Title Page

  • Under 15 FAM 211.1, the objective of the Housing Abroad Program is to provide safe and secure housing. This checklist is referenced under 15 FAM 252.5 and 15 FAM Exhibit 971.1 to assist POSHOs in evaluating safety, health, fire and environmental conditions when considering leasing or purchasing a property. This checklist is not intended to be all-inclusive or to replace POSHO Certifications. Local codes that are more stringent should be followed. Contact the appropriate program office(s) for further assistance.

  • Post:

  • Property ID:

  • Address:
  • Assessment Date:

  • Evaluator:

Fuel Burning Appliances and Equipment

  • Fuel Burning Appliances and Equipment - Furnaces, Boilers, Water Heaters, Kerosene Heaters, Space Heaters, Dryers,
    Fireplaces, Attached Open Fire Grills

Venting of Exhaust Gases 废气排放

  • 1. Outdoors away from intakes and windows<br>废气须排放到户外且远离窗户和进气口<br><br>2. Chimney and flue constructed and installed properly (per manufacturer) <br>烟囱和烟道须按制造商要求安装构建<br><br>3. Chimney and flue inspected annually and cleaned<br>烟囱和烟道须每年定期检查清理

Combustion Air 燃烧用空气

  • 1. Adequate combustion air ducted to unit or <br>充足的燃烧用空气管道输送到设备或<br><br>2. Unobstructed area large enough to provide adequate combustion air <br>有足够大的无遮挡空间提供足够的燃烧用空气<br><br>3. Small mechanical areas have sufficient combustion air and ventilation openings <br>小型设备间有充足的燃烧用空气并配有通风口<br><br>4. No hazardous or flammable vapor sources near combustion Equipment<br>燃气设备附近没有危险或易燃气源

Operation and Maintenance 操作与维护

  • 1. Instructions available for proper operation and maintenance<br>配有正确操作与维护设备的说明书<br><br>2. Equipment operated and maintained as intended within design limits <br>设备的操作与维护要在设计极限范围内<br><br>3. Warning labels (English and local language) present on combustion Appliances <br>燃气设备上应有中英双语警示标识<br><br>4. Inspected annually by a qualified technician to ensure proper operation <br>由合资质的技术人员进行年度检查以确保设备正常

Clearance to Combustibles 易燃物品的 安全距离

  • 1. Clearance at least 1 m (3 ft) from exhaust flue to combustible materials <br>排气烟道距离易燃物品应至少1米远<br><br>2. Clearance at least 1 m (3 ft) from equipment to combustible materials, boiler and furnace rooms not used for storage areas<br>燃气 设备距离易燃物品应至少1米远,燃气炉和锅炉设备间不可当作仓库使用

Fuel Type and Storage 燃料种类 及存储

  • 1. Fuel used is appropriate for appliance(s) <br>依照设备类型使用相应类型燃料<br><br>2. Proper type and location of fuel storage container (including tanks) 使用正确类型的容器存储燃料且放置在适合的地点<br><br>3. Protect fuel storage containers from damage and secure themfor protection against weapons of opportunity <br>保护燃料存储容器不被损坏,并确保其不成为随手可用的武器而造成伤害

Carbon Monoxide Alarms一氧化碳报警器

  • Carbon monoxide alarm installed, at about eye level (138cm), outside of sleeping areas (including household staff) in residences with any combustion appliance (other than cooking oven/stove) or an attached garage. <br>配有燃气设备(烤箱/炉灶不包含在内)或连屋车库的住宅,应安装一氧化碳 报警器。安装位置为住宅内卧室外区域(包括员工卧室),视平线高度(138 厘米)处。

Generators 发电机

  • 1. Enclosed in sound attenuated and weatherproof housing <br>放置在封闭式箱体中,箱体应隔音并防风雨<br><br>2. Adequate space and, if leased, the landlord agrees to the generator placed outdoors as far away as practical and a minimum of 1.5 meters (5 feet) from any building. <br>有足够的空间安装发电机,或 房东同意发电机安装在户外,距离所有建筑物至少1.5米远,在允许的情况下 ,越远越好<br><br>3. Exhaust outlets greater than or equal to 1 meter (3 ft) from exterior walls and roofs, 3 meters (10 ft) from operable openings into buildings, and 3 meters (10 ft) above adjoining grade <br>排气口 距离外墙和屋顶至少1米远,距离进入建筑物的通行入口至少3米远,高出 毗邻地面至少3米<br><br>4. If distance and direction of exhaust is not feasible, then extend 1 meter (3 ft) above the building. (See “Venting of Exhaust Gases” section) <br>如上述排气口距离和方向无法实现,可适用高出建筑物1米的办法 排放气体

Portable Kerosene Heaters (Should only be selected for use as a last resort.) 煤油采暖炉

  • 1. Single family home use only <br>仅限独门独户住宅使用<br><br>2. Correct grade of clear kerosene (K‐1) fuel stored outside in safety<br>cans <br>使用正确等级的清洁煤油(K‐1),煤油放置在安全罐内户外存储<br><br>3. Refuel outdoors away from sources of ignition, and after the<br>heater has cooled completely<br>加油须在户外进行,远离火源,并等取暖炉完全冷却后再操作<br><br>4. Set the wick height to the manufacturer’s recommended level<br>依照制造商推荐设定煤油灯芯的高度<br><br>5. Chimney is seated properly<br>正确安装烟囱<br><br>6. Window opened slightly (e.g., 25mm/1 inch) in the room with the<br>heater <br>使用采暖炉时保持窗户稍微打开通风(比如25mm宽)<br><br>7. Keep the heater at least 1 meter (3 ft) from combustibles<br>采暖炉距离易燃物品至少1米<br><br>8. Unit is operated and maintained according to the manufacturer’s<br>instruction and residents are informed of the instructions <br>依照制<br>造商说明书使用维护设备,并让住户知晓说明书的内容<br>a. Do not leave the heater unattended and turn off before going<br>to bed <br>不能在无人看管时使用采暖炉并且睡觉前必须关闭机器<br><br>9. Carbon monoxide alarms must be placed in dwelling<br>住宅内必须安装一氧化碳报警器

Liquefied Petroleum (Propane) Gases (LPG) 液化石油 气(丙烷)

  • Cylinders during use: 液化石油气罐使用<br><br>1. Must be located on the exterior of the building 需放置在楼宇外<br><br>2. Equipped with a pressure regulator having a pressure relief valve<br>配有压力调节器和泄压阀<br><br>3. Upright and securely anchored or chained in place<br>直立头朝上固定安装<br><br>4. At least 7.6 meters (25 ft) from sources of ignition and 1.5meters<br>(5 ft) from building openings<br>距离火源至少7.6米,距离楼宇开放位置至少1.5米<br><br>Cylinder storage: 液化石油气罐存储<br><br>1. Outside within a fenced enclosure <br>户外存储,用围栏封闭存储区域<br><br>2. Outlet valves closed with cap or cover <br>罐体阀门正确关闭<br><br>3. Steel posts or barriers if vehicle damage is possible<br>如果有车辆碰撞的可能性,在周边加装阻车器或阻车柱<br><br>4. “No Smoking” signs clearly displayed around the storage enclosure<br>with universal symbols or local language and English<br>存储区域周边用全球通用标识或中英双语警告“严禁吸烟”<br><br>5. Secure tanks to ensure they cannot be used as weapons of<br>opportunity <br>确保罐体不成为随手可用的武器<br><br>6. Trained employees for LPG installation and cylinder replacement<br>安装和更换罐体的工作人员需经过培训<br><br>7. Refilled tanks or bottles delivered, no recharging or filling of tanks or bottles at the site <br>不在现场罐装液化石油气<br><br>8. Post Facility Managers or Post Occupational Safety and Health<br>Officers (POSHO) must coordinate inspections of<br>residences/apartment buildings, which have natural gas and<br>ensure the local gas authority has certified lines and valves<br>使馆设备管理处官员或安全官必须协调对使用燃气的住宅和公寓楼进行<br>检查,并确燃气保管道和阀门得到燃气公司认证许可

All Gas Service 所有燃气服 务

  • 1. Supply through rigid pipe (iron or steel), or tubing (steel, brass, or<br>copper) <br>燃气供气管道须为刚性管道(钢管或铁管),或柔性管道(铁管, 黄铜管,紫铜管)<br><br>a. Exceptions for seismically active areas‐see Seismic Safety地质<br>活跃地区的特殊情况请参照《地震安全》规定<br><br>2. Interior manual shut‐off valve accessible and within 1.8 meters(6<br>ft) of appliance <br>室内设置手动燃气关闭阀门,距离燃气设备1.8米以内<br><br>3. Secured to ensure safe against weapons of opportunity<br>确保燃气设备和管道不成为随手可用的武器造成伤害<br><br>4. Leak detection using soapy water or other means must be<br>conducted over all fittings and connections during cylinder or<br>appliance replacement or anytime supply line work is done<br>燃气罐或燃气设备更换或供气管道相关工作完成后,须使用肥皂水或者<br>其他适当的方法检测所有管件连接的位置确保无漏气<br><br>5. Post Facility Managers or Post Occupational Safety and Health<br>Officers (POSHO) must coordinate inspections of<br>residences/apartment buildings, which have natural gas and<br>ensure the local gas authority has certified lines and valves<br>领事馆设备管理处官员或领馆职业健康和安全官(POSHO)必须协调对使<br>用燃气的住宅和公寓楼进行

Fire and Life Safety 消防安全

Emergency Egress 紧急逃生 安全出口

  • Adequate emergency egress can vary with the type of building.<br>Consult the Fire Protection Guide (FPG) for guidance.<br>参照《Fire Protection Guide》确认不同类型的楼宇的紧急逃生配套设施是否<br>相应要求

Maximum Travel Distance to an Exit 住宅内距离 其临近安全 出口的最大 逃生距离

  • 1. Without fire suppression or detection systems: 30 meters (100 ft)<br>未配备火灾报警或火灾探测系统的楼宇:30米<br><br>2. With complete fire detection system and sprinkler protection in<br>selected areas: 46 meters (150 ft)<br>配有完善的火灾探测系统并在部分区域安装喷淋系统的楼宇:46米<br><br>3. With complete fire sprinkler system: 61 meters (200 ft)<br>全楼配备消防喷淋系统:61米

High Rise Matrix 高层建筑 可租赁楼层 参考表格 (消防安全)

  • Screenshot 2024-08-16 at 9.49.22 AM.png
  • 1. 楼宇有2个消防楼梯,全楼配备火灾报警或火灾探测系统,全楼配备消防喷淋<br>系统:可租赁任何楼层<br><br>2. 楼宇有2个消防楼梯,全楼配备火灾报警或火灾探测系统,无消防喷淋系统:<br>可租赁5层及以下<br><br>3. 楼宇有1个消防楼梯,全楼配备火灾报警或火灾探测系统,全楼配备消防喷淋<br>系统,每层只有2间住宅:可租赁6层及以下<br><br>4.楼宇有1个消防楼梯,全楼配备火灾报警或火灾探测系统,全楼配备消防喷淋<br>系统,每层有3间及更多间住宅:可租赁4层及以下<br><br>5. 楼宇有1个消防楼梯,全楼配备火灾报警或火灾探测系统,无消防喷淋系统:<br>可租赁3层及以下<br><br>6.楼宇有1个消防楼梯,无火灾报警或火灾探测系统,无消防喷淋系统:不可租<br>赁任何楼层

Smoke Alarms 烟雾报警器(烟感)

  • 1. All sleeping rooms <br>所有卧室内都要安装烟感<br><br>2. Outside of each separate sleeping area, in the immediate vicinity<br>of the sleeping rooms <br>在每个独立的睡眠区外面,卧室附近需要安装烟感<br><br>3. Top of internal stairwells on each floor level of the dwelling unit,<br>including basements<br>在一个复式住宅单元的每一层、室内楼梯的顶部都要安装烟感,包括地下室<br><br>4. Placement should be on the ceiling, or alternately on a wall<br>between 10 centimeters (4 in) to 30.5 centimeters (12 in) away<br>from the ceiling <br>烟感要安装在天花板或墙上距离边沿线10cm到30.5cm的位 置上<br><br>5. Occupants instructed to check detectors monthly for proper<br>operation 应指导住户每月检查烟感是否正常

Portable Fire Extinguishers 便携式灭火器

  • One Department standard 10 lb. (4.45 kg) extinguisher (4‐A:40‐<br>B:C) Wall mounted in or near each kitchen<br>须配备美国国务院标准灭火器,放置厨房内或厨房周围,墙上挂装

Alarm Systems 消防报警系统

  • 1. Several factors influence automatic fire alarm detection and/or<br>automatic fire suppression system requirements<br>若干因素对火灾报警或火灾探测系统的的要求有影响<br><br>2. Consult the Fire Protection Guide (FPG) and contactOBO/OPS/FIRE<br>须参照FPG判定或咨询OBO

Lighting 照明要求

  • 1. Apartment buildings or congregate residences with 10 or more<br>occupants: public space, hallway, stairway, or other means of<br>egress must have illumination of 1 foot candle power at floorlevel<br>by emergency lighting <br>公寓楼或集合型住宅,如果住户人数有10人及更多 公共区域,走廊,楼梯,或者其他出口设施,地面位置的应急照明的光照度 要达到至少1个烛光单位<br><br>2. If emergency generator is not available to provide emergency<br>lighting, provide battery‐powered emergency lights in public<br>spaces, hallway, stair way or other means of egress installed and<br>maintained correctly <br>如果应急发电机无法提供应急照明,公共区域, 走廊,楼梯,或其他出口设施应安装电池供电的应急灯,并保证其正常工 作<br><br>3. All emergency light fixtures shall have 90 minutes battery backup<br>regardless of generator power availability.<br>无论是否有发电机供电,所有应急照明设备均应配备能供电90分钟的备用 电池

Exit Signs 安全出口标识

  • 1. Exit doors in public corridors on floors with sleeping<br>accommodations:<br>有卧室的楼层,公共走廊安全出口门的位置须安装指示标识<br><br>2. Illuminated exit signs <br>安全出口标识须点亮<br><br>3. Directional signs if path is not straight or the exit is less than<br>obvious <br>安全出口标识不明显或通往安全出口的路径多转弯时,沿路<br>要有方向指示标识。

Window Grilles 窗户的格栅

  • 1. Operable from the inside <br>须保证在住宅内可对格栅进行以下操作<br><br>a. Minimum opening: 5.7 ft2 (0.529 m2) <br>最小开口尺寸:0.529平米<br><br>b. Minimum dimension: 20” (51 cm) x 41.1” (104.4 cm) OR34.2”<br>(86.9 cm) x 24” (61 cm) and not be more than 44’’ from the<br>floor <br>格栅的最小尺寸为:20英寸(51厘米)x 41.1英寸(104.4厘米)或 34.2英寸(86.9厘米)x 24英寸(61厘米),格栅安装高度距离地板不超<br>过44英寸(112cm)<br><br>c. Bars or grilles must have inside release mechanism<br>栅栏或栅格须配有内部松脱装置

Water Heater Protection 热水器保护

Temperature and Pressure Relief Valves 温度、泄压安全 阀

  • 1. Separate temperature and pressure relief valves (PRV and TRV) or<br>combination temperature and pressure relief valves installed.<br>热水 器须配备单独的温度安全阀,单独的压力安全阀,或二合一的调温泄压阀<br><br>2. TPRV drain piping installed to direct discharge to floor <br>温度泄压阀连 接排水管,直接排放至地面<br><br>3. TPRV drain piping is not reduced, threaded at the end, and has no<br>uphill runs <br>温度泄压阀连接排水管不能缩短,尾部不能打结,且不能向上折 弯<br><br>4. TPRV drain piping has no other valve downstream of TPRV <br>温度泄 压阀排水管下游无其他阀门阻碍排水.<br><br>5. Water temperature is not above 120 degrees F (49 degrees C)<br>at the point of use <br>末端出水温度不超过49度

Plate Glass Safety 玻璃安全

Tempered / Safety Glass Locations 钢化玻璃/ 安 全 玻 璃 安装位置

  • 1. Locations listed below need to ensure that glass is tempered,<br>mylar coated, a non‐breakable replacement material or protected<br>by a barrier. Decals or markings should be used where the<br>presence of glass is not easily seen. <br>以下所列位置须确保所安装的玻璃<br>为钢化玻璃,贴膜玻璃,或材质为不易碎的替代材料的玻璃,或玻璃有防护 栏保护。如果所安装的玻璃不太容易被发现,需在上面贴花或贴标识用于提 醒<br><br>2. Entry and exit doors, storm doors, glass sliding doors <br>入口大門,安全 出口大門,防风门,玻璃材质的滑动门<br><br>3. Windows located within 46 centimeters (18 in) of the floor <br>距离地面 46cm以内的窗户<br><br>4. Doors and enclosures for bathtubs, showers, sauna <br>浴缸,淋浴间,桑 拿房的围挡和门<br><br>5. Stairway enclosures and handrail panels <br>楼梯的围封空间和扶手挡板

Garage Door Safety 车库门安全

Safety Features 安全 设施

  • Inherent reversal system. This system can be a photo eye, a door<br>edge sensor, or any other device that provides equivalent<br>protection. If an electric eye is used, it should be installed at a<br>height of 4 to 6 inches above the floor. <br>内置反转系统,该系统可为光学 传感器,门上边缘传感器,或其它可提供相同保护的装置。如果采用电眼装 置,其安装位置高度为置地面4-6英寸

Design 设计布局

  • 1. Door is properly balanced. A properly balanced garage door<br>will stay in place when stopped in any partially open position.<br>车库门应保持较好的平衡。适当平衡的车库门能在开启到任意点位停止时<br>保持不动。<br><br>2. Install the push button wall control as high as practical on the<br>garage door’s wall to restrict children's access to it. Ensure<br>remotes are out of reach of children and that children are<br>educated about the potential dangers with these mechanisms and<br>the garage doors they operate. <br>车库门的墙控制按钮应尽量安装在高处, 确保儿童无法随意操作。确保儿童无法接触到车库门遥控器。教导儿童这些 装置及其所控制的车库门的潜在危险。

Maintenance 维护

  • 1. Ensure garage doors are inspected annually and preventative<br>maintenance is conducted routinely. <br>确保每年对车库门进行检查 并定期维护保养<br><br>a. Manually check door springs, hinges, cables, rollers and/or<br>bearings, and ensure that reversal system sensors are<br>clear and free of obstruction. <br>手动检查门弹簧、铰链、电缆、滚轮和/ 或轴承,并确保反转系统传感器无污损,无遮挡<br><br>b. Check door insulation for pest harborage and ensure insulation<br>is intact. <br>门上防风条内无虫害藏匿,且防风条完整,状况良好<br><br>c. Door should go up and down easily when operated manually.<br>手动操作时,门上升下降轻松<br><br>d. Door opener should be attached with a reinforcement bracket.<br>车库门电机应装在加固支架上

Electrical 电气安全

Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters 接地故障漏电保 护断路器

  • 1. Installed for wet locations(indoors or outdoors) and all kitchen<br>countertop outlets at the outlet or the circuit breaker:<br>a. 110‐volt systems, installed GFCI strip at 4 to 6 mA<br>b. 220‐volt systems, installed GFCIs trip at 10mA<br>装在潮湿地点(室内或户外)和所有厨房台面的插座或者其对应的开关<br>漏保值应为10毫安<br><br>2. Do not install outlets where local code prohibits them in certain wet locations <br>中国电气规范禁止的潮湿地点,不要安装插座

Appliance Cords 电器电源线

  • In good condition, insulated, and provided with a plug.<br>状态良好,绝缘,并配有插头

Grounding 接地

  • A grounding electrode connected to panel at the service<br>entrance and bonded to the neutral (grounded) conductor.<br>Impedance of the ground path for any made electrodes may not<br>exceed 25 ohms, as measured using appropriate stake or<br>stakeless ground resistance testing equipment. Verify and, if<br>missing, contact the FIR/FAC Help Desk via e‐mail<br>(obo@cesengineers.com) or call 866949‐6751 for assistance with<br>grounding system installation<br>接地极连接到入户电箱的配电盘上,跨接地线连接到接地导体,接地电阻值 不超过中国规范标准值

Electric Service Supply & Panels 配电箱

  • 1. Missing knock‐outs and twist‐outs in breaker panel(s) must have fill plates <br>配电箱上没有装开关的位置须填充挡板(收口条)遮挡空隙<br><br>2. Breaker panel front working clearance of 30" (76cm) wide x 36"<br>(92cm) deep <br>配电盘前须有76cm宽x 92cm深的无遮挡操作空间<br><br>3. Breakers labeled as to function/area served <br>配电盘要标识开关所带的插座 回路(中英文双语标识)<br><br>4. Outdoor outlets are GFCI and have weatherproof boxes<br>户外插座应有漏保和防水罩

Circuit Capacity 回路 负载

  • Screenshot 2024-08-16 at 10.24.23 AM.png
  • 1. Review usage and capacity and avoid excessive<br>electrical loads<br><br>a. Verify that the following most commonly used branch<br>circuit connectors in residences are protected by<br>fuses or circuit breakers that have trip elements not<br>larger than: 审查回路用途和负载量,避免超负载,确保各回路须<br>按下图标准使用相应线径的线和开关,以保证超负载时开关能跳闸。

Fall Protection 防跌落保护

Railings 围栏

  • 1. Is required to be installed where a fall would be greater than 30<br>inches (762mm)<br>任何有可能导致跌落距离超过762毫米的地方都须加装围栏<br><br>2. Sturdy supports (balusters) with no openings larger than 10<br>centimeters (4 in) and bottom of railing assembly no more than 10<br>centimeters from the floor and can withstand the force of 91<br>kilograms (200 lbs) in any direction. <br>围栏立柱栏杆之间间隙不能大于 10cm,围栏构造的底部栏杆距地面间隙不能大于10cm。可承受任意方向施加 的91公斤(200磅)的载荷。<br><br>3. Guardrails at a minimum height of 91 centimeters (36 in) (107<br>cm/42 in is recommended) for balconies, decks, elevated patios,<br>and other similar structures for single family and duplex housing<br>units. <br>独門独户住宅和复式建筑的阳台,露台,天井及其他类似的架高平面<br>上,加装护栏至少91cm高 (推荐107cm)<br><br>4. Guardrail installation at apartments and representational areas<br>open to the public must be 107 centimeters (42 in) high <br>公寓及向公 众开放的有代表性的区域,护栏高度必须大于等于107cm

Stairs and Handrails 楼梯及扶手

  • 1. For open stairways, supports (balusters) no more than 10<br>centimeters (4 in) apart. Triangle formed by riser, tread and bottom<br>guardrail element does not allow passage of sphere152 millimeters<br>(6 in) in diameter <br>开放式楼梯,护栏间隙不能大于10cm。台阶、踏板及护 栏底部栏杆三者构成的三角型区域面积不能大到可让直径152mm的球体通过.<br><br>2. Handrails installed for stairways at 86‐97 centimeters (34‐38 in)<br>楼梯 扶手高度范围为86-97cm<br><br>3. Stair riser height maximum 196 millimeters (7.75 in),treads<br>minimum depth 254 millimeters (10 in) <br>台阶高度不超过 196mm ,踏步宽度不小于254mm.<br><br>4. Stairways are not to be less than 91 centimeters (36 in) in clear<br>width at all points above the handrail height<br>扶手之上楼梯净宽不小于91cm.<br><br>5. Spiral stairway treads must have a minimum tread width of 66<br>centimeters (26 in). Treads shall have a minimum tread depth of<br>190 millimeters (7.5 in) measured at a point 305 millimeters (12 in)<br>from the side where the treads are narrower. <br>旋转楼梯胎面宽度不小于 66cm,距离踏步窄端305mm处所测量的踏步宽度不小于190mm<br><br>6. Handrails and the top rails of stair rail systems are capable of<br>withstanding, without failure, a force of at least 91 kilograms (200<br>lbs) applied within 5 centimeters (2 in) of the top edge, in any<br>downward or outward direction, at any point along the top edge.<br>楼梯扶手及楼梯顶端的护栏,可承受下述载荷:<br>a. 载荷不小于91kg<br>b. 施力点为扶手式护栏顶面任意位置或顶面朝下5cm以内的位置<br>c. 施力方向:向下或向外

Homes with Small Children 有儿童的家 庭

  • 1. Latching device on windows that allows opening no more than10‐<br>13 centimeters (4‐5 in), but window remains operable <br>窗户上应装有 限位装置,保证能正常使用且最大开启宽度不超过10‐13cm<br><br>2. Furniture away from windows and railings <br>家具摆放位置应远离窗户和围 栏

Swimming Pools 游泳池

Barrier and Other Safety Features 泳池安全: 围栏及其他 安全要求

  • 1. Barrier: A permanent, 4‐sided, non‐climbable barrier (fence, wall,<br>etc.) ≥ 122 centimeters (4 ft) height that prevents direct access<br>from living areas and excludes ancillary activities (e.g., barbecues,<br>bars, ping‐pong tables). <br>围栏:需高度不小于122cm,能提供四面防护,且无法攀爬的的永久设施(栏杆,墙等),阻断与生活区之间的直接通行。围栏内不可有其他配套娱乐设施(比如烧烤,酒吧,乒乓球等)<br><br>a. Self‐closing, self‐latching, lockable hardware on all access<br>points (gates/doors) with latch release ≥ 137 centimeters (54<br>in) . Alternatively, the latch release can be on the pool sideof<br>the gate if ≥ 7.6 centimeters (3 in) below the top with no<br>opening > 1.3 centimeters (0.5 in) within 4.5 centimeters (18<br>in) of the release. <br>围栏各入口门需能自动关闭,自锁或手动上锁,松 锁装置位置高度不小于137cm。門顶部往下大于等于7.6cm处,距离门锁 操作装置4.5cm范围内没有大于1.3cm的开口时,松锁装置可安装在泳池 侧。<br><br>b. Gates/doors must open away from the pool. <br>户外/室内的泳池门 开启方向需为朝外开(远离泳池方向)<br><br>c. Barrier distance from pool must be between 1.5m and5.2m<br>(5 – 17 ft) to allow for emergency response and to exclude<br>ancillary activities. <br>围栏与游泳池的距离必须在1.5米到5.2米(5‐17 英尺)之间,以便进行应急响应,并排除娱乐设施。<br><br>2. Other: 其他安全要求<br><br>a. No entrapment hazards 没有人员被吸入排水口危险<br><br>b. Rescue equipment available (shepherd’s crook, pole, ring<br>buoy) and in plain view <br>配备救援设施(牧羊杖,杆子,救生 圈),易见易取得<br><br>c. Depth markings and no diving indicated. Safety rules posted at<br>community use pools and residential use pools that are used<br>as community use pools, i.e., CMR, MSGR <br>泳池深度和禁止跳水标 识清晰。社区泳池要张贴安全使用条款,住宅自有泳池供使团人员使用 的,也要张贴安全使用条款(如大使住宅,海军陆战队住宅)<br><br>d. First aid kits and emergency communication means for<br>community use pools and residential use pools that areused<br>as community use pools <br>社区泳池或住宅自有泳池供使团人员使用 的,要配置急救包及紧急联络方式方法<br><br>e. Outlets equipped with Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters(GFCI)<br>and covers <br>泳池内插座要配备漏电保护和防水盒<br><br>f. Pool chemicals stored separate from other materials in acool,<br>dry, ventilated area with restricted access <br>泳池用化学品要单独存 放,存储空间要求低温干燥通风良好且禁止非工作人员进入。<br><br>g. Drain covers are being replaced every 5 years <br>排水盖每5年更换一次

Elevators 电梯

Elevator Lobby & Car 电梯大堂及 轿厢

  • 1. All elevator cars have functional doors independent of shaft doors<br>电梯轿厢有独立于层门的轿厢门且工作正常<br><br>2. Elevator doors (car & shaft) reverse direction when an object is<br>either contacted by the leading edge of the door or detected by an<br>electronic door protection device <br>电梯轿厢门和电梯井的层门在关闭过 程中,如有物体阻挡或门上感应器感应到障碍物时可重新开启.<br><br>3. All external car operating features, lobby controls and hardware<br>are intact and function properly <br>轿厢外部操作设备功能,楼层控制功 能及五金件工作良好<br><br>4. Car operating buttons, including the emergency alarm button,<br>function properly. <br>轿厢内操作按钮,包括报警按钮,功能完好<br><br>5. Car lights are on, and bulbs or tubes are secure. <br>轿厢内照明良好,灯管 或灯泡有安全防护装置<br><br>6. Car service panel is locked <br>轿厢维护面板上锁<br><br>7. Car emergency phone is connected to a 24‐hour operator and car’s audible signals are operating<br>轿厢紧急联络电话有人24小时接听且可清晰对话<br><br>8. All door mechanisms are enclosed to avoid pinch/shear points<br>轿 厢门和电梯层门各部件保护完好,没有尖锐凸起部位

Machine Room & Maintenance 电梯机房及 电梯维修

  • 1. Machine room access door is locked, and keys stored securely<br>电梯机房上锁,钥匙妥善保管<br><br>2. Good housekeeping, no trash, not being used as a storage area, no excessive oil leaks, control cabinet(s) intact <br>机房管理良好,无垃圾,未被当作库房使用,没有过多漏油,控制柜完好<br><br>3. Illumination is adequate to perform inspection <br>机房照明充足便于设备 检查<br><br>4. ABC fire extinguisher located in machine room <br>机房配备灭火器<br><br>5. Temperature is not above 49 degrees C (120 degrees F)<br>机房温度不高于49度<br><br>6. Elevator is under a service contract and service logbook is utilized<br>and up to date <br>电梯在有效的维保合同内,维保记录完整且持续更新<br><br>7. Elevator has a current safety certificate <br>电梯有安全证书

Environmental 环境项目

Air Pollution (For Level 1 or higher air pollution posts) 空气污染(污 染等级1级及 以上适用)

  • 1. At least 150 meters away from major roadway (recommended)<br>距离主路至少150米远(推荐距离)<br><br>2. No other nearby air pollution sources [e.g., dry cleaner or large<br>fueling station (14M l/year) within 100m]<br>附近没有其他空气污染源(如100米内的干洗店或大型加油站)<br><br>3. Property barrier and vegetation (recommended)<br>推荐配住宅围栏和植被<br><br>4. Centralized air filtration (otherwise room air cleaners may be<br>needed) 中央空气过滤系统(如果没有,可配房间用空滤)

Asbestos 石棉

  • 1. Acquisitions: asbestos inspection conducted, and risk of asbestos<br>determined <br>掌握情况:进行石棉材料查找检测,判定危险程度<br><br>2. Asbestos materials identified and maintained in good condition<br>识别确 认石棉材料,并确保其状况完好<br><br>3. Maintenance and minor renovations avoid disturbance of asbestos materials <br>如有维修和小型装修改造,避免干扰破坏石棉材料<br><br>4. If asbestos material is to be disturbed, it is removed properly, and<br>records of removal and disposal are maintained in FAC Apps <br>如石棉材料 被干扰破坏了,应将其清除干净,并在FAC App记录其清理和丢弃的备案

Leaded Paint 含铅涂料

  • 1. . Only lead‐free paint is applied (e.g., < 90 ppm in dried paint film)<br>仅使用无铅涂料涂刷<br><br>2. Painted surfaces in good condition with minimal damage<br>涂刷表面状态良好<br><br>3. Paint sampled prior to renovation or major maintenance work<br>开工前保留涂料样本<br><br>4. Leaded paint removed prior to start of work or minimize<br>disturbance <br>开工前清除含铅涂层或尽量减少干扰破坏含铅涂层

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) 综合虫害防治

  • 1. Building conditions or location not inviting to common local pests建 筑内的情况和建筑所在位置不助长本地虫害滋生<br><br>2. No history of chronic pest problems or extensive pesticide use<br>没有 持续存在的虫害问题或大面积使用杀虫剂历史<br><br>3. Willing and capable to implement Integrated Pest Management<br>(IPM) program in USG occupied space<br>愿意并有能力在美国政府所租用的区域内实施IPM项目<br><br>4. Habitats and attractants to common pests avoided<br>避免成为普通虫害聚集繁殖的场所<br><br>5. Self‐help measures, to include self‐help education, are available to control pests (if control measures are not effective)<br>自助防控虫害<br><br>6. Professional pesticides, used outdoors only, are a last resort and<br>limited to Department‐authorized products <br>只有各措施均无效时,才 考虑使用美国国务院批准使用的专业杀虫剂

Water Quality 水质

  • 1. Tap water is potable (microbiologically safeand within acceptable<br>contaminant levels listed in the Department’s drinking water<br>standards) <br>自来水达标饮用(微生物安全在美国国务院标准范围内)<br>a. If there are multiple zones, they are noted on the QC<br>program <br>如果有多个区域,则在QC程序中注明<br><br>2. If tap water is not potable, then supplemental means [e.g., point‐<br>of‐use (POU) device such as a distiller or bottled drinking water]<br>are used to render the water potable and quality control<br>monitoring is done <br>如自来水不适合饮用,采用其他替代措施(提供末端 滤水装置或桶装水)<br><br>3. Water used for bathing water and other contact uses meets<br>recreational water criteria <br>洗澡水或其他人体接触用水符合休闲 娱乐用水标准<br><br>4. If supplemental treatment is employed, O&M and QC programs<br>are in place <br>如果实施水处理,则需有相应的设备运行维护和品质管理<br><br>5. Unless a lead‐removing POU is employed, water from the main<br>taps is confirmed by testing to have lead levels below 15 ppb<br>除非安装有末端除铅过滤装置,主管道自来水含铅量测定需在15ppb以下

Seismic Issues (For posts in seismic zones 2B, 3, or 4) 地震项目

Seismic Safety 地震安全

  • 1. Seek seismically best available structures in accordance with<br>expectations outlined in 19 STATE 74458 and in collaboration with<br>OBO's Climate Security & Resilience Program <br>根据要求在现有条件下 寻找建筑结构最符合的楼宇<br><br>2. Generators should be securely anchored (ground or slab) at all<br>anchorage points of the frame, and generator connections should<br>be flexible (earthquake resistant). <br>发电机壳体各支点要安全固定(到地 面或楼板),发电机连接应为柔性连接(抗震)<br><br>3. Propane tanks, kerosene heaters: use flexible connections to the<br>tank and anchor storage tanks to the ground, fence, or wall to<br>prevent tipping. <br>丙烷罐和煤油采暖炉:柔性管件连接,设备要固定防倾倒<br><br>4. Water heaters, propane (LPG) gas cylinders and natural gas:<br>a. Use flexible, metallic connections for water and gaslines<br>b. Use metal straps which are bolted using expansion bolts to a<br>masonry/concrete wall, or lag bolts to a wood stud wall, at<br>the top and bottom of the water heater and propane<br>cylinders<br>c. Block in space between water heater and wall to prevent<br>rocking<br>热水器,煤气罐和天然气:水管和燃气管道应用金属管件柔性连<br>接。设备用金属支架将其顶部和底部用膨胀螺栓固定在水泥墙上<br>或方头螺栓固定在木墙上。堵上热水器跟墙面之间的空隙,防止<br>热水器摇晃。<br><br>5. Heavy and tall furniture such as bookcases should be secured to<br>prevent sliding or tipping, using L‐brackets or other device and<br>remove casters or wheels to prevent rolling <br>又重又高的家具,比如书 架等,应用L型绑带或其他装饰固定防止倾倒或滑动,拆除家具的轮子防止其 滚动<br><br>6. Check for weaknesses in chimneys such as damage or missing<br>bricks. If roof is not composed of concrete, verify that the max<br>height above the roof line is no more than 2 times the least side<br>dimension (or chimney is braced) <br>检查烟囱是否有坏损或缺少砖块的位 置。如果房顶不是水泥结构,烟囱高出屋顶轮廓线不能超过烟囱短边尺寸的2 倍。<br><br>7. Ensure cabinet latches are strong enough, especially in the<br>kitchen, to prevent contents from falling out; install safety latches<br>for added security <br>确保柜子插销能阻止柜内物品掉落,尤其是厨房橱柜, 必要时可加装安全插销。<br><br>8. Brace and bolt storage racks and shelves to the floor and<br>walls and secure contents so they can’t slide off <br>紧固储物架到地面或 墙面上,确保架子上的物品不掉落<br><br>9. Mini‐split HVAC Units: To prevent tipping, confirm secure<br>anchorage/attachments to all anchorage points for the unit<br>小型分体空调:确认设备所有锚定点均牢固锚定以防倾倒

Local Considerations

  • Local Considerations - (List any additional local considerations) 其他


  • NOTE: Check each item if done

    WALLS: paint in good condition
    CEILINGS: paint in good condition
    DOORS & WINDOWS: handles, locks, hinges
    LIGHT FIXTURES: no burned out light bulbs
    OUTLETS: in good condition
    A/C: proper operation, filters are cleaned, outdoor & indoor units cleaned and serviced
    FANS: cleanliness and proper operation
    MAJOR APPLIANCES: should not be plugged into power strips, test running, labels & warning labels (English & Chinese) present on the appliances

  • Entryway

  • Living Room

  • Dining Room

  • Kitchen

  • Laundry Room

  • Bedrooms

  • Bathrooms

  • Looped bread chains on the window coverings pose a strangulation hazard to small children.

  • A power outlet near the front door for emergency light installation.


  • Hot/Cold Water Supplies: faucets, sinks, showers, clothes washer (Do all bathroom and kitchen sinks have an aerator?



    Any water-damaged stains, visible mold growth (incl. silicone glue)

    Run exhaust fans in bathrooms when using the bath

    Vent clothes dryer to the outdoor

    Water heater: Temperature/Pressure relief valves (T/PRV) installed, water temperature is not above 49 degrees C.

  • Kitchen

  • Laundry Room

  • Bathrooms


  • Living Area Master Bedroom Guest Bedroom #1 Guest Bedroom #2

  • Signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.