Title Page
Site Conducted
Conducted on
Prepared By
Audit team members.
Is this a tabletop or live inspection?
1. Was a Type 3 cargo management hazard assessment completed when the truck arrived with equipment and materials?
- Cargo management was not completed
- Quick discussion truck driver and operator but no documentation
- Quick discussion with all crew members but no documentation
- Discussion in detail with all crew members involved but no documentation
- Quick discussion with all crew members with all crew members and partly completed documentation
- Detailed discussion with all crew members, tasks assigned and detailed documentation completed
2. Is there a lift plan available for the work that properly Identifies the classification as serious or critical
- No lift plan available
- Discussion of lift plan but no documentation
- Documented lift plan available but not discussed with crew performing the work
- Documented lift plan available and a good discussion with crew performing the work
3. If identified on drawings or determined by an engineer, have the ground conditions where the crane and outriggers will be located been tested for stability/compaction to determine it will support the weight of the equipment and load?
- Identified on drawing but no documentation of stability/compaction testing
- Identified on drawing, stability/compaction completed but operator and crew unaware of the testing
- Identified on the drawing, testing completed, and operator and crew have a copy available for review
4. Certification, maintenance records and pre-use inspection documents available for the crane?
- No documentation available for certification, maintenance or pre-use inspection of the crane
- Documentation is available but not current
- Documentation is available, current but no pre-use inspection completed before lifting
- Documentation is available, current and pre-use inspection observed before lifting started
5. Certification, maintenance records and pre-use inspection observed and documentation available for all rigging equipment?
- No documentation available for rigging maintenance or inspection
- Some documentation is available to support the maintenance and inspection of rigging equipment
- All rigging equipment has documented evidence that the maintenance and inspection is completed
- All rigging equipment has documented evidence that the maintenance and inspection is completed as well as observation of crew performing pre-use inspection of all rigging equipment
6. Operators and riggers are qualified and properly certified?
- There is no documentation available to support
- Documentation available but is not current
- Documentation is available for operator but not rigger(s)
- Documentation is available and current for operator and rigger(s)
7. All rigging equipment inspected before use (documentation)?
- There was no observed or documented evidence of pre-use inspection
- Observed and documented inspection confirmed prior to use of equipment
8. Pre-lift meeting has been held with all parties involved in the hoisting operations?
- No pre-lift meeting occurred
- Pre-lift meeting held with some of the crew
- Pre-lift meeting held with all crew present
- Pre-lift meeting held with all crew present, interactive discussion assigning roles to individuals and confirmation of understanding completed
9. Are the designated signaler/spotters easily identified and visually distinct compared to the rest of the crew?
- Signaler/spotter are not distinguished from other workers
- Signaler/spotter are clearly identified by designated marking such as arm gauntlet, different high vis vest or only signaler/spotter and operator have radios for communication
10 . If applicable, were tag lines identified as required and are they being used while hoisting operations are continuing?
- Tag line required but not used
- Tag lines required and used appropriately
- Tag lines not required
11. Are all workers aware that they are never to be located near the drop zone or cross under a suspended load?
- Discussion during pre-lift meeting and documented on paperwork informed all workers to stay away from suspended load but workers could not confirm requirement during interaction
- During interaction workers acknowledged they were informed as well as observation confirmed all workers stayed out of the hazard area
11. Are there effective communication methods used for the crane operator and signaler/rigger during hoisting operations?
Positive findings.
Opportunities for improvement.