Title Page
School Name
Date completed
Completed by
Site general
Are barriers present and in place?
Are fences secure and complete without any protrusions?
Are gates in working order?
Are pathways undamaged and free from obstructions?
Is the site free from litter, glass or any other dangerous object?
Is site and surrounding areas free from animal fouling?
Do nearby trees appear to be in good condition and not likely to fall?
Ancillary items
Are all seats and benches undamaged and in good condition?
Are litter bins secure and undamaged?
Have the bins been emptied?
Is the planting safe and undamaged?
Are safety surfaces undamaged and free from any trip hazards?
Is safety surfacing level with surrounding ground and not causing trip hazards?
Are there weeds present?
Is the site well drained without excessive puddling?
If surfacing is grass, is it in good condition without undue wear?
All Equipment
Are all supports present, secure and free from decay at ground level?
Is all timber and metal work undamaged and free from corrosion?
Are supports secure in the ground and are all fixings secure?
Are all safety barriers present?
Does equipment work properly and without undue noise?
Are the chains intact and in good condition
Are the swing seats unbroken with no exposed metal?
Are the seats fixed securely (with secure centre bar on cradle seats)?
On single point swings is the beam padded where children might strike it?
Action taken by whom?
Remedial Action Required
Are steps in good condition and not slippery?
Are handrails secure and in good condition?
Is the chute securely fixed, undamaged and clear of foreign objects (carefully check under sides of chute)?
Action taken by whom?
Remedial Action Required
Rotating Items
Is it undamaged and is the platform level?
Does it revolve smoothly and noiselessly?
Are all safety features present?
Do speed restrictors work?
Are there protruding bolts etc. under the platform?
Is there rubbish underneath?
Rocking & spring items
Are all supports and springs present and secure and free from decay at ground level?
Are ground fixings secure with undue movement?
Does the item move smoothly and noiselessly?
Are all hand grips and footrests present and securely fixed?
Where chains or ropes are present are they secure and in good condition?
Remedial action required
Action taken by whom?
Climbing and agility items
Are all supports present and secure and free from decay at ground level?
Is all timber/ metal work undamaged and free from corrosion?
Are all the bars in place, securely fixed and any tube ends plugged?
Are any overhead bars/rings all present, securely fixed, with no rotation
Are all ropes or chains present and in good condition and secure.
Remedial action required
Action taken by whom?
Cable Runways
Are all nuts and bolts secure without any projecting thread?
Do loose ropes not form a loop?
Action taken by whom?
Are all supports present and secure and free from decay at ground level?
Is all timber or metal work undamaged and free from corrosion?
Are the supports secure in the ground and take off platforms in good condition?
Is the cable in good condition and securely fixed at each end?
Is the seat securely fixed with chain in good condition?
Does the trolley move easily and noiselessly and are guards intact?
If hand grips are present are they in good condition?
If trackway, is it free from rust and are all joints level?
Action taken by whom?
Is there no gap opening at the ends which children can slip through?
Are bridge slats all present, secure, and evenly spaced?
Are all fixings secure and in good condition?
Are chains and ropes secure without undue wear?
Sand Play
Is the sand pit surround in good condition?
Is the sand free of rubbish and fouling?
Are sand play items in good condition?
Are surround areas in good condition?
Multi-Play Items
Are goals/nets in good condition and undamaged?
Are all fences and barriers in good condition and undamaged?
Are all nuts and bolts secure without any projecting thread?
Is the surface in good condition and free from rubbish?
Is surface level with surrounding ground and not causing trip hazards?
Are surrounding grass areas in good condition?
Remedial action required
Action taken by whom?
1. Have all the above faults been reported to the relevant person?
2. Has action been taken on previous faults?
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