Document No.
Facility Location
OGTR Identifier No.
Conducted on
Prepared by
Is the facility fully enclosed space, walls doors, windows, floors and ceilings?
Is the facility free from structural issues which affect containment?
Are all surfaces smooth, impermeable to water and resistant to cleaning damage?
Are open spaces under benches accessible for cleaning?
Are facility doors closed while work is occurring?
Are any windows closed and sealed?
Does the facility restrict access to only authorised persons?
Is there a hands free means of decontaminating hands in the facility?
Is backflow prevention installed?
Is the owner of the facility authorized to carry out maintenance of the facility?
Are there OGTR signs and biohazard stickers affixed to access doors and outside lifts?
Is disinfectant suitable for use with the GMO’s available in the facility?
Is disinfectant suitable for use with the GMO’s available in the facility in date?
Is the hand decontaminant solution within date?
Are decontaminant solutions for hoods / benches correctly labeled?
Are there BSC class I or II in the facility (please list) and are they within the annual test period?
Do centrifuges used for human tissue work have bucket lids?
Are their in-line filters on laboratory suction bottles?
Are fridges and freezers outside the facility posted with biological hazard symbol?
Are staff wearing closed footwear?
Are staff wearing PPE while working (gown, gloves, eye protection)?
Is there designated storage or hanging space for PPE?
Is a UV protective face shield available near each UV source?
Are hazardous substance in use?
Are SDS available in hardcopy?
Are SDS less than 5 years old?
Are flammables stored in the flammables cupboard?
Are corrosives stored in the corrosives cupboard?
Are hazardous chemicals appropriately segregated?
Are S4 drugs stored in a secure area, and the log book available?
Are decanted bottles of chemicals clearly labeled with name and risk phrase?
Are all hazardous chemicals stored on shelves <1.5m high?
Is waste properly segregated (autoclave, path waste, general waste)?
Is there a mop, dustpan / brush?
Are the autoclaves for decontaminating waste validated monthly and calibrated annually?
Are sharps containers available in the laboratory?
Is there an emergency spill kit with an associated cleanup procedure available?
Is there an emergency spill kit with an associated cleanup procedure available?
Is there a rescue hood with intact air supply (dial still green)?
Has the rescue hood been serviced within last 12 months?
Are there disposable overalls?
Is there a safety shower?
Is there a working eyewash in the facility?
Cold Rooms
Are items in cold rooms and fridges adequately sealed and labeled?
Are the cold rooms free of cardboard boxes?
Do circuit breakers work when tested?
Is there a pest control strategy in place?
Is mobile phone/personal electronic device use kept to a minimum and handled with clean, ungloved hands?
Is the laboratory free of non-research plants and animals?
Is the laboratory kept free of food and drink?
Are gas bottles connected properly and within the date stamp?
Is there good lighting?
Is there a first aid kit available?
Are fire exit signs working and visible?
Are fire extinguishers and hoses present and within test?
Do the fire boards indicate current fire wardens?
Do all phones display the emergency contact numbers?
Is the area free from noise hazards?
Is ear protection available?
Are all power cords in good condition?
Is the area free of stack plugs/double adapters?
Is ergonomic furniture provided and used?
Are computers correctly positioned at workstations?
Are people correctly seated at workstations?
Is manual handling observed and performed correctly?
Are fire exits free from obstruction?
Is the area free of slip / trip hazards?
Is anti-fatigue matting provided where staff stand for long periods?
Plant Details (location, Asset #, Test Date, Certificate #)
Plant Item
Specific Hazards
Room #
Is the DRA in certification and has a current diary?
Is equipment marked with radiation hazard signs?
Is the diary being used to record usage in the DRA?
Are 3 monthly swab/screening tests recorded in the diary?
Are blue lab coats being used / available?
Animal Facility
Does the facility have an anteroom for entry?
Are facility boundaries designed to prevent escape of animals?
Are drainage exits fitted with barriers to prevent arthropods or animals entering or escaping?
Are openings in wall, ceiling or roof filtered and screened with fine mesh?
Is the facility free of animals other than arthropods or aquatic organisms?
Is the facility free from plants other than those required to work with arthropods?
Are all joints between structural components sealed to prevent escape of arthropods?
Any openings in the walls, ceiling or roof, such as air vents, must remain screened with mesh that has an aperture size small enough to prevent the escape of the arthropods being contained in the facility?
Does the facility have an anteroom?
Does the anteroom and work area have methods to control the escape of arthropods?
Are all facility doors self-closing?
Are drainage exits fitted with barriers to prevent rodents or any other pests from entering the facility?
Are containers of disinfectants clearly labeled with the contents and, where necessary, the expiry date?
Are all life stages of arthropods in the facility contained in primary containers that are designed to prevent the escape of the arthropods?
Are work benches, surfaces and equipment decontaminated after completion of procedures involving any stage of the life cycle of GMOs that could persist on facility surfaces?
Are GM arthropods or arthropods containing GM micro-organisms stored outside the facility? If so are they double contained?
Are all primary containers labeled to enable identification of the organisms being contained?
Is the facility free from animals or plants other than aquatic organisms housed or reared in the facility?
Is the facility floor and any bunding sealed?
Is the bunding durable, impervious to water and its joints sealed?
Does the facility have a system for the decontamination of liquid effluent from the wash-up of equipment such as primary and secondary containers, filters, nets, and any other equipment?
Are drainage exits screened or filtered to prevent the escape of aquatic organisms or ingress of animals and invertebrates?
Are the facility floor drainage exits, able to treat effluent before being discharged?
Are the aquatic organisms in the facility contained in primary containers?
Is secondary containment provided to retain and decontaminate any spillage of water?
Are work benches, surfaces and equipment decontaminated after completion of procedures involving GMOs that could persist on facility surfaces?