Title Page
Document No.
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
1. Identification/Traceability of Food
"All food labelled, or if unlabelled the source and content of the food is able to be identified".
Food is labelled correctly and use by dates current<br>
Is the suppliers name and business address available on request?
Corrective Action Required:
2. Temperature Control of PHF
"PHF are delivered under temperature control.
Is PHF delivered at correct temperatures of below 5 degrees Celsius above 60 Degrees Celsius or frozen hard. Alternatively:
At documented controlled times that does not affect the safety of the food?
Corrective Action Required:
3. Storage: Temperature Control of PHF
Protected from contamination, covered/sealed/off the ground?
Stored in food grade containers, clearly labelled for identification and dated to assist with stock rotation?
Stored to avoid potential food allergens?
Stored according to instructions on the label?
Raw and ready to eat food separated?
Corrective Action Required?
4. Appropriate Environmental Conditions
Food is stored under appropriate environmental conditions.
Environmental conditions such as heat, humidity and light are suitable and safe for food storage?
Corrective Action Required?
5. Packaging
"Appropriate packaging material is used?"
Packaging materials are suitable for food use, clean, free from foreign matter and stored hygienic ally?
Packaging equipment is clean, well maintained and will not contaminate food.
Corrective Action Required:
6. Temperature Control of PHE
PHF are transported and distributed under temperature control.
PHF transported above 60 degrees Celsius, below 5 degrees Celsius or frozen
Are temperatures recorded?
Corrective Action Required:
7. Health, Hygiene and Knowledge: Health of Food Handlers - Responsibilities
"Food Handlers meet their responsibilities regarding their health".
Food handlers are aware that they must report to their supervisor and not handle food if:<br>They are suffering from food poisoning, vomiting, diarrhoea, have infected sores or discharges from opening on the face, and take all practical measures to prevent food from being contaminated.
Corrective Action Required:
8. Hygiene of Food Handlers - Responsibilities
"Food Handlers use safe food handling procedures"
Food handlers are clean in appearance, wearing appropriate clothing, long hair covered or tied back, minimal or no jewellery and nails, clean, short, not false or polished?
Wounds on hands are covered with waterproof covering.
Food handlers do not contaminate food by eating, sneezing, coughing, smoking, or spitting in food preparation area.
Food handlers minimise contact with ready to eat foods.
Food handlers are aware of who and how to wash hands correctly and use provided hand-washing facilities.
Corrective Action Required:
9. Adequate Hand Washing Facilities
"Hand washing facilities are adequate".
Facilities are for the sole purpose of hand washing and adequate size?
Warm running water, single use towels, soap and waste paper receptacle are provided?
Facilities are accessible at all times
Corrective Action Required:
10. Food Handler Skills and Knowledge
"Food handlers and their supervisors have appropriate skill and knowledge in food safety and food hygiene commensurate with their working activities".
Principles of food safety and hygiene are understood?
Ability to perform necessary tasks to ensure the safety of the food?
Evidence of ongoing training
Corrective Action Required:
11. Premises and Hygiene: Cleanliness of Premises, Fittings and Equipment
"The premises is maintained to an acceptable standard of cleanliness".
The premises, fixtures, fittings and equipment are maintained to avoid accumulation of garbage, recycled matter, food waste, dirt, grease or other visible matter?
Adequate space between and under fitting to undertake cleaning.
Where possible, appliances are on casters to assist with cleaning.
Chemicals are used and stored as per manufacturers instructions
Corrective Action Required
12. Cleaning and Sanitising of Food Contact Items
"All food contact surfaces and equipment are effectively cleaned and sanitised".
Eating and drinking utensils are cleaned and sanitised between use.
Equipment and food contact surfaces are cleaned and sanitised between raw and ready to eat foods.
Corrective Action Required
13. Suitability and Design and Maintenance of Premises, Fittings & Equipment
"The premises are designed and contracted in a way that is appropriate for the activities conducted" and "fixtures and fittings are maintained in a good state of repair and working order".
Walls floor and ceilings are well maintained, smooth impervious and easy to clean?
Equipment, fixtures and fittings are in a good condition, accessible and made of materials that are easily cleaned and sanitised.
Adequate facilities are provided to cope with demand
Process flow minimise cross contamination
Chipped, broken and cracked utensils are discarded and not used
Corrective Action Required
14. Temperature Measuring Devices
"An adequate and suitable thermometer is onsite where PHF is handled?"
An accurate maintained probe thermometer is readily available?
Business cans demonstrate correct use of thermometer
Corrective Action Required
15. Use of "Single Use" items
"Single use items are used and disposed of safely".
Single-use items are stored hygienically to avoid contamination and discarded or disposed of adequately after use, to avoid re-use?
Corrective Action Required
16. Control of Animals and Pests
"Effective procedures are in place to keep premises free from animals and pests".
Doors, windows and other areas are sealed to prevent pest entry
Animals are restricted from food preparation and storage areas
Corrective Action Required
17. Storage of Personal Effects/ Chemicals
"There is adequate and safe storage for chemicals, clothing and personal belongings that may contaminate food".
Chemicals cleaning equipment, hazardous materials are stored separately to food preparation and storage areas
Personal items and clothing are stored separately in designated areas away from food preparation and storage areas
Dirty linen is stored appropriately
Corrective Action Required