
Ensure that all findings are addressed and relevant actions raised. Send completed checklist to hangar manager. Where appropriate, feedback discrepancies to previous shift.

  • Conducted on

  • Shift conducting inspection

  • Name of FSDE or delegated staff conducting walkround

  • This audit checklist is based on Engineering procedure H#6 HS-A1-WI.3 Workplace Inspections, informal Daily Inspection Reference.. Before using it confirm this is the latest version. J:/H6/forms/Daily Hangar Check Sheet.

  • Record if each item is satisfactory - Yes, No or a/c in work.
    Send completed checklist to Hangar managers to ensure any findings are addressed. Where appropriate feedback discrepancies to previous shift.

  • 1. Satellite Office: Ensure Floor clean/tidy, no a/c spares in area. Cabinets, Desks, Worktops & Shelves are free from clutter. Bins are empty. Documentation is stored correctly.

  • 2. Commcell area outside the sat office:<br>Comcell area is clean & tidy. First aid station at stores wall: kit is sealed & plaster dispenser is stocked.'

  • 3. Toolbox Stowage Area:<br>Surfaces clear/clean where appropriate. Stowages tidy and free from rubbish/clutter.

  • 5. Fire Point: Check for correct complement.

  • 6. Mobile Racking Area:<br>Racks Clean/Tidy.

  • 7. West Bay Nose Area:<br>Walkway clear. Wheel Storage area orderly/clean. Under stairs area clean/tidy.

  • 8. West Bay (Main):<br>Floor Clean. No Spillages. Equipment stowed correctly and clean. Benches Clear/Clean.

  • 9. Lead Lamp & Airline Bay: Clean & Tidy.

  • 10. Aircon Rig: If in use, Drain Hose routed correctly. If not in use, Drain Hose and Air Ducts stowed fully.

  • 11. Fire Exit/Walkway to workshop is clear.

  • 12. MEWP's Charging Area:<br>Clear of non-Mewps items, MEWPs are Clean and On-Charge.

  • 13. Guillotine Area: Safe Area is clear. Metal Rack & Panel Rack tidy and stowed correctly. Waste Metal disposed of appropriately.

  • 14. Work Centre 1:<br>First Aid Box is sealed. Plaster dispenser stocked. Work surfaces Clear. Floor Clear.

  • 15. West Bay (misc):<br>Waste Bin areas are tidy, correct complement available. Waste Oil bowsers clear of cans, wirelocking, waste etc. Spraybake access areas are clear & eyewash station is stocked. Access equipment is clean, tidy and in correct stowage position. Fire Points correct compliment.

  • 16. West Barn: Ensure clean and tidy. Fire Point compliment. Paint 'Tardis' tidy and secure.

  • 17. Apron Area: <br>Clear of F.O.D. All equipment positioned correctly and LOCKED DOWN. Check operation of all Apron Floodlights.

  • 18. Hangar Doors: Where practicable, check operation. GO/NO-GO disc display. Check correct compliment of door stops.

  • 19. East Barn: Ensure clean and tidy. Fire Point compliment.

  • 20. East Bay (Main):<br>Floor Clean. No Spillages. Equipment stowed correctly and clean. Benches Clear/Clean.

  • 21. East Bay (misc):<br>Waste Bin areas are tidy & correct complement. Walkways Clear. Equipment Stowed correctly and Clean/Tidy. Fire Points correct compliment. MEWP charging area is clear of non- MEWP items. MEWPs are clean and On-Charge.<br>

  • 22. Work Centre 4:<br>First Aid Box is sealed. Plaster dispenser stocked. Work surfaces Clear. Floor Clear.

  • 23. Equipment Storage adjacent to Bonded Store Entrance: Clean & Tidy.

  • 24. Work Centre 3:<br>First Aid Box is sealed. Plaster dispenser stocked. Work surfaces Clear. Floor Clear.<br>

  • 25. East Bay (Nose Area):<br>Fire Point Complete. First Aid Kit sealed. Eyewash station stocked. Walkways clear.

  • 26. Lift Area: <br>Lift Entrance clear of obstruction. Waste Bin Area has full compliment of bins and is tidy. Consumables Cabinet is clean & tidy. Items checked for 'date life', NO 'flammables' present. NB. Flammables MUST be returned to stores immediately.

  • 27. Work Centre 2:<br>First Aid Box is sealed. Plaster dispenser stocked. Work surfaces Clear. Floor Clear.

  • 28. Centre Bay (Main):<br>Floor Clean. No Spillages. Equipment stowed correctly and clean. Benches Clear/Clean.

  • 29. Mezzanine East: <br>Walkway unobstructed and clean. Overall lockers tidy, no overalls on floor or top of lockers. Dirty overalls bin not overflowing.

  • 30. Locker Room: Clean & Tidy. Items stowed correctly. Bins Emptied if full.

  • 31. Crew Room: Clean & Tidy. Tables clear of rubbish. Furniture in correct place.

  • 32. Kitchen: Clean & Tidy inc small appliances/microwaves. Boiler areas and sink clean/no Spillages. Items stowed correctly. Bins Empty. Tables/worktops clear.

  • 33. Mezzanine West: <br>Walkways unobstructed & clean. Sink area clean & tidy. Sewing Machine area clean & tidy, waste carpet disposed of. A/C entryways clear (Guarded when not in use). Workbenches clear of equipment & materials. Waste Bin area tidy & full complement of bins.

  • 34. Work Centre 5:<br>First Aid Box is sealed. Plaster dispenser stocked. Work surfaces Clear. Floor Clear.

  • 35. Carpet Storage Area: Is tidy including access to/from.

  • Additional Notes

  • Signature to confirm check carried out.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.