Inspection Details

  • Document No.

  • Prestige Flooring & Furniture Consultants

  • Inspected by:

  • Date of Inspection

  • Number of Visits

  • Quality of Flooring

Details of inspection

  • Retailer of Flooring
  • Date of Inspection

  • Present at Inspection

  • Customer Name

  • Customer Address
  • Contact Numbers
  • Email Address

Complaint Details


  • Approx % of Floor Affected

  • Date of Installation

  • Product & Code

  • Flooring Batch Code

  • Rooms Installed

  • Installed Quantity M2

After Fitting

  • Date Problem First Noticed

  • Underlay Used

  • Flooring Acclimatised

  • Flooring %Mc

  • Edging used

  • Entrance Mats Used

  • Furniture Protection

  • Furniture Protection Used


  • Type of Installer

  • Sub Floor

  • Subfloor (Other)

  • Subfloor % Mc

  • Temp x Rh %

  • Normal EMC

  • Moisture Test Device

  • Underfloor Heating


  • I.R Temperature

  • Primary Heat Source

  • Installed Through Doorways

  • Maintenance

  • Max Length & Width

  • Scale used in Photos

  • Expansion Break Used


  • Add media

  • Add media

  • Add media

  • Add media

  • Add media

  • Add media

  • Add media

  • Add media

Property Type

  • Property Type

  • Adults

  • Number

  • Children

  • Number

  • Babies

  • Number

  • Areas Fitted

  • Other Areas

  • Floor Type

  • Floor Condition

  • Underlay

  • Underlay Condition

  • Fitting Ancillaries

  • Condition

Cleaning Methods

  • Cleaning Method

  • Cleaning

  • Date Cleaned

  • Lighting

  • Direction of window lighting

  • Artificial

  • Type Of Heating

  • Surface Appearance

  • Notes:

  • In Conclusion:

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.