Title Page
Site conducted
Is there a Housing Association?
Details of Housing Association
Phased Handover?
Phased Areas
Conducted on
Prepared by
Access codes/keys/fobs received?
What are the access details?
Development Appearance
Are the grounds in good condition?
Is the car park in good condition?
Is the external decoration of the block/s in good condition?
Are the internal areas of the block/s clean?
Are the windows clean?
Is the bin store/s in a good condition?
Is the bike store/s in a good condition?
Notices & Signage
Is the correct fire escape signage in place?
Is the correct fire door signage in place?
Is the correct signage in place on the electrical cupboards?
Is the correct service cupboard signage in place?
Is the correct lift signage in place?
Is the correct storage heater signage in place?
Is the correct bin store signage in place?
Meter Readings
Are there electricity meters to read?
Meter Number/s
Are there water meters to read?
Meter Number/s
Is there a gas meter to read?
Meter Number/s
Mechanical & Electrical Equipment
Is there an aerial and satellite system?
Does the external part of the aerial and satellite system appear to be in good condition?
Does the internal part of the aerial and satellite system appear to be in good condition?
Is there an air conditioning unit?
Is the air conditioning unit in working order?
Is the air conditioning unit in clean and good condition?
Is there a boiler system?
Is the boiler system working?
- Yes
- No
- N/A
Is the boiler system in clean and good condition?
Is the boiler room clean and free from obstructions?
Are there booster pumps and tanks?
Are the booster pumps in working order?
Are any faults shown on the booster pump system?
Are there any signs of a leak around the booster pump?
Is the water tank clean and in good condition?
Is the pump room clean and free from obstruction?
Is the pump room securely locked?
Is there a car park ventilation system?
Is the car park ventilation system in working order?
Are there any faults on the car park ventilation system control panel?
Is there CCTV?
Is the CCTV system in working order?
Is the CCTV control cupboard securely locked?
Are the necessary CCTV signs in place?
Is there a door entry system?
Is the door entry system in working order?
Does the entry system trades button work correctly?
Does the entry system successfully call to a property?
Is there a dry riser?
Are the dry riser inlets locked and in good condition?
Is the correct signage on the dry riser inlets?
Are the dry riser outlets locked and in good condition?
Is the correct signage on the dry riser outlets?
Are there emergency lights?
Could the emergency lights be tested?
Are there fire extinguishers?
What type of fire extinguishers are on site?
Do the fire extinguishers appear to be in good condition?
Do the fire extinguishers appear to be in good condition?
Do the fire extinguishers appear to be in good condition?
Do the fire extinguishers appear to be in good condition?
Do the fire extinguishers appear to be in good condition?
Do you think the fire extinguishers should be removed?
Is there a foul pump?
Does the foul pump appear to be in good condition?
Is the foul pump control box securely locked?
Are there any faults showing on the foul pump control panel?
Is there a lift?
Is the lift in working order?
Is the lighting in the lift working?
Does the lift phone connect?
Is the lift clean?
Are the necessary fire signs outside the lift?
Is the lift motor room securely locked?
Are there lightening conductors?
Do the lightening conductors appear to be in good condition?
Are the inspection pits free from obstruction?
Is there a mansafe system?
Does the mansafe system appear to be in good condition?
Are there mechanical gates?
Are the gates in working order?
Are there smoke vents (AOVs)?
Are the smoke vents (AOVs) in good condition?
Does the smoke vents (AOVs) control panel show any faults?
Did the smoke vents (AOVs) open when tested?
Are there smoke/fire alarms and detectors?
Are the smoke/fire alarms and detectors in good condition?
Does the smoke/fire alarm and detectors panel show any faults?
External Items
Are the drains in good condition?
Is the external lighting working properly?
Is the paving in good condition?
Is the roof in good condition?
Is the guttering in good condition?
Are all fences in good condition?
Is there any dumped rubbish or large items in the external areas?
Are there any overflow leaks?
Internal Items
Is the main entrance door in good condition?
Does the main entrance door lock properly?
Are the communal post boxes in good condition?
Is the flooring (carpet etc) in good condition?
Is the internal lighting working properly?
Are all stair treads in place and secure?
Is the stairwell handrail secure?
Do all fire doors close properly?
Are the fire doors in good condition?
Do all fire doors have intumescent strips and seals fitted?
Do the service cupboard doors lock properly?
Are there any compartment breaches in the service cupboards?
Is there any damage to the internal areas?
Other Items
Agreed to take handover?
Agreed start date
Are there any other issues to report?
Signature of Inspector