Audit Title
Document No.
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
1. General Safety
1.1. Is Housekeeping in good condition?
1.2. Is working areas and walkways clear of obstructions?
1.3. Are nails removed from lumber or lumber material cleaned up?
1.4. Is work area access controlled?
1.5. Are fire extinguishers inspected and in good condition?
2. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
2.1. Use of safety glasses?
2.2. Use of face shields?
2.3. Proper footwear?
2.4. Hand and or arm protection? (Please specify)
2.5. Hard hat?
2.6. Respiratory protection?
2.7. Hearing protection?
2.8. Is there a lack of, or inadequate PPE (including sun protection)
2.9. Other please fill in.
3. Hazardous Chemical Storage / Usage
3.1. Are Proper containers being used?
3.2. Are containers properly labeled?
3.3. Material Safety Data Sheets for chemicals brought on site?
3.4. Reactivity labels on container?
3.5. Chemical dispensing ( bonding,grounding and containment) ?
3.6. Unsafe storage location? (e.g. flammables near ignition sources, spills could enter stormwater drains, etc)
3.7. Incompatible chemicals stored near each other?
3.8. Inadequate spill containment equipment?
3.9. Excessive quantities stored on site or in vehicles?
3.10. Insufficient, or incorrect, PPE?
3.11. Is there sufficient ventilation?
4. Compressed Gasses
4.1. Cylinders secured? (with proper material)
4.2. Protective cap fastened?
4.3. Incompatible cylinders separated ( oxygen / fuel)?
5. Hot Work
5.1. Hot work permit?
5.2. Is there fire hazards in the area ( flammable or combustible materials)?
5.3. Is Fire watch needed or present?
5.4. Is a welding screen in place?
5.5. Are Fire extinguishers or other fire extinguishment media present?
5.6. Do crews have a way to report fires?
5.7. Are Welding leads and gas hoses in good condition?
6. Electrical Safety and Hazards
6.1. Is the Lockout Tag-out system used properly?
6.2. Electrical equipment / extension cords good? (damaged, out of test date or untested) SAFE or AT RISK
6.3. Is the Grounding GFCI protection policy in place and being used?
6.4. Are the Leads placed on ground or on metal structures?
6.5. Are outlets being overloaded?
6.6. Is Electrical equipment near water?
6.7. Is Electrical equipment near flammables?
7. Hand Tools
7.1. Are hand tools in Good condition?
7.2. Are they being used safely?
7.3. Are Guards in place?
7.4. Are Cords in good condition?
7.5. Is Proper PPE being used?
8. Motorized Equipment ( fork truck,cranes,etc)
8.1. Is equipment in Good working condition?
8.2. Back up alarms working?
8.3. Crane reports compleate?
8.4. Are inspections completed?
8.5. Are operators trained?
8.6. Is safe work or operating instructions / procedures being followed?
8.7. Are Seat belts worn?
8.8. Is there a lack of training in safe operation, clean-up and maintenance?
9. Confined Space
9.1. Entry permit present?
9.2. Is Air monitoring needed?
9.3. Is Safe entry procedures being used an followed?
9.4. All Appropriate safety equipment being used and or available?
9.5. Is there an Attendant / standby person? Are they trained?
9.6. Is there Rescue equipment and plans in place?
10. Process Safety
10.1 Are all employees trained?
10.2. Are Safe work procedures being followed
10.3. Lack of training in risk controls and safe lifting/ team lifting techniques? SAFE of AT RISK
11. Excavations
11.1. Location of underground utilities identified?
11.2. Dig safe called 72hrs before excavation?
11.3. Appropriate sloping and or shoring?
11.4. Means of entry and or egress?
11.5. Competent person? Clearly defined?
11.6. Work area access controlled?
11.7. Control of hazardous conditions (air toxics)?
12. Ladders / Scaffolds
12.1. Is the ladder being used right for the job?
12.2. Are Ladders secured and tied off?
12.3. Are ladders positioned properly?
12.4. Are ladders in Good working condition? Unsafe or damaged ladders need to be tagged out of service and or disposed of.
12.5. Are Scaffolds written inspection completed by comp person?
12.6. Scaffold railings ( top,mid rail,and toe boards? SAFE of AT RISK
12.7. Are scaffolds Unsafe or incomplete?
12.8. Are Incompatible scaffold components being used?
13. Elevated Work Areas Heights
13.1. Are Openings in floors and walls guarded?
13.2. Are Hand rails built correctly?
13.3. Is Appropriate fall protection being used?
13.4. Are there Fall risks of 2m or more? (including voids, pits, and trenches)
13.5. Is there a Lack of edge protection?
13.6. Unsafe or incomplete edge protection? SAFE of AT RISK
14. Construction
14.1. Is JSA complete for task?
14.2. Is Everyone on site signed in to the JSA?
14.3. Is Daily safe work practice plan complete?
15. Rigging
15.1. Are there Tears, cuts, abrasions, or exposed core yarns present?
15.2. Are there Legible and present tags?
15.3. Is Tell Tails (twin-path) visible?
15.4. Is there Bird Caging / Crushing / Broken wires (wire sling) present?
15.5. Is Corrosion ( Alloy Chains) present?
15.6. Is there Bent / Twisted / Stretched Links?
15.7. Are Loads lifted over persons, close proximity to obstacles incl. overhead power lines? If yes done properly?
15.8. Is there a Lack of maintenance, testing and inspection?
15.9. Is there any Unsafe or damaged lifting equipment, including ropes, slings, chains, hooks found?
15.10. Are Qualified riggers being used?
16. Harness and Equipment
16.1. Unsafe or damaged harness or equipment being used?
16.2. Unsafe or uncertified anchor points?
16.3. Incompatible hooks/equipment?
16.4. Lack of inspection of equipment?
16.5. Lack of or inadequate formal training for users?
17. Emergency Response
17.1. Lack of, or no emergency plans for site.
17.2. Emergency procedures displayed and in place.
17.3. Training and rehearsal of emergency plans implemented.
17.4. Is there a Lack of, or inadequate first aid kits aid equipment for site?
17.5. Is there access to formally trained First Aiders on site or available through local channels?
17.6. Is there suitable or adequate communication equipment?
18. Traffic Management
18.1. Is there an adequate, Traffic Management Plan (TMP) in place?
18.2. Is training in TMP for all persons on site available and or compleat?<br>(contractors and visitors)
18.3. Are adequate controls for TMP in place? (physical barriers, bollards, speed limits, flashing lights, spotters, etc)
19. Work Environment
19.1. Is there a Lack of/or inadequate amenities? (toilets, wash areas, lunch rooms, etc)
19.2. Is there sufficient lighting?
19.3. Inadequate housekeeping?
19.4. Is there a Lack of, or inadequate noise/ vibration control?
20. Environmental Hazards
20.1. Lack of/or inadequate Environmental Management plan (EMP)?
20.2. Lack of/or inadequate, dust suppression system?
20.3. Lack of/or inadequate systems to prevent contaminants entering stormwater drains?
20.4. Rock faces cleaned and clear of hazards?
21. Administrative Procedures
21.1. Lack of/or inadequate Site Safety Plan?
21.2. Lack of/or inadequate training, licenses, skills, experience?
21.3. Lack of, or inadequate, induction for workers, contractors, visitors?
21.4. Lack or, or inadequate, supervisory arrangements?
21.5. Lack of, or inadequate, routine inspections, monitoring, audits?
Corrective Actions
Enter any corrective actions that will be undertaken
Sign Off
Greg Letourneau
Brian Holmes
Don Houde
Bob Burdick