Location where RI&E is performed
Prepared and performed by:
Performed on:
Select date
Risk Inventory and Evaluation
1. Workers care and organisation of work
1.1 Workers Health and Safety policy
Health and Safety policy (Arbobeleid)
Is there a Damen Health and Safety responsible at the location?
Is there a working conditions service provider? (a party to contact for support on OHS matter)
1.2 Absence Policy
Absence policy and procedure present?
Absence agreements known by management and employees?
Absence registration available?
1.3 Risk Inventory and Evaluation/Plan of approach
Is there an anual RI&E report to head office? (Report on execution of plan of approach on OHS matters)
1.4 Are roles, responsibilities and authority clearly defined?
Role, responsibility and authority of employees defined?
Role, responsibility and authority of management defined?
Role, responsibility and authority of Emergency response officers defined?
1.5 Cooperation and Consultation
Is there a Workers council present? (please elaborate your answer)
Consultation/meeting per department?
Consultation with all personnel twice per year?
Agenda, notes and decisions list available?
Mandatory participation of yearly consultations?
1.6 Emergency Response Planning
Emergency Response plan available?
Yearly drill of emergency response plan
Are floor plans with escape routes and fire extinguishers present?
Are there multiple escape routes? (minimum of two or more different routes)
What is the risk if there are not sufficient escape routes? (Risk = Likelyhook (1-5) * Consequence (1-5))
Sufficient number of trained Emergency Response officers? (minimum 1 available at all times at the office)
Are Emergency Response Officers trained regularly? (minimum once a year)
Is there a emergency assembly station assigned?
1.7 Informing and Instruction
Are employees structurally informed on OHS in work activities?
Are employees informed about risks involved in work activities?
Are new and special employees informed about OHS and risks in work activities?
Are given instructions inforced?
Are specific training courses made available? (like: Forklift)
1.8 Behavior employees
Are employees working by procedures?
Safety policy?
Health policy?
Security policy?
Quality policy?
Do employees adhere to the drug and alcohol policy?
(Correct) Use and maintenance of PPE's?
Are PPE's freely available for all employees and subcontractors?
Are there PPE instructions given?
Enforcing given instruction on PPE?
Is there a policy for distribution and replacement of PPE?
What is the risk if the PPE's are not distributed or replaced? (Risk = Likelyhook (1-5) * Consequence (1-5))
1.9 Accidents
Procedure registration of accidents recorded and known? (Rdrive)
Registration of accidents causing absence? (Rdrive - LTI)
Analysis of accidents causing absence? (Accident investigation)
Notification of Severe accidents (LA?) (GRIP)
1.10 Occupational diseases
Procedure registration occupational diseases recorded and known? (Rdrive)
Possibility to notify the company doctor?
Employees aware of consulting hours?
Does Damen provide periodical medical examination to all employees?
1.12 Special Employees/Groups (e.g. pregnancy, disability, youngsters, trainees)
Is there a policy special employees/groups
Is there a mentor assigned to youth and trainees?
- Yes
- Needs improvement
- No
- Not applicable
1.13 Executing Projects
Informing on risks of work activities
Are project risk assessments performed and documented?
2. Setup of work environment on work location
2.1 General Requirements
Do employees adhere to the JSA Handbook
Is the worklocation tidy and clean? (good housekeeping)
Are on regular bases safety inspections performed by the management
2.2 Danger
Do employees adhere to the procedure 'working at heights'?
What is the risk of not adhere to the procedure 'working at heights'? (Risk = Likelyhood(1-5) * Consequence(1-5))
Are handrails in place?
What is the risk if there is no handrails in place? (Risk = Likelyhood(1-5) * Consequence(1-5))
2.3 Electrical installations
Do employees adhere to the procedure lock out tag out?
What is the risk if the employee does not adhere to the procedure lock out tag out? (Risk = Likelyhood(1-5) * Consequence(1-5))
Fuse box closed and marked
No loose wiring
Safe power sockets
2.4 Escape routes and emergency exits
Emergency lighting present?
Are there sufficient escape routes and emergency exits? (minimum of 2 or more different routes)
What is the risk if there are not enough escape routes present? (Risk = Likelyhood(1-5) * Consequence(1-5))
Are escape routes and emergency exits marked?
Are escape routes and emergency exits free of obstacles?
2.5 Fire alarm and firefighting
Are there a sufficient amount of firefighting equipment available?
What is the risk if there are no sufficient amount of firefighting equipment available? (Risk = Likelyhood * Consequence)
Periodic inspection of firefighting equipment?
Are the fire fighting extiguishers according the risks which can occur at the work location?
Firefighting equipment visible/ marked?
Does the firefighting equipment and first aid equipment hang in fixed locations?
Fire alarm system in place?
Evacuation system in place?
2.6 Floors
Are the floors free from tripping hazards or slippery?
What is the risk if there is a tripping hazard or slippery floor? (Risk = Likelyhood * Consequence)
2.7 Windows
Are the windows safe to open?
Can the windows be cleaned without danger?
Are the windows providing enough fresh air when opened?
2.8 Doors
Are walking and transport routes marked?
What is the risk if the transport routes are not marked? (Risk = Likelyhood * Consequence)
Are there traffic regulations in place?
2.9 Marking dangerous locations
Are hazardous locations marked? (e.g. storage hazadous materials, potholes, falling hazards)
2.10 Dimensions of the offices
Are the workspaces sufficiently tailored to users?
2.11 Sanitary and other Facilities
(Separated) bathrooms?
Canteen available?
Dressing room?
Laundry facilities?
Shower available?
Adequate hygiene?
2.12 First Aid (EHBO)
Is a sufficient number of First aid equipment available?
What is the Risk if there is not enough first aid equipment available? (Risk = Likelyhood * Consequence)
Is the location of First aid equipment clearly indicated and/or known?
Is the First aid equipment inspected regularly?
Is a emergency shower available?
What is the risk if there is no emergency shower available? (Risk = Likelyhood * Consequence)
Is a fire blanket available? (e.g. microwave, stove)
What is the risk if there is no fire blanket available? (Risk = Likelyhood * Consequence)
Are eyewash stations and/or eyewash bottles available?
What is the risk if there is no eyewash station or bottle available? (Risk = Likelyhood * Consequence)
Is a separate First aid room available?
Is a stretcher available?
What is the risk of not having a stretcher available? (Risk = Likelyhood * Consequence)
2.13 Scaffolding
Are scaffolding build according to procedure?
What is the risk if the scaffolding is not build according to procedure? (Risk = Likelyhood * Consequence)
Are scaffolding build by trained personel?
Is scaffolding labeled and periodically inspected?
3. Hazardous substances and biological agents
3.1 Exposure
Is an overview of exposure available? (e.g. fumes, VOC, paints, oils, hazardeous substances, solvents)
Has exposure been assessed?
Are there sufficient measures to prevent and limit exposure?
What is the risk if there are not sufficient measure to prevent and limit exposure? (Risk = Likelyhood(1-5) * Consequence(1-5))
3.2 Registration
Is a Safety Data Sheet available?
Is a register available and assessed?
Register and SDS available in the workplace?
Overview of biological agents?
3.3 Storage of hazardous materials
What is the quantity of hazardous materials?
Are the hazardous materials stored according to the procedure?
Correct extinguishing equipment available in a close vicinity of hazardous materials storage?
What is the risk of not having the correct extinguishing equpment available in a close vicinity of hazardous materials storage? (Risk = Likelyhood(1-5) * Consequence(1-5))
Eyewash station available in a close vicinity of hazardous materials storage?
What is the risk of not having an eyewash station available in a close vicinity of hazardous materials storage? (Risk = Likelyhood(1-5) * Consequence(1-5))
Are the hazardous materials properly marked?
Are the hazardous materials properly packaged?
What is the risk if the hazardous materials are not properly packed? (Risk = Likelyhood(1-5) * Consequence(1-5))
3.4 Storage of hazardous gasses
Is storage of dangerous gasses separated?
Is ventilation in place and working?
Is the hazardous gas storage space secured/locked? (fences)
Is the hazardous gas storage space protected against the weather?
Correct extinguishing equipment available in a close vicinity of hazardous gasses storage?
Are the hazardous gasses properly marked?
Are the gas bottles secured from falling?
Are the bottles periodically checked?
If one or more of the question of section 3.4 is answered with no, decide the risk for. (Risk = Likelyhood(1-5) * Consequence(1-5))
3.5 Danger of suffocation and intoxication
Never working alone?
Are employees working according to hazardous materials procedures?
Correct tools and equipment available for working with hazardous materials?
Correct PPE's available for working with hazardous materials?
Extinguishing/First aid equipment available at workplace?
Working in enclosed space properly marked? (section 2)
If one or more of the question of section 3.5 is answered with no, decide the risk for. (Risk = Likelyhood(1-5) * Consequence(1-5))
3.6 Ventilation
Is the ventilation maintained?
Is the ventilation sufficient for the location?
Are hazardous materials disposed according procedure? (Belong to different section)
If one or more of the question of section 3.6 is answered with no, decide the risk for. (Risk = Likelyhood(1-5) * Consequence(1-5))
4. Physical work
4.1 Handling heavy loads
What is the maximum amount of weight lifted by the employees?
Are there lifting tools available?
4.2 Frequent unfavorable body posture (Check the box of the posture which is frequently performed)
Regular bending over?
Above shoulder height?
Working with arched neck?
Working on one leg?
4.3 Frequent static working (Check the box of the posture which is frequently performed)
Standing work?
Sitting work?
Possibility to sit?
Possibility to switch between standing and sitting?
4.4 Repetitive movement (Check the box of the posture which is frequently performed)
Hand - Arm > 5x per minute?
Possibility for variety and breaks?
4.5 Physical activity (Check the box of action is frequently performed)
Too heavy? (over 25 kg)
Unstable positioning?
Walked long distances?
4.6 Possibility to sit in production
Heightened chair?
Standing support?
4.8 Working on a screen in production
Amount of hours working on a screen in production?
Informing and Instruction?
5. Natural factors
5.1 Inside and Outside climate (control)
Inside climate control?
Is the temperature sufficient?
Is the temperature to high or to low?
Is the air humidity sufficient?
Is the air humidity to moist or to dry?
5.2 Smoking policy
Agreements in place?
Agreements defined and recorded?
Agreements implemented?
5.3 Daylight and Artificial light
Daylight present?
Artificial light?
5.4 Harmful and annoying noise and vibration
Intrusive or harmfull noise? (above 80dB)
PPE's available?
6. Personal Protective Equipment and Safety and health signs
Personal Protective Equipment made available for free?
An overview of necessary PPE per job is available? (JSA Handbook)
Mandatory PPE for each work activity has been recorded?
PPE's are used, maintained and replaced in the correct way?
Supervision of (correct) use of PPE's takes place?
Periodic education on PPE's is provided?
Inspection of PPE's takes place? (expiration)
If one or more of the question of section 6 is answered with no, calculate the risk. (Risk = Likelyhood(1-5) * Consequence(1-5))
6.1 Safety and health signs
(Emergency) Exit signs?
Emergency lighting marked?
Extinguishing equipment signs?
First Aid equipment signs?
Paths and roads marked?
Dangerous/Enclosed spaces marked?
Hazardous situations/activities marked?
Assembly stations clearly marked?
If one or more of the question of section 6.1 is answered with no, calculate the risk. (Risk = Likelyhood(1-5) * Consequence(1-5))
7. Overview of periodic inspections and maintenance
Fire alarm systems?
Electrical installations?
- Yes
- Needs improvement
- No
- Not applicable
Heating system?
Air treatment equipment?
Source exhausts?
Rolling Doors?
Warehouse shelving?
Cranes, hoists and Lifting equipment?
High Pressure Equipment?
Electrical tools?
Gas hoses?
If one or more of the question of section 7 is answered with no, Calculate the risk. (Risk = Likelyhood(1-5) * Consequence(1-5))
8. Assessment of screen workstations
Are environmental factors such as Illumination/Lighting/Heating and Cooling taken into account?
- Yes
- Needs improvement
- No
- Not applicable
Periodic occupational health examination?
Suitable desk/table? (adjustable)
Suitable chair? (adjustable)
Proper arrangement of work table and office chair?
Correct height and angle of screen?
Correct distance to the screen?
Correct screen settings?
Correct use of keyboard?
Correct use of the mouse?
If one or more of the question of section 7 is answered with no, Calculate the risk. (Risk = Likelyhood(1-5) * Consequence(1-5))