Title Page

  • Rental Date:

  • Time of Inspection:

  • Inspected By:

  • Boat #:
  • FareHarbor ID#:

  • Customer Name:

  • Scheduled Departure Time:

Visual Inspection

  • Doors Close / Lock/Latch Working

  • Floors/Carpet Clean (No Stains, Tears, Debris)

  • PHOTO: Take a photo of the Floors of the Vessel

  • Seats are clean & Free from Debris

  • PHOTO: Take photos of the seats (Captain, Front, Benches, Rear)

  • x2 Tie Ropes (1 Front / 1Rear)

  • x4 Bumpers

  • Navigation Lights (Left/Right/Mast)

  • Engine Starts & Water Flows from Engine While Running

  • Battery Secure

  • Fuel Tank Secure

  • Emergency Paddle, First Aid Kit, Air horn, Swimmer Flag & Anchor on vessel

  • PHOTO: Take a photo of the safety equipment: Emergency Paddle, First Aid Kit, Air Horn, Swimmer Flag & Anchor

  • Canopy Secure & In good condition

  • Fire Extinguisher Secure & Ready for Use

  • Key has Floatation Device attached

  • Kill Switch Cord Present & Tested (Start Motor, Pull Cord, Ensure Kill Switch Stops the motor)

  • Table Mounted & Clean

  • Anchor Stowed & Rope Securely Attached

  • Propeller free of damage (Lift motor out of water & visually inspect)

  • PHOTO: With the propeller out of the water, take a photo (make sure to get a close up shot of the blades)

Draw any Noted Damage

  • Add drawing

Damage Notes / Comments

  • Note anything that is damaged in detail.

Fuel Level

  • FUEL: Is the Tank Full?

  • Fuel Cap Secure & Vent Screw CLOSED

Rental Driver Info

  • Driver's Name:

  • Driver's Date of Birth:

  • State of DL Issue:

  • PHOTO: Take a Photo of the Driver's License

  • Driver has watched Safety Video & Completed Waiver?


  • DAMAGES AGREEMENT: I have visually inspected the vessel with Thousand Hills Hospitality, LLC Staff and agree to return the vessel back in the condition that it was rented to me in. Any damages, vandalism, or loss will be my responsibility as the renter. I have noted all previous damages that occurred prior to my rental above with the assistance of staff. I understand that additional fees and replacement costs will be my responsibility to cover in the event of damage, loss, or accident.

  • FUEL USAGE AGREEMENT: I will be provided with a full tank of gas at the start of my rental. I am responsible for all fuel following departure from the marina. I am responsible for the amount of fuel used at the end of my rental and agree to pay for the returning fill-up amount at the time of return.

Pre-Departure Tasks Checklist

  • Boat Assigned

  • Boat Cleaned

  • Boat Fueled

  • Boat Moved to Fuel Dock

  • Guests Checked-In on FareHarbor

  • Credit Card Payment Confirmed

  • Boat Driver Assigned & ID Verified / Boater Safety Verified

  • Driver License Copied & Noted on Form

  • Safety Video Watched & Waiver Signed (SmartWaiver)

  • Weather Checked Pre-Departure

Dockside Task Checklist

  • 2 Way Radio on Boat & Turned On

  • Lake Map on Boat & Explained to Driver

  • Driver Walk Through of Controls

  • Final Headcount before Departure

PAX Count (At Departure)

  • Adults

  • Children

  • Infants

  • Safety Vests added to Boat

Safety Vest Count

  • Adult Vests?

  • COUNT: Adult Vests

  • Child Vests?

  • COUNT: Child Vests

  • Infant Vests?

  • COUNT: Infant Vests

  • PHOTO: Take a photo of the life vests where they are stored on the vessel

  • Safety Vest Demonstration by Staff

  • Watch Guests Depart on Boat

Rental Boat Departure- CONFIRMED

  • Time of Departure:

  • I confirm that all above tasks and checklists have been completed. I have made sure that the guests are comfortable with the boat and everything is working as intended. I have ensured that all safety equipment has been included on the vessel. The guests are aware of emergency contact information as well.

Rental Return

  • Time Returned:

  • Staff Inspecting Boat Back In

  • Time of Inspecton:

Life Vest Count

  • Adult

  • Child

  • Infant

Return Boat Task Checklist

  • Check Compartments for Trash/Left Items

  • Count life Vests

  • Store Life Vests in Boat Shed

  • Fuel Boat & Charge Customer

  • Stow Canopy & Install Cover

  • Sweep Floors

  • Remove Trash

  • Stow Table

  • Complete Visual Checklist

  • Move boat back to Home Slip

  • Ensure boat is secured to dock

  • Return Key to Front Desk

Return Fuel Fill Up

  • Fuel Dollar Amount:

  • Fuel Gallons:

  • Tank Fuel Level:

  • Fuel Paid by the Customer

Return Visual Inspection

  • Doors Close / Lock/Latch Working

  • Floors/Carpet Clean (No Stains, Tears, Debris)

  • PHOTO: Take a photo of the Floors of the Vessel

  • Seats are clean & Free from Debris

  • PHOTO: Take photos of the seats (Captain, Front, Benches, Rear)

  • x2 Tie Ropes (1 Front / 1Rear)

  • x4 Bumpers

  • Navigation Lights (Left/Right/Mast)

  • Engine Starts & Water Flows from Engine While Running

  • Battery Secure

  • Fuel Tank Secure

  • Emergency Paddle, First Aid Kit, Air horn, Swimmer Flag & Anchor on vessel

  • PHOTO: Take a photo of the safety equipment: Emergency Paddle, First Aid Kit, Air Horn, Swimmer Flag & Anchor

  • Canopy Secure & In good condition

  • Fire Extinguisher Secure & Ready for Use

  • Key has Floatation Device attached

  • Kill Switch Cord Present & Tested (Start Motor, Pull Cord, Ensure Kill Switch Stops the motor)

  • Table Mounted & Clean

  • Anchor Stowed & Rope Securely Attached

  • Propeller free of damage (Lift motor out of water & visually inspect)

  • PHOTO: With the propeller out of the water, take a photo (make sure to get a close up shot of the blades)

Draw any Noted Damage

  • Draw & note location of damage

Damage Notes / Comments

  • Note any damage in as much detail as possible

Boat Ready to Rent?

  • Is the Boat Ready for Rental?

Staff Signature

  • I hereby confirm that all tasks above have been completed and the boat is ready for rental.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.