Document No.
Conducted on
Prepared by
List the neighbours and receivers in the area
List the types of receiving environments
List the main activities and the respective JSEA numbers
Describe your first impressions of the site's housekeeping standards
Dust control - how well is dust managed in the area to prevent significant discharges?
- N/A
- Haven't started - no control measures in place &/or indications that sigificant dust does go beyond the work site boundary
- Some progress - some control measures in place but not fully effective - potential risk exists
- Meets minimum standard - controls in place prevent significant discharge of dust beyond the site boundary. Controls such as stabilisation, sealing, water cart, sweeping are used. Minimal dust present.
- Applying best practice - minimum standard + regular checking
- Going beyond - best practice + formal procedure &/or innovative approach to controlling this hazard
Notes / Actions Required
Noise & vibration control - How well is noise & vibration managed in the area?
- N/A
- Haven't started - no control measures in place &/or indications that sigificant noise or vibration goes beyond the site
- Some progress - some control measures in place but not fully effective
- Meets minimum standard - controlled in line with approved processes such as stakeholder engagement, working hours, personnel awareness etc
- Applying best practice - minimum standard + spot checking with noise meter
- Going beyond - best practice + formal procedure & / or innovative approach to controlling the hazard
Notes / Actions Required
Visible air emissions & odor - how well are ours and other visible emissions managed in the area? Emission examples: asphalt, emulsion, bitumen, mobile plant emissions may indicate plant damage / failure, rubbish or waste
- N/A
- Haven't started - no control measures in place & / or indications that sigificant odours or other emissions go beyond the site boundary
- Some progress - some control measures in place but not fully effective - potential risk exists
- Meets minimum standard - controls in place to prevent significant discharge of odour/emissions beyond the site boundary. Examples of controls: prevention, substitution, capture, treatment, neutralisation etc
- Applying best practice - minimum standard + regular checking
- Going beyond - best practice + formal procedure & / or innovative approach to controlling the hazard
Notes / Actions Required
Solid waste - how well are solid wastes such as construction & demolition waste, excess RAP, general trash, recyclables etc, managed in the area?
- N/A
- Haven't started - no focus on waste management e.g. no recycling or just steel
- Some progress - some focus on waste management e.g. A bit of recycling
- Meets minimum standard - systems in place to divert all recyclable materials from landfill to recycling locations. All waste is segregated and labeled appropriately.
- Applying best practice - minimum standard + regular waste audits, management plan
- Going beyond - best practice or zero waste + innovative approach to controlling the hazard or additional methods of recycling
Notes / Actions Required
Liquid waste - how well is liquid waste such as, domestic waste water, washing wastes, cesspit pumpings, off spec product, compressor condensate etc, managed in the area?
- N/A
- Haven't started - minimal liquid management, no records, not safely contained, leaks/spills etc
- Some progress - adhoc liquid waste management with signs of potential or past issues
- Meets minimum standard - all liquid waste is disposed of legally + records are kept, stored in a bunded &/or contained area
- Applying best practice - minimum standard + where possible liquid waste is recycled / reused
- Going beyond - best practice + innovative approach to controlling the hazard
Notes / Actions Required
Bulk storage (> 1000L) - how well is the storage of bulk volumes of fuels, lubricants & other chemicals (including dry materials like cement) managed to minimise the risk of spills & leaks, and prevent water / land contamination?
- N/A
- Haven't started - no dedicated storage area, substances exposed to weather & traffic &/or evidence of leakage
- Some progress - some tanks fully bunded but no formal environmental controls in place
- Meets minimum standard - all tanks fully bunded or otherwise contained with some environmental controls, if not covered
- Applying best practice - minimum standard + formal hazardous substance management procedures, regular monitoring
- Going beyond - best practice + regular auditing and review
Notes / Actions Required
Moderate volume storage (60-1000L) - how well is the storage of moderate volumes of fuels, lubricants & other chemicals ( including dry materials like cement ) managed to minimise the risk of spills & leaks and land / water contamination?
- N/A
- Haven't started - no dedicated storage area, substances exposed to weather & traffic & / or evidence of leakage
- Some progress - containers mostly have some form of secondary containment in place but it's not comprehensive
- Meets minimum standard - all containers kept in a fully bunded &/or covered areas with some controls in place
- Applying best practice - minimum standard + system in place to check & dispose of any contaminated water / material collected in bunds (if not fully covered) + regular monitoring
- Going beyond - best practice + regular auditing and review
Notes / Actions Required
Low volume storage (<60L) - how well is the storage of small volumes of fuels, lubricants & other chemicals ( including dry materials like cement ) managed to minimise the risk of spills & leaks and prevent contamination of land / water?
- N/A
- Haven't started - no dedicated storage area, substances exposed to weather & traffic & / or evidence of leakage
- Some progress - containers mostly have some form of secondary containment in place but it's not comprehensive
- Meets minimum standard - all containers kept in a fully bunded &/or covered areas with some controls in place
- Applying best practice - minimum standard + system in place to check & dispose of any contaminated water / material collected in bunds (if not fully covered) + regular monitoring
- Going beyond - best practice + regular auditing and review
Notes / Actions Required
Handling & use of chemicals - how well is the handling and use of fuels, lubricants & other chemicals ( including dry materials like cement ) managed to minimise the risk of spills & leaks and prevent contamination of land / water?
- N/A
- Haven't started - this takes place all over site with no formal control. Evidence of spills.
- Some progress - mostly done under controlled circumstances. Evidence of occasional spills.
- Meets minimum standard - always takes place in a controlled area or with spill contamination control measures in place e.g. drip trays, mats, bunding etc
- Applying best practice - minimum standard + regular monitoring
- Going beyond - best practice + regular auditing and review
Notes / Actions Required
Spill preparedness - how well are personnel prepared to respond to spills?
- N/A - highly unlikely
- Haven't started - site not prepared. No equipment, plan or training
- Some progress - site inadequately prepared. Adhoc / inappropriate spill kit availability. Spill kit contents missing. Minimal training &/ planning
- Meets minimum standard - site is prepared: kits suitably located & stocked, signs & posters present, personnel are trained & have correct PPE, all spills are OFI'ed
- Applying best practice - minimum standard + all personnel are trained, regular auditing to reduce spill risk, spill plan available
- Going beyond - best practice + emergency spill simulation conducted every 6 months
Notes / Actions Required
Stormwater management - how is stormwater managed to minimise the potential for contamination of water ways? I.e. clean water diversions, identification of contamination before it enters water ways
- N/A
- Haven't started - no stormwater management in place
- Some progress - no formal stormwater management. Some protection of stormwater receptors but maintenance maybe lacking & some issues still present
- Meets minimum standard - good stormwater management. Contaminated stormwater minimised & managed as per Council requirements
- Applying best practice - minimum standard + best practice
- Going beyond - best practice + formal procedure & / or innovative approach to controlling the hazard
Notes / Actions Required
Erosion & sediment control - How are earthworking, excavation, drilling, piling & devegetation operations managed to control erosion & sediment generation?
- N/A
- Haven't started - erosion & sediment control measures exist but are not maintained or manage other than when a problem occurs
- Some progress - measures exist but are not formally managed or maintained
- Meets minimum standard - measures exist and are well maintained and manged
- Applying best practice - minimum standard + regular documented internal inspections / self assessments
- Going beyond - best practice + formal procedure & / or innovative approach to controlling the hazard
Notes / Actions Required
Vehicle / equipment parking areas - how well are vehicle and plant parking / laydown areas managed and operated?
- N/A
- Haven't started - vehicles / plant parked wherever - within tidal areas &/ signs of spills / leaks
- Some progress - vehicles / plant in secure, specified area outside th tidal zone, signs of some leaks / spills
- Meets minimum standard - vehicles / plant in secure, tidy area outside the tide zone with evidence of spills & leaks cleaned up
- Applying best practice - minimum standard + regular monitoring
- Going beyond - best practice + secondary containment &/ or sediment management &/ innovative management
Notes / Actions Required
Housekeeping - what are the initial & considered impressions of the overall management and tidiness of the site?
Notes / Actions Required
Temporary stockpiles - how are temporary stockpiles of solid, inert material (excavation spoil, aggregate, mulch, topsoil, clay etc) from construction & maintenance jobs managed to control sediment and dust
- N/A
- Haven't started - stockpiles are messy & not managed to prevent sediment or dust generation - problems may or have occurred in the past
- Some progress - stockpiles area bit messy but have adhoc management
- Meets minimum standard - all piles are tidy & managed to prevent the discharge of dust & sediment - covered or stabilised, bunded, silt fenced etc.
- Applying best practice - minimum standard + regular monitoring and prompt repair
- Going beyond - best practice + innovative approach to controlling the hazard
Notes / Actions Required
Catchpits or Stormwater 360° devices protected - how well are cesspit on & adjacent to the work site managed to prevent sediment & gravel etc RM entering them, locking the drainage system or causing flood risks
- N/A
- Haven't started - no cesspit controls in place & actual gravel entering pits or clear potential for this to occur
- Some progress - some control measures in place but not fully effective - potential risk exists
- Meets minimum standard - all cesspits that could be affected by run-off from the job have effective protection in place & well maintained
- Applying best practice - minimum standard + regular monitoring and prompt repair
- Going beyond - best practice + innovative approach to controlling the hazard
Notes / Actions Required
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Pumping & dewatering - how well are pumping & dewatering activities managed to ensure that no contaminated water (e.g. concrete, slurry, lubricants & sediment etc) discharges to the environment or public drainage system occur?
- N/A
- Haven't started - no control measures. Pumping and dewatering may or has led to sediment discharges
- Some progress - some controls in place but not fully effective - potential risk exists
- Meets minimum standard - controls / procedures ensure no discharges to the environment (collect & remove, treat & dispose or ground soakage)
- Applying best practice - minimum standard + monitoring of effectiveness
- Going beyond - best practice + innovative approach to dewatering being utilised
Notes / Actions Required
Disposal of spoil / clean fill - how is the disposal of clean fill / spoil managed to ensure lol compliance with local regulations & control of related risks?
- N/A
- Haven't started - no management of clean fill operations or checking of sites for authorisation & operational status
- Some progress - some controls in place, adhoc management procedures but not fully compliant with district / regional requirements
- Meets minimum standard - clean filling done in full compliance with our process - material, is clean, taken to an authorised location, will managed & records are kept
- Applying best practice - minimum standard + physical inspection of disposal site + record of inspection
- Going beyond - best practice + regular auditing and review
Notes / Actions Required
Site access protection - how is access & exit from the area managed to ensure no mud is tracked on to public or private roads?
- N/A
- Haven't started - no access protection in place (procedure or structure) &/ signs of tracking
- Some progress - access controls in place but indications they may not be fully effective I.e. Evidence of some tracking
- Meets minimum standard - access ways have clear procedure & structures in place & maintained
- Applying best practice - minimum standard + monitoring of effectiveness
- Going beyond - best practice + innovative approach to controlling the hazard
Notes / Actions Required
Working in and around waterways - what procedures are in place to ensure that no unauthorised work takes place in a watercourse at this area? Controls such as avoidance, upstream diversion, downstream sediment control, crane pads, stabilisation of flow paths / discharge points
- N/A
- Haven't started - working in or adjacent to waterways without authorisation + no controls
- Some progress - know requirements / have authorisation but ineffective controls
- Meets minimum standard - all works in or adjacent to waterways are fully authorised & compliant with consent or project requirements
- Applying best practice - minimum standard + monitoring of effectiveness
- Going beyond - best practice + innovative approach to controlling the hazard
Notes / Actions Required
Working around vegetation - what procedures are in place to ensure that no unauthorised work takes place in close proximity to any protected / valued vegetation?
- N/A
- Haven't started - working in the vicinity of significant trees without official management of process &/ or evidence of tree damage
- Some progress - working around trees with authorisation & some controls & procedures in place, but not fully effective
- Meets minimum standard - all work conducted in full compliance with requirements - no activity within drip line, consult arborist
- Applying best practice - minimum standard + monitoring of effectiveness
- Going beyond - best practice + innovative approach to working around trees &/or vegetation
Notes / Actions Required
Making things with concrete (e.g. pouring, piling or molding) - how are operations managed to ensure potential impacts on the environment are controlled?
- N/A
- Haven't started - no or minimal controls. Past operations may or have led to problems such as high pH discharges etc
- Some progress - some controls in place but not fully effective - potential risk exists
- Meets minimum standard - controls / procedures ensure no discharges to the environment. Controls such as treatment (sludge bins), diversions (booms), ground soakage (away from tidal area or areas that will be landscaped)
- Applying best practice - minimum standard + monitoring of effectiveness
- Going beyond - best practice + innovative approach to controlling concrete work & related wastes
Notes / Actions Required