
  • Audit Title

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  • Personnel

HSV Overview

  • The HSV is an opportunity to provide a site with positive feedback and engage with operational personnel. This process is not an audit of the EHS Leader or senior mgt on site. You should consider an 80/20 rule in so much that 80% of your time and feedback should be in direct communications with the end user of the information and be positively exploring what they know or do. The 20% is for direct observation of deviations that must be corrected or opportunity to explore an improved way to do something, maybe you have seen from another site.

Site Summary

1.0 Site EHS information and controls

  • 1.1 OB - EHS signage and/or instructions at the entrance to the site advising what controls are in place? (PPE, sign in, restricted areas, etc)

  • 1.2. OB - Was any form of EHS induction offered?

  • 1.3. OB - Are visitors or new arrivals to the site escorted or hosted ?<br>

2.0 Factory entrance EHS instructions or controls

  • 2.1. OB - Were factory signs or instructions easily observable at the common entrances?

  • 2.2. OB - Are instructions or signage easy to understand (words or pictorial)?

  • 2.3. ASK - What are major hazards and/or restricted areas within the factory tat you would need to be aware of? (You are looking for a general awareness to safety, Test areas, mobile traffic, etc)

3.0 Initial impressions and presentations of factory workarea

  • 3.1 OB - Are walkways clearly marked and free from obstructions?

  • 3.2. OB - Is there generally a good standard of housekeeping in place (demarcated, under control, everything has a place and all things in their place)?

  • 3.3. OB - Are pedestrian access needs accounted for with walkways or other forms of demarcation controls? (looking if people walk everywhere and anywhere without consideration of the hazards)

4.0 Work Environment

  • 4.1. OB - Is their adequate lighting across the work areas (lighting can be natural or artificial)

  • 4.2. OB - Is there adequate ventilation? (air flow natural, forced, fumes present, other)?

5.0. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

  • 5.1 OB - High levels of compliance with wearing PPE is observed? (PPE is worn when not watching and is part of the daily work)

  • 5.2. ASK - If the PPE types and styles has been defined for the task or work area based on a documented Risk / hazard Assessment and it is easy to see the PPE signage in the area?

6.0 Working at Heights - general work areas

  • 6.1. OB - Has the site implemented controls for all the fall risks of 500mm or more? (including working platforms, pits, and trenches)

  • 6.2. OB - Adequate working at height risk controls will include solid and stable edge protection systems (railing systems at least 1.0 mtr high with mid rails, etc)

7.0. Working at Heights - Ladders and/or portable working platforms

  • 7.1. OB - All ladders in service are safe and without damage?

  • 7.2. OB - Good ladder behavior is observed when they properly secured at the top and bottom?(extending 1mtr above work area)

  • 7.3. ASK - what is the process to use ladders? (Looking for control system in place for the use of ladders Locked, PTW, etc)

  • 7.4. OB - is there a heavy reliance on ladders as an alternative to safer systems of work because of behavior (it's easier, quicker or persona choice )

8.0 Working at Heights - platforms

  • 8.1. OB - Work platforms are in good condition, well maintained and or good construction? (Stable footing, locked into the job, etc)

  • 8.2. OB - Safe and complete edge protection is observed on all working platforms? (Make sure some attempt at internal edge protection is in place on the end where the job finishes)

  • 8.3. ASK - What is the process or equipment used to narrow the gaps around an Active Part Assembly? (Looking for use of extendable fingers or other processes are used to narrow the gaps where possible, gaps of 300-400mm should be the limit)

  • 8.4. OB - There clearly observable Safe methods for accessing platforms? (Ladder, stairs, elevator, etc)

  • 8.5. ASK - What are basic Safe W@H work practices when working on or under a platform? (Working underneath each other, gaps closed, harness used during set up,etc)

9.0. Working at Height - Scaffolds

  • 9.1. OB - It is clear to understand when a scaffolding unit has been set up safe, enclosed railing system, toe boards and a safe system of access whether complete or under construction? (

  • 9.2. ASK - What inspection processes are in place when using scaffold? (scaftags, labelling, Go/No Go, etc you looking for scaftag system or other signage to advise 'when is safe/not safe to use')

10.0. Working at Height - Harness and Equipment

  • 10.1. OB - Equipment is respected and cared for? ( clean, hung up or stored well)

  • 10.2. OB - Are people safely anchoring to adequate points? (Looking to see if people are just clipped on to whatever is close enough or are they clipped onto defined, labelled, known and safe anchor points)

  • 10.3. ASK - How do you know if your equipment has been last inspected? (Looking for a tagging system or identifier to advise if it has been inspected and when, maximum period of 6 mthly)?

  • 10.4. ASK - What formal training did you receive on your equipment use and W@H and how long ago? (Users must be formally and practically trained in W@H processes and equipment, 2yr intervals is good practice)

  • 10.5. OB - Is equipment located in the area where it is needed? (Can operators easily access equipment, otherwise shortcuts will be taken, example in personnel locker which is at the entrance to the factory is more hassle than it is worth for a quick job at height so often will not be used)

11.0 Lifting Accessories - slings, chains and ropes

  • 11.1. ASK - What do you do when you find damaged lifting equipment? (Looking to see how the equipment is removed from service, a tagging out of service process or drop off location)

  • 11.2. ASK - How do you know if the equipment has been inspected and when was it inspected? (Do they have a tagging, identifying system of inspection periods and this is posted in the area)

  • 11.3. ASK - What are the Daily or prior to use inspection process you follow? (Can be linked with TSV or other area inspections but must be some form of pre-use inspection completed by user.

  • 11.4. OB - Lifting equipment, including ropes, slings, chains, hooks are well cared for with storage practices? (Off ground, easily accessed, clean and sorted well)

12.0 Lifting Equipment - mobile or fixed cranes

  • 12.1. OB - SWL information is clearly displayed on all equipment?

  • 12.3. OB - The site has a robust maintenance, testing and inspection regime in place? (How are inspection records displayed or monitored, stickers on equipment?)

13.0 Lifting Practices and Behaviours

  • 13.1. ASK - How Have routine and non-routine lifting operations been defined and formally documented? (We are looking to see if the site has formally risk assessed the regular lifts, it is documented and the operators have been trained, with easy access to the Lifting Plans)

  • 13.2. ASK - When and How are PTW's and lifting plans used? (If no formal lifting plan exists for a lift a PTW is required)

  • 13.3. OB - The site clearly displays licensed and authorised operators? (Photo boards are best practice)

  • 13.4. OB - When lifting operations are observed it is well co-ordinated to ensure activity is not performed over persons, safety zones or controls are implemented, close proximity to obstacles is considered and higher risk environmental conditions are accounted for? (Winds,etc)

14.0. Mobile Plant and Equipment - forklifts, scissor lifts, boom lifts, man cages, etc

  • 14.1. OB - Equipment is good repair, safe and without concern? (including missing or damaged guards, self closing inward gates, latches, buzzers, tires, belly plates, etc).

  • 14.2. ASK - What training have you received in safe operation, clean-up and maintenance of plant/equipment?

  • 14.3. OB - All plant / equipment has dedicated parking allocated when not in use? (Equipment is not just left anywhere after use)

  • 14.4. ASK - What are the daily or prior to use inspection processes you need to follow? (Can be linked with TSV or other area inspections, inspection checklist should be on the equipment so next user can also check conditions)

15.0. Machinery and Equipment - Carpentry workshops

  • 15.1. OB - The equipment used is safe and in good repair? (no missing or damaged guards)

  • 15.1.1. OB - Has a guarding assessment been completed in the last 3 years?

  • 15.1.2. OB - Is the equipment modern, less than 10 yrs old? (old equipment may not achieve required safety requirements)

  • 15.2. OB - Emergency STOP buttons or pull cords, etc on all machines and in close proximity to worker location? ( max 1.2mtrs)

  • 15.3. ASK - What training have you received in the safe operation, clean-up and maintenance of plant/equipment?

  • 15.4. OB - The work area clearly displays authorised operators (photo of individual)?

  • 15.5. OB - Each work centre/machine centre has written Risk Assessment and/or safe work instructions displayed?

  • 15.6. ASK (maintenance) What are the Safety devices or fail safe controls on this equipment and how is regularly checked and validated? (Can equipment start with fail safe not engaged?)

16.0. Machinery and Equipment - Core cutting / Core slitting lines

  • 16.1 OB - The equipment used is safe and in good repair? (no missing or damaged guards)

  • 16.1.1. OB - Has a guarding assessment been completed in the last 3 years?

  • 16.1.2. OB - Are the restricted areas controlled with perimeter fences and interlocked? (outfeed and infeed areas)

  • 16.2. OB - The work area clearly displays authorised operators and the restrictions for access (photo of individual)?

  • 16.3. OB - Each work centre/machine centre has written Risk Assessment and/or safe work instructions displayed at point of entry?

17.0. Electrical Risk Management and Procedures (low to medium voltage works)

  • 17.1. ASK - Where is the equipment to perform Lock-out/tag-out (LOTO) procedures for electrical equipment?

  • 17.2. ASK - Can you show me your individual padlock? Does anyone else have a key? ( either with picture and name on the padlock or Danger Tag locked on, ask what happens if they forget and leave their lock on and go home)

  • 17.3. OB - Is the work area sign posted or barricaded when LOTO is performed? ( some form of control is required to inform and prevent entry)

  • 17.4. ASK - How and when is the PTW used for electrical works? (should be every time and work area is inspected by issuer before issuing)

18.0. Hazardous Chemical (including fuel and oil)

  • 18.1. OB - Look to see if hazardous chemicals are stored safely? (e.g. flammables near ignition sources, spills could enter stormwater drains, etc)

  • 18.2. OB - Is Spill containment equipment co-located where needed for quick response?

  • 18.3. OB - Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are located near or accessible to where chemicals are stored / used along with other relevant safety instructions? (Emergency response processes, risk assessments, PPE needs, etc)

  • 18.4. ASK - What are the quantities stored in the your areas relative to daily/weekly usage or need? (review size and volumes of chemicals stored on the floor and in stores area)

  • 18.5. OB - Suitable storage containers are used for all qualities of chemicals / liquids? ( flammable cabinets, bundling for spills, containers must all be labeled and not in drink bottles, etc)

19.0. Ergonomics and Manual Manual handling

  • 19.1. OB - Risk assessments of hazardous manual tasks has been conducted with operators and is visibly communicated across the shop floor for all users? (Posters or instructions are at the machine ctr)

  • 19.2. ASK - What formal manual handling training in risk controls and safe lifting/ team lifting techniques have you received in the last 2 years? ( looking for practical and documented training not just told not to lift)

  • 19.3. ASK - BEST PRACTICE. Have you engaged the services of an external ergonomics specialists to help identify and define ergonomic risks for each work area and work activity?

20.0. Administrative Procedures and Risk Management

  • 20.1. ASK - Can you show me the Site Safety Management Plan? ( the plan will outline what activities they are doing to achieve their directives, it is not just FR1 rates without actions listed)

  • 20.2. OB - Formal and documented Risk Assessments are easily accessible and highly visible across the site ? (JSA - job safety analysis, Safe Work Method Statements (SWSM), etc)?

  • 20.3. OB - Risk Assessment documents are practical and oriented with the end-user in mind? (Color, pictures, less words, 1-2 pages only and at the point of need are critical, if in a folder in the EHS leaders office this is not for the operator to access when needed)

  • 20.4. ASK - Can you outline to me the process when an Event or incident happens, what is the notification procedures and practices? (Looking for clear traceability and visibility across the ops leaders, includes Near miss, property damage and environmental)

  • 20.5. OB - There is a good system in place which is visible and displayed on the shop-floor for routine inspections, monitoring, audits? (TSV,HSV, etc)

  • 20.6. OB - you can clearly see good, regular and wide spread consultative arrangements? (Meeting minutes are posted around the site, employee ideas are implemented, EHS representatives are visible and involved, employees are engaged in EHS when asked)

21.0. Contractor Procedures and Management

  • 21.1 ASK - What and who provides the EHS induction and training to contractors before work commences? (The EHS group ensure the right people have the rights skills and knowledge to do the job)

  • 21.2. ASK - Pick a job - Can you show me Risk Assessment documentation supplied as part of Safety Plan (JSA, Safe Work Method Statements (SWSM),etc) not just checklists without controls listed and checked?

  • 21.3. ASK - Can you walk me through your Routine inspections, monitoring and communications are integrated into the daily contractor management by the Project Leader and can be validated / demonstrated are being done?

22.0. Site Emergency Response procedures and processes

  • 22.1. OB - Emergency procedures are clearly displayed and highly visible across the site?

  • 22.2. ASK - When was the last training and/or rehearsals of emergency response? (Should be annually)

  • 22.3. OB - Emergency response equipment located around site in appropriate areas relevant to risk? (spill kits near oil risk, extinguishers near combustibles, etc)

  • 22.4. OB - The site demonstrates a high level of preparedness for their emergency risks? (Highly visible controls, equipment and responsible personnel in place)

23.0. Site Traffic Management

  • 23.1 ASK - Is there a Traffic Management Plan (TMP) for the site? The TMP takes into account all vehicle movements, inclusive of private / company vehicles which are mobile on site? (supplier reps, delivery drivers, etc)

  • 23.2. OB - There are adequate controls in place for the TMP? (physical barriers, bollards, speed limits, flashing lights, spotters, etc)

  • 23.3. OB - Clearly marked walk ways and restricted areas are predominate and without ambiguity? (as a visitor you can clearly understand where to go or not)

  • 23.4. OB - Personnel are observed adhering to the site TMP rules and controls in their general movements around the site (internal / external)? (consider actions a lunch time or shift changeover, do the hazards change)

24.0. Site Environmental Management

  • 24.1. OB - Waste management is observed as well under control? (segregation, labelling, adequate number and location of bins)

  • 24.2. OB - General observations indicate the site has control of its appearances and good behaviours?(low levels of cigarette butts, plastic bottles, packaging materials, etc)

25.0. Facilities and Asset management - buildings, services and security

  • 25.1. OB -The site has patrolling security 24/7 by contracted 3rd party? (make sure guards are roaming and how often are guards rotated to avoid familiarity )

  • 25.2. OB - Site Access is controlled through a main checkpoint?

  • 25.3. OB - Are Private use vehicles are not permitted to park on site? (observe flow of traffic, personnel and other movements)

28.0 Zero Deviation Themes - general summary of each Road Map

  • EHS-001 Risk Management is a critical element in the planning, decision making, instructing and actioning across the site, with a clear overall structure of where the HRA are relevant and what actions are in place?

  • EHS-002 Contractor activities are well monitored and controlled with active leadership and support? (contractors are respect with no less care than Alstom employees)

  • EHS-003 The LOTO principles are clearly evident across the site, with good machine labelling and visual instructions? (LOTO is not just paperwork)

  • EHS-004 Electrical Safety and the controls are without concern and physical restrictions are clearly observable to prevent accidental entry to Electrical Risky conditions?

  • EHS-005 The protective controls used on Machine Safety are well controlled, guarding is not removable, adjustable or at the operators choosing, 'if it moves and can hurt someone - people are physically prevented to access' ?

  • EHS-006 Working @ Height risks are taken seriously and there is active leadership in ensure controls are in place and the site work practices are designed to minimise the need to W@H where ever possible? (things that can be done on the floor prior to install are considered, no behavioural deviations are observed)

  • EHS-007 There is no chance of entering, falling into or collapsing o any excavation activities on the site because of the good controls and planning implemented?

  • EHS-008 Lifting operations are well controlled with equipment in good condition, trained personnel and practices which do not put people or equipment in danger, (you can not enter lifting areas / activity zones )

  • EHS-009 Instructions, behaviour and physical controls for vehicle and pedestrian movements is easy to understand and follow visually?

  • EHS-010 Confined spaces are clearly identifiable across the site and controls are implemented to ensure access is restricted and documented.

Immediate or High Risk Corrective Actions

  • Enter any corrective actions that will be or have been undertaken as a result of observed High Risk Activity or deviations during review.

Summary of visit

  • Provide a broad overview of the key positive points observed and some shortfall areas, apply 80/20 rule on feedback. Overall rating should be SAFE or AT RISK.

Sign Off

  • On site representative and/or names of those persons interviewed (dept if names not comfortable)

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.