General inspection details
Your name
Date of inspection
Location - stand next to pole when selecting and enable GPS
Pole Inspection
General details
What type of pole structure is this?
What is the pole material?
What is the pole condition?
Is there any vegetation nearby this pole?
- This pole has no nearby vegetation that could be an issue.
- This pole has nearby vegetation, that is currently not an issue.
- Vegetation is an immediate issue for this pole or nearby lines.
Describe the type of issue and take photos to support this.
What is the asset number?
Is there signage?
Is there a Possum Guard
Can you determine the Landowner Details?
What Are the Landowner's Name & Phone Number?
Crossarm Assessment - Create one per level
What level is this arm
What is the assembly type?
What is the Crossarm material?
What is the crossarm condition for this arm?
Stay Assessment
What is the condition of the stay?
Any additional comments or photos you would like to add?
Please add them here: