Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location


  • Check power points, Power boards and extension cords are neat, organised and not overloaded

  • Walk through areas clear or boxes and obstacles

  • WHS Policies and Manuals current and readily available in the office

  • Hazard Report and Near Miss Forms available

  • Accident / Incident forms available

Fire and Emergency

  • Emergency Procedures clearly displayed

  • Fire extinguishers, Hose reels and Fire blankets in correct spot and up to standard AND clearly labelled

  • Is all the fire equipment easily accessible and boxes free of other items

  • Are all entrances, walkways and exits clear (and signs working)

  • First aid kits (Kiosk, Gym First aid room) and Oxygen kits are in place and working

  • Lifesaving equipment (rope bags, rescue tubes and spinal board) in good working condition and not damaged

Hazardous Substances

  • Are hazardous containers clearly marked

  • Are all hazardous substances appropriately stored

  • Hazardous Substances Register for all chemicals is current

  • Hazardous Substances Register for all chemicals is current

  • Are SDS available for all hazardous substances


  • Is there a visitor/ tradesperson sign in/out register readily available for visitors


  • Check all food in fridges and Pantry: check expiry dates and dispose

  • Appliances stored correctly

  • All cleaning chemical containers labelled correctly

Plant Room

  • Check wash stations work (eye and shower) and clean basin

  • Plant Room Tidy: PPE in boxes, cleaning chemicals and equipment in storeroom, general tidiness


  • Solar units are on, running and undamaged

  • Space is tidy and free of obstacles/trip hazards

  • Stairs, Railing and floor space all intact and safe

  • Gym/group fit equipment is stored in a safe and tidy manner

Stadium Storage

  • Is the netball/gym equipment appropriately stored

  • Is there a clear thoroughfare to all parts of the storeroom

  • Can this be cleared now?


  • Lights working

  • Walk through areas clear of toys and obstacles

  • Is the sanitiser stocked up

  • Are all emergency exits easily accessible

Swim School Store

  • Items neatly stores

Pool Hoist

  • Is the chair operating correctly

  • Cover on and secured

  • Is the chair properly secured to the ground

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.