Title Page

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location

Qualifying Questions

  • Do you rent from Council, Housing Association or Private Landlord?

  • Can you confirm the approximate date you moved in?

  • When did you first report the current issues?

  • When did you most recently report the current issues?

  • How were the issues reported?

  • How many times have you reported the issues?

  • Is this a single or joint tenancy?

  • Please provide details of Joint Applicant

  • What is the rental amount?

  • What type of tenancy is this?

  • Are you in any rental arrears?

  • If so, how much?

  • Have you arranged a payment plan?

  • At what rate are you repaying the arrears?

  • Are you due to move from the property?

  • Has a date been set to repair the property?

  • When?

  • Do you have any special requirements that we should be made aware of?

  • Please provide information

  • Do you currently or have you ever had solicitors acting for you?

  • Summary of Disrepair

Client Details

  • Title

  • First Name

  • Middle Name/s (if applicable)

  • Surname

  • Clients Full Address including Postcode

  • Contact Number

  • Alternative Contact Number

  • Email Address

  • National Insurance Number

  • Occupation

  • Nationality

  • First Language

  • Client Representative Required?

  • If yes, provide details

  • Password

Client Details 2

  • Title

  • First Name

  • Middle Name/s (if applicable)

  • Surname

  • Clients Full Address including Postcode

  • Contact Number

  • Alternative Contact Number

  • Email Address

  • National Insurance Number

  • Occupation

  • Nationality

  • First Language

  • Client Representative Required?

  • If yes, provide details

  • Password


  • Name of defendant

About the Tenancy

  • Type of Property

  • If its a flat, what floor does the client live on?

  • No. Of Occupants


  • What is your opinion on the cause of the defects?

  • Number of rooms affected

  • Did the landlord respond?

  • If yes, what was their response?

  • Do you have any correspondence relating to their response?

  • What repairs were carried out, if any?

  • Do you have any evidence of reporting? (Emails, texts or portal reports?

  • When was the most recent annual gas check?

  • When was the most recent annual electricity check?

  • Has a formal complaint been made?

  • Have you reported to your local MP?

  • Have the issues been reported to Environmental Health?

  • Have the issues been reported to the Housing Ombudsman Service?

  • Are there any emergency repairs?

  • If so, what are they?

Room by Room

  • Room 1

  • Details of Disrepair

  • First Report

  • Last Report

  • No. of times reported

  • Reporting method

  • Are all windows, vents and fans fully operational?

Room by Room

  • Room 2

  • Details of Disrepair

  • First Report

  • Last Report

  • No. of times reported

  • Reporting method

  • Are all windows, vents and fans fully operational?

Room by Room

  • Room 3

  • Details of Disrepair

  • First Report

  • Last Report

  • No. of times reported

  • Reporting method

  • Are all windows, vents and fans fully operational?

Room by Room

  • Room 4

  • Details of Disrepair

  • First Report

  • Last Report

  • No. of times reported

  • Reporting method

  • Are all windows, vents and fans fully operational?

Room by Room

  • Room 5

  • Details of Disrepair

  • First Report

  • Last Report

  • No. of times reported

  • Reporting method

  • Are all windows, vents and fans fully operational?

Room by Room

  • Room 6

  • Details of Disrepair

  • First Report

  • Last Report

  • No. of times reported

  • Reporting method

  • Are all windows, vents and fans fully operational?

Room by Room

  • Room 7

  • Details of Disrepair

  • First Report

  • Last Report

  • No. of times reported

  • Reporting method

  • Are all windows, vents and fans fully operational?

Room by Room

  • Room 8

  • Details of Disrepair

  • First Report

  • Last Report

  • No. of times reported

  • Reporting method

  • Are all windows, vents and fans fully operational?

Room by Room

  • Room 9

  • Details of Disrepair

  • First Report

  • Last Report

  • No. of times reported

  • Reporting method

  • Are all windows, vents and fans fully operational?

Room by Room

  • Room 10

  • Details of Disrepair

  • First Report

  • Last Report

  • No. of times reported

  • Reporting method

  • Are all windows, vents and fans fully operational?

Lifestyle/Use of Property

  • How are the issues affecting your daily life?

  • Are you embarrassed to have visitors?

  • Do any of the tenants smoke?

  • If so, who?

  • Have you carried out any DIY or plumbing work to the property?

  • If so, what?

  • Anything further to note that may affect claim (method of bathing due to beliefs, etc)

Personal Injury

  • Have you sustained injury or illness?

  • If yes, please provide further information on how and when?


  • Name

  • Date of Birth

  • Contact Number


  • Name

  • Date of Birth

  • Contact Number


  • Name

  • Date of Birth

  • Contact Number

Financial Losses

  • Item

  • Cost £

  • Damage

  • Evidence?

Financial Losses

  • Item

  • Cost £

  • Damage

  • Evidence?

Financial Losses

  • Item

  • Cost £

  • Damage

  • Evidence?

Financial Losses

  • Item

  • Cost £

  • Damage

  • Evidence?

Financial Losses

  • Item

  • Cost £

  • Damage

  • Evidence?


  • Do you have any infestation in your property?

  • When was it first noticed?

  • What exactly was noticed?

  • Was it reported?

  • If so, when was it reported?

  • Who was it reported too?

  • How many times has it been reported?

  • Do you have any evidence of complaints?

  • Any attempts by the landlord to deal with this?

  • Has a report been prepared by the landlord?

  • Do you have a copy?

  • Is perishable food ever left on worktops?

  • Are dishes washed on a daily basis?

  • Is the client considered to be a hoarder?

  • Is the home in a reasonably clean condition?

  • Does the indoor bin have a secure lid?

  • Is rubbish regularly taken out?

  • Is there any stagnant water outside or near the property?

  • Is there decking in the garden?

  • If yes, was decking present when moving in?

  • Any renovations that could potentially allow infestation to occur?

Evidence of Disrepair

  • Please provide any evidence of disrepair

Evidence of Reporting

  • Please provide any evidence of reporting (emails, portal receipts)

Evidence of Personal Injury

  • Please provide evidence of any personal injuries due to the disrepair

Evidence of Financial Loss

  • Please provide evidence of any financial losses (receipts of good, photographic damage)

Evidence of Infestation

  • Please provide evidence of any infestation

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.