
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

  • Administrative Interview

  • Staff attended; reviewer

  • Population Served; Current Enrollment; Length of stay; Waiting List; Referred/Not Open cases; Verify sites, hours, staffing

  • Identification/response for complex, at risk individuals (4.51)

  • 1.1 Engagment and Retention

  • 2.1 Substance Abuse Screening

  • 2.2 Self Harm Screen, Violence Risk Screen, Safety Plans

  • 2.3 Asessment: Psychosocial, Comprehensive Psychiatric Rehabilitation, Vocational, Psychiatric, Health

  • 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 IRP: Explain process for review and supervision, family/collateral involvement

  • 4.1 PROS Components: CRS, ORS, IR, Clinic

  • 4.3 Group Services: Explain how groups are identified/scheduled

  • 4.4 Activities

  • 4.5 Employment Services

  • 4.6 Tobacco Dependence

  • 5.1 Recovery related data and performance improvement

  • 5.2 Staff Competencies: FIT, WSM, IPS, Family Consultation, Family PsychoEd, Suicide Prevention

  • 5.3 Shared information practices

  • 5.4 Incident Management.

  • 5.5 Response to Participants at Risk

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