This form shall be submitted on all pre-fabricated equipment (skids) after declaring it fit-for-service. Additionally, use this form to communicate rework and design issues regardless of when the issue is discovered.
Tracking Number
Initiator Name
Facility/Project Name
Physical Location Of Equipment
Equipment Fabricator
Equipment Model Name:
Serial Number
Any alteration of the skid from its delivered condition (excluding fall off piping, or instrumentation designed to be installed on site). Alterations include repairing damage from transportation to the site or from movement at the site, replacing gaskets , valves, instuments, piping, hardware, paint, etc, alterations due to non conformity with drawings, or ANY replacement/adjustment of components on the skid.
Skid requires NO Re-work prior to being placed in service (complete section 3)
Skid requires Re-work prior to being placed into service.
Check all that apply
Damaged occurred during transportation to the site
Skid arrived with non-preferred design
Skid does not match drawing design
Damage occurred during movement of skid at site
Skid had leaks during testing
Details of Condition (pictures)
Rework Required (description)
Estimated Hours To Rework
Estimated Cost Of Rework
Design change recommendation: Any recommended change to the current design of the pre-fabricated equipment (skid).
Describe recommendations for future skid design changes:
Justification/Benefit of Change