
  • Document No.

  • Cabinet Number

  • Zones part of this QA

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

1. Health & Safety

  • 1.1 Hazard Register - (all)<br>Hazard register or equivalent open and staff signed on<br>

  • 1.2 Work Sites - (all)<br>Barriers, cones and TM signage in position

  • 1.3 PPE (All)<br>Hard Hat, Flash proof overall, safety glasses, safety boots.

2. Manhole & Ducts

  • 2.1 Design (CP)<br>Manhole sited correctly - To plan and parallel to boundary line

  • 2.2 Design (CP)<br>Correct manhole as per Design

  • 2.3 H&S (CP)<br>Manhole frames flush to ground, no trip hazard

  • 2.4 H&S (CP)<br>Manhole stripped of formwork, no protruding nails left

  • 2.5 Manhole Throat<br>Manhole throat (where fitted) Gap plastered if raised

  • 2.6 Duct (CP)<br>New ducts into existing manholes - correct hole size and location cut in manhole wall for new duct entry

  • 2.7 Duct (CP)<br>Duct alignment and configuration correct, minimum of 100mm from bottom of M/H

  • 2.8 Duct (CP)<br>Concrete manholes, duct entry grouted, duct reamed, ducts flush to wall

  • 2.9 Duct (CP)<br>Non concrete joint chamber duct entry protrudes into chamber 50mm, reamed, sealed to wall with correct material

  • 2.10 Assembly Bolts<br>SIKA manholes, ALL assembly bolts tightened.

  • 2.11 Tapes (CP)<br>Direct fibre feed hauling tape installed

  • 2.12 Tapes (CP)<br>Direct fibre feed hauling tape secured at each end

  • 2.13 Tapes (CP)<br>Direct fibre feed hauling tape correctly labelled

  • 2.14 Duct (CP)<br>Microducts laid or directional drilled between 600mm and 1000mm in roadway

  • 2.15 Route (CP)<br>Route position to plan

  • 2.16 Duct<br>Microduct ends sealed with heatshrink

  • 2.17 Duct (CP)<br>Microduct end on customer boundary either buried or housed in approved enclosure (eg Pedestal)

  • 2.18 Duct (CP)<br>Correct tools available and used for stripping and cutting microduct

  • 2.19 Joint (CP)<br>Microduct joints external to manholes

  • 2.20 Drill / Lay (CP)<br>Direct Buried Microduct not through manhole (can be ended in manhole for future use)

  • 2.21 H&S<br>Manhole lids free of concrete/AC spill / Bungs in / lids locked with correct bolts

  • 2.22 Documentation (CP)<br>Latest version of relevant standards and practices documentation held by sub-contractor or field technician

  • 2.23 Labelling (CP)<br>Microduct correctly labelled

  • 2.24 Labelling (CP)<br>Fibre locate cable labelled and capped

  • 2.25 Manhole (CP / BAU)<br>Site tidy, no task waste - Manhole internal


  • 2.26 Security<br>Pit lids secure/locked, with bung fitted where appropriate

  • 2.27 BDD (CP)<br>Pit installed correctly

  • 2.28 BDD (CP)<br>All duct entries sealed to prevent dirt/water entry

3. Cabinet

Cabinet Internal

  • 3.1 Security (CP)<br>Outer Door lock works smoothly and door closes without jamming

  • 3.2 Security (CP)<br>Door stay is in place and works well

  • 3.3 Security (CP)<br>All duct seals in place for cable entry

  • 3.4 Security (CP)<br>Locks & hinges OK

  • 3.5 Security (CP)<br>Door seals in good condition

  • 3.6 Duct (CP)<br>Mortar around ducts in base of cabinet

  • 3.7 Cabinet (CP)<br>Inner floor plates installed correctly

  • 3.8 Cabinet Earth (CP)<br>Earth rod installed (250mm above finished base course, c-lock clamp, earth wire in gland and gland tight.

  • 3.9 Cabinet Earth (CP)<br>Main earth cable fixed with crimped terminal, to main earth bar

  • 3.10 Cabinet Earth (CP)<br>Locate cables (with terminals) secured to front earth bar correctly and labelled

  • 3.11 Cabinet (CP)<br>Concrete/Tarseal apron installed

  • 3.12 Cabinet (CP)<br>Main bolts installed with neoprene washers and protected against rust (Cold Galv paint)

Cabinet External

  • 3.13 Records Integrity<br>Cabinet sited correctly according to RMA

  • 3.14 Design (CP)<br>Cabinet correct colour

  • 3.15 Cabinet (CP)<br>Plinth installed correctly

  • 3.16 Cabinet (CP)<br>Plinth is 20mm above ground level (highest corner is 20mm on sloping ground)

  • 3.17 Cabinet (CP)<br>Cabinet is parallel with boundary, or with edge of footpath or road

  • 3.18 Cabinet (CP)<br>Cabinet is level and vertical in each direction

  • 3.19 Cabinet (CP)<br>No scratches / dents (take photos)

  • 3.21 Cabinet (CP)<br>Malthoid paper between concrete and base of cabinet

  • 3.20 H&S (CP)<br>Concrete surround flush with footpath or surrounding ground, no trip hazard

  • 3.22 Records Integrity (SS)<br>Cabinet ID and Graffiti lable on top LHS of door

  • 3.24 Reinstatement (CP)<br>Site tidy, no task waste, ground reinstatement completed, no property damage

  • 3.25 Cabinet (CP)<br>Concrete apron installed, including 500mm to right of bullet end of cabinet

Fibre Installation

  • 3.26 Feeder Fibre (BAU)<br>Correct Feeder Fibre installed

  • 3.27 Micronets (CP)<br>Micronet tubes critchley labelled (including spare tubes labelled 'Spare')

  • 3.28 Distribution Fibres (BAU)<br>All D-Side fibres Installed and labelled

  • 3.29 Fibre Locate Cables (CP)<br>Locate cables installed with all fibre and labelled correctly

  • 3.30 Splitter Installed (CP)<br>Splitter Installed and labelled correctly

  • 3.31 Splitter Tails (BAU)<br>Tails parked correctly with all APC terminal capped

  • 3.32 Fibre Drawers (BAU)<br>Correct Trays installed & labelled (take photos)

  • 3.33 Records Integrity (BAU)<br>Drawer Labelling correct

  • 3.34 Records Integrity (BAU)<br>Data card inside of drawer

  • 3.35 Sponge in place (BAU)<br>Sponge fitted into RHS 100mm duct correctly located with 2 x sponges

  • 3.36 Gas Blocks (BAU)<br>Gas blocks installed on Micronet, appropriate size for cable type.

4. Boundary Deployments

Hand Holes

  • 4.1 Design (CP)<br>Sited correctly (Close to customer boundary, hard surface, foot traffic only)

  • 4.2 Hand Hole (CP)<br>Bedding done correctly and compacted

  • 4.3 Hand Hole (CP)<br>Lid sits at finished ground level

  • 4.4 Hand Hole (CP)<br>Lid is free from concrete spill and or excess tar seal.

  • 4.5 Hand Hole (CP)<br>Starter pipes installed in base course with tops 100mm above floor level

  • 4.6 Hand Hole (CP)<br>Inside free of rubble, concrete and any backfill

  • 4.7 Lateral Entry<br>Laterals enter hand hole from the side

  • 4.8 Security (CP)<br>Lid locked and lock facing the Customer Boundary


  • 4.9 Duct (CP)<br>Single way Ribbonet, one turn only, end sealed with heat shrink.

  • 4.10 Duct (CP)<br>Maximum of four single way Ribbonets installed

  • 4.11 Labelling (CP)<br>P touch Lateral labelled 300 from end. Lablled with correct info. Heat shrink covering label

Pedestal (Grey)

  • 4.12 PDS (CP)<br>Pedestal - vertical, firm and set at correct depth (black ring is GL)

  • 4.13 PDS (CP)<br>Correct size pedestal used

  • 4.14 Security (CP)<br>Lid secure

  • 4.15 Records Integrity (CP)<br>PDS network labelled correctly (when housing a copper loop or other MDF customer feed)

  • 4.16 PDS (CP)<br>Foam bung fitted

  • 4.17 Starter Pipes (CP)<br>20mm starter pipes installed correctly (when required)

  • 4.18 Copper Network (CP)<br>Copper network not compromised

Pedestal (Green)

  • 4.19 Pedestal (CP)<br>Pedestal - vertical, firm and set at correct depth (GL line of front of Ped)

  • 4.20 Security (CP)<br>Lid secure

  • 4.21 Records Integrity (CP)<br>PDS network labelled correctly (when housing a copper loop or other MDF customer feed)

  • 4.22 PDS (CP)<br>Foam bung fitted

  • 4.23 Starter pipe (CP)<br>20mm starter pipes installed correctly (when required)


  • 5.1 Design<br>ABFAT Sited correctly as per plan

  • 5.2 GLC (CP)<br>Vertical, firm and set to correct depth (base at finished GL)

  • 5.3 Security (CP)<br>Lid secure

  • 5.4 Labelling (CP)<br>Lid Labelled (ABFAT ID, Do not dig, Star Bust Laser Hazard)

  • 5.5 Micro Ducts (CP)<br>Microducts labelled and capped

  • 5.6 Micro Ducts (CP)<br>Microducts 20mm above bracket

  • 5.7 Security (CP)<br>Padlock installed to the rear with key slot facing down

  • 5.8 Cable (CP)<br>Gas blocker installed

  • 5.9 Cable (CP)<br>Continuity wires installed

  • 5.10 Fibre Management<br>Tray retention strap in place

  • 5.11 Duct (CP)<br>26 way Ribbonet incoming clockwise, outgoing anti-clockwise

  • 5.12 Duct (CP)<br>26 way Ribbonet entry correct, Ports 3,4,5,6

  • 5.13 Duct (CP)<br>12 way Ribbonet entry correct, port 2

  • 5.14 Duct (CP)<br>12mm micro duct entry correct, port 1

  • 5.15 Seal (CP)<br>All grommets installed correctly, all bolts in place and secured

  • 5.16 Seal (CP)<br>All unused entry holes in grommets sealed with approved plugs

  • 5.17 ABFAT (CP)<br>All micro ducts secured into management brackets

  • 5.18 Reinstatement (CP)<br>200mm mowing strip installed where required

  • 5.19 Reinstatement (CP)<br>Site tidy, no task waste, ground reinstatement completed

6. Distribution Side Fibre

  • 6.1 Quantity correct (BAU)<br>Correct number of distribution fibres installed (101/102/103/104/105/106)

  • 6.2 Labelling (BAU)<br>FAT's labelled correctly inside and out

  • 6.3 Labelling (BAU)<br>Section labels on fibres correct

  • 6.4 Locate cables (CP)<br>All D sides fibres traceable to destination, see 3-10 above

  • 6.5 Locate cables (CP)<br>Labelled and fixed to earth terminals in cabinet

  • 6.6 Drawers (BAU)<br>All drawers labelled

  • 6.7 Protection (BAU)<br>Fibre protection installed over fibre, with labels

  • 6.8 Fibre management (BAU)<br>Fibre loops managed on brackets

7. Reinstatement

  • 7.1 Work areas and safety (CP)<br>Property damage made good, including cleaning of walls /fences / windows etc

  • 7.2 FFP Cabinet External (CP)<br>FFP Cabinet ground reinstatement completed

  • 7.3 H&S (CP)<br>Concrete surround flush with footpath or surrounding ground, no trip hazard, no cracking

  • 7.4 Reinstatement (CP)<br>Excess vegetation removed


  • 7.5 Concrete (CP)<br>All concrete boxing removed & topsoiled

  • 7.6 Concrete (CP)<br>All edges cut straight (no chipped edges)

  • 7.7 Concrete (CP)<br>Concrete finished to acceptable standard

  • 7.8 Concrete (CP)<br>No graffiti in concrete

  • 7.9 Concrete (CP)<br>Has 1m rule been followed

  • 7.10 Concrete (CP)<br>All waste and excess concrete removed from site


  • 7.11 Hotmix (CP)<br>All edges cut straight (no chipped edges)

  • 7.12 Hotmix (CP)<br>Hotmix finished to acceptable standard

  • 7.13 Hotmix (CP)<br>Has 1m rule been followed

  • 7.14 Hotmix (CP)<br>No slumping / surface level

  • 7.15 Hotmix (CP)<br>All roadway works - crack seal applied


  • 7.16 Topsoil (grass) (CP)<br>Surface level and rolled

  • 7.17 Topsoil (grass) (CP)<br>Grass seeded

  • 7.18 Topsoil (grass) (CP)<br>Overs raked out

  • 7.19 Topsoil (grass) (CP)<br>Material of good quality

  • 7.20 Topsoil (grass) (CP)<br>Footpaths clear of dirt

  • 7.21 Topsoil (grass) (CP)<br>Does grass need watering

Site tidy

  • 7.22 Pedestal (CP)<br>Reinstatement complete around pedestal

  • 7.23 Hand Holes (CP)<br>Reinstatement complete around hand hole

  • 7.24 Poles (CP)<br>Site tidy, no task waste - poles

  • 7.25 UFB FFP (CP)<br>Site tidy, no task waste - UFB FFP

  • 7.26 Aerial Terminal (CP)<br>Site tidy, no task waste - Aerial Terminal

  • 7.27 Pillar Terminal (CP)<br>Site tidy, no task waste - Pillar Terminal

  • 7.28 BDD Terminal (CP)<br>Site tidy, no task waste - BDD Terminal

  • 7.29 PDS Terminal (CP)<br>Site tidy, no task waste - PDS Terminal

  • 7.30 Customer Premises (CP)<br>Site tidy, no task waste - Customer Premises

  • 7.31 Business Premises (CP)<br>Site tidy, no task waste - Business Premises

  • 7.32 FFP Cabinet External (CP)<br>Site tidy, no task waste - FFP Cabinet External

  • 7.33 Hand Holes (CP)<br>Site tidy, no task waste - Hand Holes

  • 7.34 Cable Haul (CP)<br>Site tidy, no task waste - Cable Haul

  • 7.35 TMP (CP)<br>All TM equipment removed from site

  • 7.36 Environmental (CP)<br>All stones, dirt and environmental barriers removed from gutters and drains

  • 7.37 Environmental (CP)<br>All sediment control measures removed, carpet removed

8. Poles

  • 8.1 Pole (CP)<br>In good condition, no splits or burs

  • 8.2 Pole (CP)<br>Manufacturers label in place

  • 8.3 Pole (CP)<br>Safe to climb, (hammer, probe, dig)

  • 8.4 Terminal (CP)<br>Correct CT terminal used

  • 8.5 Terminal (CP)<br>Mounted on correct pole face

  • 8.6 Terminal (CP)<br>Terminal mounted and secured correctly

  • 8.7 Terminal (CP)<br>Lead-in entry correct

  • 8.9 Records Integrity (CP)<br>Terminal label on lid or plate on pole

  • 8.8 Security (CP)<br>Terminal lid secure

  • 8.10 Security (CP)<br>Flexi pipe secured with galv saddle (wooden pole)

  • 8.11 Security (CP)<br>Flexi pipe secured directly below terminal (bandit tape for concrete pole)

  • 8.12 Security (CP)<br>20mm or 32mm conduit secured to pole (wooden - galvenised saddles 600mm spacing)

  • 8.13 Security (CP)<br>20mm or 32mm conduit secured to pole (concrete - bandit tape)

  • 8.14 Security (CP)<br>Protective cable casing installed (as required - concrete or wood)

  • 8.15 Security (CP)<br>Reduce joiner installed between flexi pipe and conduit

9. Exchange

  • 9.1 Exchange Building (BAU)<br>Building locked and secure

  • 9.2 Temperature (BAU)<br>Air Conditioning functioning and and temperature OK

  • 9.3 Feeder Fibre (BAU)<br>Feeder fibre Identified

  • 9.4 Feeder Fibre (BAU)<br>Labelled correctly

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.