Title Page
Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
UEA Crew Name or Subcontractor
Job Number
Mandatory Pre-start Requirements
Daily HAC or JSEA completed
Mandatory PPE as defined by SWMS being worn by personnel
General Site Safety
Drop Zones defined and marked with witches hats
Appropriate Traffic and Pedestrian Management in place supplemented with Traffic / Pedestrian Management Plan
Appropriate signage in place defining pedestrian and traffic access around work site
Supply Authority Mandatory Requirements
LV Rescue and / or Pole Top Rescue Kit checked and in place as required
EWP & Equipment
Daily inspection of EWP and equipment completed and record exists.
Operators reversing are looking in direction of travel. Operators slow down or stop in places where pedestrians could be. Plant is driven safely (walking pace)
Mobile phones not used whilst operating any plant.
Work at Heights
Ladders are not used to work from when a person could fall 1.8 metres or more (eg, like next to penetrations) unless 1 metre back from edge for every 1 metre of height on the ladder.
People are not stepping above third highest rung and have 3 points of contact (2 feet and one hand, or 2 hands and 1 foot) during going up or coming down the ladder.
Person on ladders is carrying tools and equipment in a belt or bag or use a hand lanyard.
Builders or extension ladders are securely fixed at top.
Pole top rescue kit in place for work above 2m
Work Near Overhead Power Lines
Minimum distance is maintained to overhead powerlines. Voltage up to 132kV - min 3m, 132 to 330kV - min 6m, Greater than 330kV - min 8m. Advisory stickers in Plant.
An observer is used for all work near overhead power lines.
SMR Crew Assessment
Tasks allocated and identified as per roles and responsibilites
Coloured brims assigned as per work roles
Communication channels established and adequate
Daily role rotations established
Has the NOSMR drawings been drawn corectly
Is the attitude of all crew members adequate and suitable for a successful team performance
Is the use of mobile phones restricted to company use and break time unless in case of emergency
Are Non electrically qualified workers ensuring they are out of clearances whilst service is strung
SMR Groundie
No other tasks to be done while watching EWP Operator
Communicating well with EWP Operator
Worksite kept clean and footpaths kept clear
Controls dropzone and immediate worksite
Can groundworker clearly demonstrate current overhead work principles?
Network Worker
Is Network worker ensuring enough time is allowed for site set up prior to starting each job. I.e running out cables etcI
Is network worker ensuring they position themselves in suitable location to minimise time lost due to repositioning
Was a Pre Work inspection on the structure performed prior to working aloft?
Rubber mats installed on any conductors and earthed situations within clearances
Services raised and tensioned to approved procedures and standards
Safe working practices adhered to? Eg. Control of tails, live work practices
POA Workers
Are POA workers ensuring workload is not shed to groundsmen unless necessary
Pole top rescue kit in place for work above 2m
Ladders lashed at top to POA
Harness worn when working over 2m
Visual conformation of phase rotation meter where applicable
Pole strap used to appropriate fixing point when working over 2m
Worksite clean up after work has been completed
Comments and Corrective Actions
Auditor Signature
Crew Leader Signature