Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

1. Planning

  • Does the risk assessment define the Risk Area and Fumigation Zone?

  • The fumigant to be used is registered for the intended use?

  • Has the "Fumigator in Charge" been identified?

  • Has the required fumigant been dispatched from the store?

  • Have the appropriate authorities (Police / Fire / Ambulance / Govt.) have been notified of the fumigation (including location, duration, fumigant details, emergency contact details)?

  • Is a Service Agreement in place stipulating the company's full terms and conditions

  • Does the risk assessment define the Risk Area and Fumigation Zone?

  • A copy of the risk assessment is signed by the client?

  • The fumigant to be used is registered for the intended use?

  • Has the "Fumigator in Charge" been identified?

  • Has the required fumigant been dispatched from the store?

2. Personnel

  • Is the job attended by the correct number of people?

  • Is one or both of the technicians licenced or accredited?

  • Do the fumigators each have a means of recording their fumigation exposure?

3. Equipment - RPE

  • Is it available to all technicians present?

  • Is it in good condition?

  • Is it being used?

  • Is it being used correctly?

  • Is the correct type of gas filter canister available and being used as detailed in the Fumigation Standards?

  • Are filter canisters destroyed after the usage time has elapsed?

  • Is SCBA available if required?

  • If SCBA is used, are the operators trained to use it?

4. Fumigation equipment and materials (tarps, clips, signs)

  • Is there enough equipment on site to conduct the treatment?

  • Is all fumigation equipment in good condition and suitable for use?

  • Is all fumigation equipment inspected routinely and replaced if necessary?

5. Monitoring equipment

  • Does the technician have the correct digital device to monitor the treatment?

  • Is the equipment currently calibrated?

  • Has the technician been trained how to use it?

6. Clearance Equipment

  • Does the technician have the correct digital device for gas clearance?

  • Is the equipment currently calibrated?

  • Has the technician been trained how to use it?

7. Fall Protection

  • Is the fall protection equipment on site?

  • Is the fall protection equpiment in good condition?

  • Is fall protection equipment being properly utilized?

  • Have technicians using the fall protection equipment been trained in the equipment?

8. Transport and Handling

  • Are fumigants transported correctly?

  • Are fumigants transported separate to the drivers compartment?

  • Is the vehicle compliant with Government requirements?

  • Are SDS and shipping documents present for all fumigants carried?

  • Are cylinders handled / manoeuvred correctly?

  • Are the cylinders secured correctly when not in use?

9. Preparation

  • The Fumigation Site Risk assessments is available and checked before commencing work?

  • Standard Operating Procedures have been issued to the fumigator for the fumigation being undertaken?

  • Fumigation warning notices are placed at appropriate points around the site?

  • Fumigation warning notices give emergency contact numbers?

  • The fumigator has been trained and is aware of the safe work methods for the treatment being conducted?

  • Is the Fumigation Area checked for suitability (floor sealed / cracks / drains)?

  • The goods are moved to the Fumigation Area by the client?

  • The goods are checked for suitability for treatment with the proposed fumigant?

10. Application

  • Is the correct RPE worn when applying the fumigant?

  • Is the correct PPE worn when applying the fumigant?

  • Is equipment checked for leaks during application?

  • Is the fumigation checked for leaks during or after application of the fumigant?

  • Is the risk area checked for leaks after application of the fumigant?

  • Are the relevant treatment details recorded on the Treatment Record?

11. Monitoring

  • Is the correct RPE worn while monitoring is conducted?

  • Is the correct PPE worn while monitoring is conducted?

  • Are efficacy readings taken during the treatment?

  • Are efficacy readings taken from outside the risk area?

  • If top-up is required/permitted is it done in accordance with work instructions?

  • Are final readings checked to see if they fall within the target retention range?

12. Ventilation

  • Is SCBA used for ventilation?

  • Is the correct PPE worn during ventilation?

  • Are the clients notified that ventilation has commenced?

  • Fumigation surroundings are checked before ventilation commences?

  • Risk area is increased if required during ventilation?

13. Clearance

  • Are the goods cleared to the appropriate gas level (5ppm MB / 0.1ppm PH3 / 0.1% CO2 / >19.5% O2)?

  • Have all goods / rooms / areas been checked for potential gas levels?

  • Is the customer advised of desorption?

  • Are the relevant details recorded on the treatment record (time, date, readings)?

  • Has the technician (or office been advised and) issued a Gas Clearance Certificate"?

14. Post Treatment

  • Are all materials removed from the site?

  • Has a final walk around been conducted to ensure all materials have been removed?

  • Is all of the equipment transported correctly?

  • Are all fumigation warning notices removed from site?

  • Is the equipment used cleaned or checked if required after treatment?

  • Are all fumigants not used verified and signed back into the fumigation store?

  • Is all paperwork handed into the office and all records of treatment and usage recorded?

Untitled page

  • FM / SHE

Untitled page

  • Auditor

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.