Title Page

  • Country

  • Port Name

  • Tour Code

  • Complete Tour Name (as shown in Hybris / ASR)

  • Date of Assessment

  • Ship Name

  • Crew ID of Assessor

  • Crew Name

Operational Details

Check-In Process

  • Check-in Process (check all that apply)

  • Check-in Process Feedback (provide details of challenges / best practices)

  • Photo(s) of Dispatch Process


  • Type of Transportation

  • Specify Type of Transportation

  • Transportation Features

  • Transportation Feedback / Challenges

  • Photo(s) of Transportation (include photo of steps, exterior, interior, restroom if available)


  • Would you consider this a top tour?

  • Additional comments / recommendations

Tour Details

  • Name of Attraction

  • Attraction viewed by

  • Features at attraction

  • Cost of Restrooms

  • Restroom fee

  • Cost of Lockers

  • Locker fee

  • Cost of showers

  • Shower fee

  • Cost of shaded area (umbrellas, etc.)

  • Shaded area / umbrella fee

  • Specify

  • Is there a fee for this feature / service

  • What is the cost of this feature / service

  • Driving distance to attaction

  • Specify duration

  • Time spent at attraction

  • Specify duration

  • Highlights of attraction / Selling Point (highest waterslide in the Caribbean, World Heritage Site, etc)

  • Any additional highlights or selling points?

  • Any additional highlights or selling points

  • Food & Beverage

  • Cost of Full Meal

  • Approximate cost of meal

  • Meal options available for purchase

  • What does the meal consist of

  • Cost of Snack

  • What does the snack consist of

  • What options are available

  • Cost of Beverage, Soft Drinks

  • Which drinks are included

  • What options are available

  • Cost of Alcoholic Beverages

  • What alcoholic beverages are included

  • What alcoholic beverage options are available

  • Cost of Wine / Beer Tasting

  • What is the cost of wine / beer tasting

  • Cost of Open Bar

  • What is included in the open bar

  • What is the cost of Open Bar

  • Cost of limited open bar

  • What is included in the limited open bar

  • What is the cost of the limited open bar

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.