Title Page

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Produce/Salad/Prep Safe Assessment

TCS Foods

  • Are TCS food items being maintained at 40°F the Produce/Salad/Prep area?

  • Are foods (non-chicken) that require/time temperature control for safety are cooked to proper internal temperatures; microwaved foods to 165°F?

  • Foods are not contaminated. Foods and food-contact surfaces are protected from potential microbiological, physical and chemical hazards. Examples of such hazards include but are not limited to: raw animal products above ready-to-eat foods, commingling raw animal species, thumbtacks, chemicals, medicines or first aid supplies stored above food or food-contact surfaces. When tasting food during preparation, utensils are used only once.

  • Food-contact surfaces are properly cleaned and sanitized (at least every 4 hours during continuous use at room temperature with foods that require time/temperature control for safety (TCS)).

  • Is date marking applied at time of preparation to time/temperature control for safety foods that are intented to be held cold more than 24 hours?

  • Are foods in storage(not foods in the cooling process) properly covered to protect from contamination?

  • Foods are from commercial suppliers. Foods and packaging are in sound condition.

  • Foods are properly identified with the common name of the product on the container.

  • Are frozen foods held solidly frozen and hard to the touch?

Chemical/Wiping Cloths

  • Chemical sanitizer solutions are maintained at proper concentration per label instructions.

  • Are chemical containers, such as sanitizer buckets and bottles, properly labeled with the common name of the product?

  • Are wiping cloths kept clean and dry or immersed in properly diluted sanitizing solutions?

Prep Area

  • Chemicals used to wash or peel raw, whole fruits and vegetables are approved and at the proper concentration. Produce wash is properly set up and used when required.

  • Is the handle of the scoop observed stored above or outside of the the product?

  • Are the produce items properly washed with Antimicrobial Fruit and Vegetable Treatment Produce wash?

  • Are produce items rinsed in vegetable sink with water prior to processing?

  • Are separate cloths used for wiping food contact and nonfood contact surfaces?

Pest Prevention/Maintenance/Sinks

  • Is there an air gap or other backflow prevention device under the handsink?

  • Hand washing facilities in food handling areas are maintained clean at all times; supplied with readily available hot water, soap, disposable towels or heated-air hand drying device; and signed to remind employees to wash hands. Hand washing facilities are located convenient to food handling and ware washing areas, and are maintained accessible at all times. Hand washing facilities in food handling areas are used only for that purpose and only designated hand washing sinks are used for handwashing.

  • Pest prevention program is effective for flies inside the restaurant and birds outside the restaurant.

  • Are nonfood contact surfaces durable and in good condition (not including reach-in coolers/freezers)?

  • Are nonfood contact surfaces of equipment, utensils and smallwares for the preparation clean (not including reach-in coolers/freezers)?

  • Are gaskets of reach-in coolers and freezers properly cleaned and in good condition?

  • Are door handles, doors, and exterior surfaces of reach-in coolers/freezers properly cleaned and in good condition?

  • Are shelves of reach-coolers and freezers properly cleaned and in good condition?

  • Floors, walls, and ceilings are free of excessive dust, debris and standing water.

  • Are vents clean and free of dust build-up and adequate?

  • Are lights adequate for cleaning/food handling task and properly shielded above food, food contact surfaces, and packaged food if package integrity could be affected by broken glass?

  • Are interior garbage containers cleaned and emptied as needed?

  • Pest control devices are working properly and installed so that they will not contaminate food or food-contact surfaces. Catch trays and glue boards are changed as necessary.

  • Is shelving holding clean utensils, equipment, or food-contact packaging soiled?

  • Are in-use utensils observed stored at room temperature in containers of sanitizer?


  • Is jewelry on the hands and wrists limited to a plain ring with no set stones?

  • Is uniform/outer clothing clean?

  • No bare hand contact occurs with ready-to-eat foods. Disposable gloves are worn over other types of gloves (cut-resistant gloves, cloth gloves, etc.) when handling ready-to-eat foods. Yellow food service gloves are worn when handling raw chicken. Clear food service gloves worn when handling rinsed produce.

  • Gloves are changed whenever damaged or torn. Fingernails are kept trimmed. Fingernail polish is worn in good taste and only in guest service areas.

  • Eating, drinking and tobacco use are restricted to nonfood areas. Drinking is allowed from closed containers, such as a cup with a lid and straw, handled to prevent contamination of hands or food contact surfaces. Personal items are properly stored in designated areas away from food, utensils and equipment.

  • Are hair restraints used by Team Members working near exposed food and food contact surfaces?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.