
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

Risk Assessment

  • Required Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for this activity is available and will be used

  • NOTE: Do not undertake this activity if the required PPE is not available for use - Discuss with your supervisor.

  • Risk assessment for this activity has been read and understood

  • Are there any specific risks identified with the property?

  • If yes, list the risk/s and what action will be taken to eliminate or control the risk.

  • NOTE: If the risk cannot be eliminated/controlled and/or is unsafe, DO NOT undertake the activity - Discuss with your supervisor.
    If during the activity risks are identified and it is unsafe to continue, abandon the activity - Discuss with your supervisor.

  • Date and time

  • Trading name

  • Person interviewed

  • Proprietor/company

  • Address
  • ABN

  • Email

  • Phone

  • Food safety supervisor

  • FSS certificate number

  • Level



  • Surface is smooth and impervious to moisture

  • Non-perforated finish

  • Free of open joints, cracks and crevices

  • Comments

  • Photo


  • Solid construction

  • Surface is smooth, impervious to moisture

  • Capable of being easily and effectively cleaned

  • Comments

  • Photo


  • Provided at floor and wall intersections

  • Minimum radius of 25mm

  • Comments

  • Photo


  • Surface is smooth, impervious to moisture

  • Capable of being easily and effectively cleaned

  • Graded towards floor waste where applicable

  • Does not permit the pooling of water

  • Comments

  • Photo

Pipes and conduits

  • Concealed within walls, floors, ceiling, plinths OR

  • Fixed on brackets at least 25mm from adjacent vertical surface and 100mm from horizontal surface

  • Comments

  • Photo

Fixtures, fittings and equipment

  • Designed, constructed and installed in a manner that allows for easy and effective cleaning

  • Comments

  • Photo

Hand washing facilities

  • Located within all food preparation areas

  • Easily accessible to staff

  • Supplied with warm water mixed through a single spout

  • Clearly designated for handwashing

  • Provided with liquid soap and single use paper towel

  • Comments

  • Photo

Wash basins

  • Dishwasher provided

  • Provided with hot water at temperature of 43°C for cleaning or 80°C for sanitising

  • The number of wash basins installed meets Australian Standard 4674-2004

  • Comments

  • Photo


  • Adequate lighting provided for proposed activities

  • Light fittings capable of being easily cleaned

  • Light fittings provided with diffusers

  • Comments

  • Photo


  • Mechanical exhaust located above all cooking equipment

  • Certificate provided certifying exhaust installed and operating in accordance with Australian Standards

  • Comments

  • Photo

Storage - away from food & food contact surfaces provided for:

  • Waste facilities

  • Chemicals and cleaning equipment

  • Personal belongings

  • Comments

  • Photo

Pest control

  • Food premises free of cracks, cavities and crevices

  • Windows and doors fitted with mesh screens

  • Licensed pest controller engaged for regular treatment

  • Comments

  • Photo


  • Toilets provided with an air-lock or self closing device

  • Hand wash basin located adjacent to toilet facilities

  • Hand wash basins provided with water mixed through a single spout

  • Liquid hand soap and single use paper towel provided

  • Comments

  • Photo


  • Grease arrester located away from food preparation and storage areas

  • Waste collection contractor engaged

  • Trade waste agreement with Sydney Water (where applicable)

  • Comments

  • Photo

General Requirements


  • Food business is registered with the NSW Food Authority

  • Food business is registered with Council

  • Comments

Temperature monitoring

  • Probe thermometer accurate to +/-1°C available onsite

  • Comments


  • Food grade sanitiser available onsite

  • Comments

  • Photo


  • Premises condition

I have read this report and understand the contents

  • Owner/employee signature

  • Officers name

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.