Title Page
Inspection Type
Conducted on
Prepared by
Have all the relevant site environmental requirements been communicated?
Is the Aspects & Impacts Register in place, updated and communicated to subcontractors as required?
Is the environmental incident forms and procedures available to project team?
Are environmental toolbox talks being undertaken monthly as a minimum?
When was the last environmental toolbox talk?
What was the last environmental toolbox talk on?
Hazardous Substances
Is the system for labelling and identifying hazardous materials being regularly updated?
Is there a list of hazardous substances regularly being updated?
Is the subcontractor familiar with PUK Emergency Preparedness and spill response procedure?
Are there bins / drums available for hazardous substances?
Is there a Store Cabinet (locked and labelled) for substances hazardous to the environment?
Are hazardous waste being collected when required by an approved waste management contractor? Attach latest waste transfer note
Are spill kits available on site, easily accessible and are operatives familiar with it?
Are operatives provided with the necessary PPE, and is it being used appropriately?
Are working areas being kept in a tidy condition?
Any noise mitigation measures adopted when applicable? (e.g. use noise barrier / enclosure)
Are there any areas that require noise monitoring?
What measures are in place to control dust and maintain air quality?
Are ventilation systems functioning properly?
Is PUK waste removed off site regularly? Attach latest waste transfer note
Is there a designated area for waste disposal, and is it managed appropriately?
Do the Client supply separated labelled containers to segregate the waste?
Is the subcontractor familiar with the PUK Waste Management procedure?
Are waste segregation and recycling practices being followed?
Has the Site Waste Management Plan been compiled?
Carbon Management
Is the subcontractor familiar with PUK Carbon Management Plan?
What initiatives are in place to promote energy-efficient practices on-site?
Are energy-efficient appliances and machinery being used?
Is the Closedloop Scheme in place and operatives familiar with it?
Are there any efforts to incorporate green building materials and sustainable construction practices, energy conservation practices adopted when practicable?
Are all timbers /wood PEFC or FSC certified? (tickets available)
Sign Off
Name of person inspecting
Name of site manager briefed