Title Page

  • Division

  • Branch

  • Recon Date

  • Branch Visit Date

  • Prepared by

Recon (Pre-Site)

  • Follow up Items from Prior Visit


  • Current month staffing delta to plan: Installer

  • What is delta below plan?

  • Current month staffing delta to plan: Co Foreman

  • What is delta below plan?

  • Current month staffing delta to plan: Foreman

  • What is delta below plan?

  • Current month staffing delta to plan: Sales

  • What is delta below plan?

  • Turnover Rate 90 day Annualized Ops:

  • Turnover Rate 90 day Annualized Sales:

  • New Hire Retention Rate OPS:

  • New Hire Retention Rate Sales:


  • Prior Two Months Installation NPS:

  • Prior Two Months Installation NPS Sales:

  • Prior Two Months Collection %:

  • Prior Two Months Return Rate:

  • Prior 30 Day Escalations:

  • Prior 30 Days, how many times has a foreman answered "no" on a safety survey regarding job review with CFI/ Service Tech

  • In the prior 30 Days, how many foreman answered "no" on the safety survey regarding the job review with the CFI

Performance: Prior Two Months

  • Revenue Plan:

  • Gross Profit Margin Plan:

  • Branch Payroll Margin Plan:

  • G&A Margin Plan:

  • EBITDA Plan:

  • Performance to Sales Plan:

  • ADL Plan:

  • Closing % to Plan:

  • Inside Sales % of Total Sales:

  • Self Gen % of Sales:

  • SM Value Score:

Performance: Current Month Revenue Pacing to Plan

  • Production backlog weeks out

  • Forecast to Revenue Plan month to date

  • % of Costed off Completed

  • % of Completed of Scheduled (MTD trailing 48 hours)

  • Primary Objectives

  • Is the Branch on pace with the Sales plan?

  • Backlog Median Days Out:

  • Overall Cancel %:

  • 48 hour Cancel Rate:

  • On My Way Utilization:

  • Ride-A-Long Compliance

  • % of Sales with an SMP:

  • Financing Utilization:



  • Center of Excellence Overview: Rank Items from 0-10 (10 being the highest)

  • Branch Hygiene: Parking Lot

  • Branch Hygiene: Fleet

  • Branch Hygiene: Warehouse

  • Branch Hygiene: Office

  • Branch Hygiene: Attire

  • People Observations

  • Customer Observations

  • Performance Observations

  • Additional Notes

Customer Journey

Fire Teams

  • Was Fire Teams Observed?

  • Who Attended?

  • Was the team Punctual and Prepared?

  • Duration?

  • Was the proper information collected from the foreman?

  • How effective was the Micro-Training?

  • Fire Team Notes

Gate Check

  • Was Gate Check Observed?

  • Who Attended?

  • How effective was Gate Check?

Production Debrief

  • Was the Production Debrief observed?

  • Who Attended?

  • How effective was the debrief?

  • Duration?

  • Production Debrief Notes

QA Calls

  • Were QA Calls observed?

  • Who made the calls?

  • Was every customer called from the prior day?

  • Was proper process and scripting followed?

  • QA Call Notes?

Leadership Debrief

  • Was the Leadership Debrief observed?

  • Who attended?

  • Duration?

  • Was the "fire report" reviewed? Open escalations, any job with an end date surpassed not marked complete, etc.

  • How effective was the meeting?

  • Leadership Debrief notes

Job Completion

  • Was Job Completion observed?

  • Who marked the jobs complete?

  • Was the job completion SOP followed?

  • Have all jobs with end dates surpassed MTD (72 hours behind current day) been marked complete?

  • Job Completion Notes:


  • Overall Branch Visit Score:

  • Priority Action Items and Deliverables:

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.