Title Page
Job Number
PPM Description
Trades Staff Name
Inspection Date
Task Category
Does the trades person have access to Planet and the work instructions for the work identified ?
Does the work instruction provide the information required to undertake the task ?
Are the assets correct i.e. still current and as described on the work order ?
Are the assets clearly identifiable ?
Are the drawings, specifications, procedures, manufactures instructions available for the asset?
Are the documents as above up to date
Are the timings determined for the PPM correct ?
If no, what should the time allowance be ?
Do staff have access to risk assessments and method statements at the point of work ?
Does the risk assessment reflect the task being conducted ?
Do they have their ID badge and is it visible ?
Do staff have the correct PPE for the task that they are carrying out and are they using it ?
Has the trade staff given adequate notice for any shutdowns ?
Is the correct equipment / tools available and being used and where applicable is it correctly certified / calibrated (PAT, LOLER, Work at Height)
Has the work been issued to a member of trade staff holding the competencies required (CP training, PASMA, Gas Safe etc)
Is there suitable provision to make the work area secure with adequate separation from patients / public ?
Auditor Information
Name of Estates Rep