Title Page
Not all of the MUNS activities listed in this survey will apply to every community – please refer to your copy of the MUNS plan for each community.
Where you have indicated an issue that needs attention under the community service plan, please provide the information requested below –
Provide adequate notes detailing the issue(s).
Provide photographs clearly showing the issue(s).
Outline how the issue(s) should be resolved, who should resolve the issue and negotiate a time
frame to resolve the issue with the Community Representative or Regional Service Provider. -
Survey ID
Audit Title
Survey Officer
Survey Officer Name
Organisation : Housing Authority
Email : Aaron.StJohnCrowley@housing.wa.gov.au
Landline : (08) 9222 4581
Mobile : 0419 910 831 -
Organisation : Housing Authority
Email : Brian.Burgess@housing.wa.gov.au
Landline : (08) 9222 4872
Mobile : 0427 996 101 -
Organisation : Housing Authority
Email : Brett.Angus@housing.wa.gov.au
Landline : (08) 9222 8156
Mobile : 0477 761 856 -
Organisation : Housing Authority
Email : Ian.Jorritsma@housing.wa.gov.au
Landline : (08) 9440 2588
Mobile : 0477 759 377 -
Current Position
Community Details
Community Name
Is there an Indigenous Population?
Is there a Non-Indigenous Population?
Community Inspection conducted in conjunction with ...
(The inspection is to be conducted with either a representative of the community where the community receive the funding directly or with a representative of the Regional Service Provider where they receive the funding)
Representative of ...
Community Name
Provider Name
- Mamabulanjin
- Ngaanatjarraku Shire
- Ngaanyatjarra Council
- Yulella
Essential Services
Is power generation maintained by REMS?
Power - Outside Genset Shed
Is there a power compound fence at the facility?
Is power compound fence in good condition including holes where wire has been cut?
Is vegetation cleared from the fence line and inside the compound? <br>(Vegetation should be cleared at least 5 metres away from the fence line)<br>
Is the compound gate locked and secured?
Are there any fire extinguishers?
Are all fire extinguisher(s) “in date”?
Please add each fire extinguisher below then record the date for each unit
Fire extinguisher
(record date)
Does the area contain any fuel tanks?
How many fuel tanks are there?
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 9
- 10
- 11
- 12
- 13
- 14
- 15
- 16
- 17
- 18
- 19
- 20
What is their COMBINED total capacity in litres?
Are there any other forms of power generation?
Add each form of power generation.
Power Generation Form
Is there any fuel spillage in the compound (evidence from staining on the ground)?
Power - Inside Genset Shed / Control Room
Does the inside of the Genset Shed / Control Room look neat, tidy and well maintained?
Are there any obvious fuel, oil or water leaks?
How many Gensets are installed?
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 9
- 10
- 11
- 12
- 13
- 14
- 15
- 16
- 17
- 18
- 19
- 20
Is a logbook used and current to record daily/weekly general maintenance schedule? <br>(Please refer to the Community Service Plan for scheduled work requirements)
Date/Time of most recent entry
4.2.3 Powerline and Service Corridor Management
Is Powerline and Service Corridor managed by REMS ?
Are power poles and overhead wires free from undergrowth?<br>(Trees and bushes growing under power lines should be removed or pruned back to allow at least 5 metre clearance. Vegetation should be cleared from around the base of the poles in case of fire)<br>
Is their clear route along the power / utilities distribution lines?
Is the above-ground utilities lines free of small trees, branches, shrubs and large vegetation growth
Are any overhead lines sagging, damaged or down?
Select all applicable line issue(s)
- Sagging
- Damaged
- Down
Is Water maintained by REMS?
Is the water storage compound clear of vegetation?
Is there a fence around the water storage compound?
Is the fence clear of vegetation? <br>(Vegetation should be cleared at least 5 metres away from the fence line)
Is the fence in good condition?
Is the water storage compound gate locked and secured?
Are there any line leaks in the community?<br>(Any evidence of pooling or wet soggy ground)
Water Bores
Are Water Bores maintained by REMS?
Water Bores
Are there any bore compounds?
How many bore compounds are there?
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 9
- 10
- 11
- 12
- 13
- 14
- 15
- 16
- 17
- 18
- 19
- 20
Are the bore compounds and outside of the fences free from vegetation? <br>(Vegetation should be cleared at least 5 metres away from the fence line)
Are the fences in good condition?
Are all of the bore compounds locked and secured?
Are the bores and compound checked for leaks and levels on a regular basis?
Is there any evidence of leaks from the overhead storage tanks, rusting steel in the framework or rotting timber on the platform?
Is a disinfection and/or purification system in use?
What type of disinfection and/or purification system is in use?
Is a logbook used and current to record daily/weekly general maintenance schedule?
Date/Time of most recent entry
Is a record kept for water usage readings, treatment system flow and chlorinator levels?
Sewage Transfer Plant
Are there any Sewage Transfer Plants?
Are all Sewage Transfer Plant compounds and outside of the fences free from vegetation? <br>(Vegetation should be cleared at least 5 metres away from the fence line)
Are the fences in good condition?
Are all Plant compounds locked and secured?
Are all Plant compounds checked for leaks and levels on a regular basis?
Is there any evidence of breaches or leaks from any Plant equipment?
Are any warning lights activated?
Sewage Ponds
Is the community on septic tanks only with no sewer ponds?
Is the fence in good condition?
Is the sewer pond compound locked and secured?
Are the edges and ponds free from of long grass and weeds and reeds? <br>(Details of suitable poisons that do not affect the ponds can be sourced from your contract manager)<br>
Is vegetation cleared from the fence line and inside the compound? <br>(Vegetation should be cleared at least 5 meters away from the fence line)
Waste Disposal and Management
4.3.1 Management of Landfill working area - Rubbish Tip
Is there a rubbish pit/trench at the facility?
Is the access road free of rubbish with no hazards?
Does the pit contain domestic rubbish only?
What percentage of Pit/Trench has been used?
What type of rubbish tip is in use?
Is the Rubbish pushed-up or burnt?
Select date
Is rubbish dumped randomly around the rubbish tip? (Including along the access road/verge)
Is the tip organised – Car bodies separate, white goods, metal etc?
Is there a separate car graveyard where vehicles are stored?
Is the tip fenced?
Is the fence in good condition?
4.2 Rubbish Collection
Is the rubbish collection managed by REMS ?
Are the bins in the community overflowing?
Are the bins in good condition?
Is there a rubbish truck/trailer at the facility?
Is the rubbish truck or trailer in working order?
Is there a weekly service?
Environment Health Management
Is there a cemetery at the facility?
Is there a fence around the cemetery?
Is the fence in good condition?
Is vegetation cleared from the fence line and around the outside of the fence? <br>(Vegetation should be cleared at least 1 metre away from the fence line)
Are there any dog control programs in place?
What dog control programs are offered?
- De-sexing
- Education Program
- Relocation
Does there appear to be an issue with the number of dogs in the community?
4.4.1 Settlement Clean-up/Kerbside up/Cyclone Pick up
Is there a public area that requires Settlement Clean-up/Kerbside up/Cyclone Pick up ?
Was the clean-up plan communicated with the community?
what method ?
- Poster
- Council meeting
- Shop
When was the last settlement Clean-up/Kerbside up/Cyclone Pick up ?
When is the next settlement Clean-up/Kerbside up/Cyclone Pick up ?
Is the facility in a 'cyclone' area?
Firebreaks, Roads, Drainage and Airstrip
4.2.4 Firebreak Management
Is there a firebreak around the community?<br>(5 metres wide and have a minimum vertical clearance of 5 metres from overhead vegetation / tree branches)<br>
Is there a firebreak around the perimeter of all infrastructure assets?
Is there any vegetation in the fence lines of the infrastructure compounds?
Are the firebreaks trafficable at a consistent speed;
Sealed Roads
Are there any Sealed Roads relevant to this survey?
(Any damage to roads or kerbs need to be repaired)
The following questions will be repeated for each sealed road related to the facility. For each sealed road, enter a brief title to identify it.
Sealed Road
Sealed Road Title
Are there pot holes in the sealed road?
Are there any kerbs on the sealed road?
Are any section of the shoulders of the road in poor condition?
Are any of the kerbs of the road in poor condition?
Are there significant amounts of sand on the road?
Are there any road and/or street name signs?
Are all of the signs intact?
Unsealed Roads
Are there any Unsealed roads relevant to this survey?
The following questions will be repeated for each unsealed road related to the facility. For each unsealed road, enter a brief title to identify it.
Unsealed Road
Unsealed Road Title
Is the unsealed road free from deep sand?
Are there any road depressions or washaways on the unsealed road?
Are there any Tracks relevant to this survey?
The following questions will be repeated for each track related to the facility. For each track, enter a brief title to identify it.
What is the general condition of this track?
Track Title
Does this track need repair to allow access?
Is the drainage mostly the natural lay of the land or is it artificial?
Are drainage routes free of rubbish and plant growth?
Are the drainage routes shallow due to sand accumulation?
Where any natural drainage occurs, does the water pool or erode the land in sections?
Is there an airstrip at this facility?
Is the airstrip compound locked and secured?
Is the fence in good condition?
Is the windsock and runway furniture operational and functional and correctly located?
Is the airstrip free of vegetation?
Are the airstrip cones free from vegetation?
Is the windsock in good condition?
Is the landing strip free of large rocks, stones, depressions, mounds, erosion and vegetation ? (Rocks should not be larger than a golf ball)
Is there any airstrip lighting in place?
generator, solar or mains ?
Is the lighting working?
4.1 Public Area Management
4.2 General Public Area
General Public Area
Is the public area free of litter / rubbish / vegetation?
Is Public area grass / vegetation slashed and controlled ?<br>(Maintain grass / vegetation at maximum 100mm above ground level by mowing / slashing) <br>
4.2.1 Shrub and Vegetation Control
Is there large trees which require lopping?
Is service infrastructure external, boundary of houses, buildings and infrastructure compounds clear of shrubs and large vegetation growth? (minimum 5 metres clearance)
4.4.2 Abandoned Vehicles Clean-up
Abandoned Vehicles Clean-up
Was the collection communicated to residents?
- Poster
- Council meeting
- Shop
When was the last collection of abandoned vehicles?
Play Ground
Is there a community playground?
Is the equipment in good condition ?
Is the community playground free from vegetation and rubbish?
Is there an Oval at the facility?
Is the infrastructure (goal posts, seats, fences) in a good state of repair?
Is the oval reticulated?
Is there any grass on the oval?
Is the grass mowed?
Is the oval free of undergrowth?
Is the area free of rubbish?
Basketball Courts
Is there a Basketball Court at the facility?
Is the infrastructure (pavement, rings, lighting) in a good state of repair?
Is the area free of rubbish?
Plant and Machinery
Is there any Plant and/or Machinery to record?
Please add a new record for each Asset then enter the requested information (where known).
Type of Machinery
Enter Brand
Enter Model
Enter Rego
Enter Mileage
Closing Comments
Please provide any further comments that will help assess MUNS activities
Signature (Housing Representative)
Signature (Community or RSP Representative)