion: (Detail the issue(s), i.e. is there a perception that the airflow is lacking, or too much?. Monitor the issue to understand if there is a continuing issue that needs resolved Consider bringing the issue to the Manager's direct attention and/or placing a work request if it is a maintenance issue).

  • Action suggestion: (Detail the issue, take images. Consider bringing the issue to the Manager's direct attention and/or placing a work request if it is a maintenance issue).

  • Images supporting findings:

  • Other additional details or findings:

10. First Aid

  • 10.1 Are First Aid Kits present and accessible and first aid qualified persons known/listed?

  • Action suggestion: (Take a photo and detail the issue before and post rectification. Monitor the issue to understand if there is a continuing issue that needs resolved).

  • Action suggestion: (Detail the issue, take images. Bring the issue to the Manager's direct attention).

  • Images supporting findings:

  • Other additional details or findings:

  • 10.2 Do First Aid Kits appear adequately stocked (with in-date items)

  • Action suggestion: (Take a photo and recommend the first aid kits stock levels are reviewed).

  • Action suggestion: (Take a photo and recommend the first aid kits stock is reviewed).

  • Images supporting findings:

  • Other additional details or findings:

11. Housekeeping

  • 11.1 Do bins appear to be emptied on a regular basis and free from odor?

  • Action suggestion: (Take a photo and detail the issue(s). Monitor the issue to understand if there is a continuing issue that needs resolved).

  • Action suggestion: (Detail the issue, take images. Consider bringing the issue to the Manager's direct attention and/or placing a work request if it is a maintenance issue).

  • Images supporting findings:

  • Other additional details or findings:

  • 11.2 Does the office space in general appear orderly well kept, and clutter (including adhoc storage items) minimised?

  • Action suggestion: (Take a photo and detail the issue(s). Monitor the issue to understand if there is a continuing issue that needs resolved).

  • Action suggestion: (Detail the issue, take images. Consider bringing the issue to the Manager's direct attention)

  • Images supporting findings:

  • Other additional details or findings:

12. Portable steps & Ladders

  • 12.1 Is the safety step(s) or step ladder in sound condition?

  • Action suggestion: Consider bringing the issue to the Manager's direct attention and/or placing a work request if it is a maintenance issue. The safety step or ladder may need to be tagged out- err on the side of caution).

  • Images supporting findings:

  • Other additional details or findings:

13. Control of Substances

  • Do substances appear to be adequately stored, and in domestic quantities (and labelled)?

  • Action suggestion: (Take a photo of before and after (including the 'tag' insitu and detail the issue(s)

  • Action suggestion: (Tag the substance for relocation; take a photo of before and after and detail the issue(s)

  • Action suggestion: Consider bringing the issue to the Manager's direct attention and/or placing a work request if it is a maintenance issue. The safety step or ladder may need to be tagged out- err on the side of caution).

  • Action suggestion: (A review of the control of substances is required; consider a dedicated audit/inspection focused on the control of substances).

  • Action suggestion: Consider bringing the issue to the Manager's direct attention and/or placing a work request if it is a maintenance issue. The safety step or ladder may need to be tagged out- err on the side of caution).

  • Action suggestion: Consider bringing the issue to the Manager's direct attention and/or placing a work request if it is a maintenance issue. The safety step or ladder may need to be tagged out- err on the side of caution).

  • Images supporting findings:

  • Other additional details or findings:

14. Other Identified Issues or Concerns

  • Other OSH (office) hazards or unsafe conditions identified, or represented OSH Concerns (when asking workers in the area)

  • OSH Office Issue
  • Image illustrating issue

  • Issue description:



  • It is recommended immediately post-inspection, the Manager responsible for the area (if not participating in the inspection) is debriefed on the findings and those issues that require action or immediate attention.

  • Safety Representative or Team Member

  • Manager

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.