Title Page
Site conducted
Conducted on
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Hazard risk rating (circle one – REFER TO RISK MATRIX BELOW)
- Almost Certain (P5)
- Likely (P4)
- Possible (P3)
- Remotely Possible/Unlikely (P2)
- Practically Impossible/Rare (P1)
Risk rating
Risk rating
Risk rating
Risk rating
Risk rating
- Almost Certain (P5)
- Likely (P4)
- Possible (P3)
- Remotely Possible/Unlikely (P2)
- Practically Impossible/Rare (P1)
Risk rating
Risk rating
Risk rating
Risk rating
Risk rating
- Almost Certain (P5)
- Likely (P4)
- Possible (P3)
- Remotely Possible/Unlikely (P2)
- Practically Impossible/Rare (P1)
Risk rating
Risk rating
Risk rating
Risk rating
Risk rating
- Almost Certain (P5)
- Likely (P4)
- Possible (P3)
- Remotely Possible/Unlikely (P2)
- Practically Impossible/Rare (P1)
Risk rating
Risk rating
Risk rating
Risk rating
Risk rating
- Almost Certain (P5)
- Likely (P4)
- Possible (P3)
- Remotely Possible/Unlikely (P2)
- Practically Impossible/Rare (P1)
Risk rating
Risk rating
Risk rating
Risk rating
Risk rating
Unloading/Loading of Carriers
Are the following Hazards Identifiable at the delivery point?
- Camber and or Slope
- Members of the public at Risk
- Slip and or Trip Hazards
- Uneven and or Tactile Surface
Does the driver have to handle carriers across a roadway and or crossing point to gain access to the final delivery point?
Does the driver have to handle carriers Up and Down a Significant Incline?
Does the nature of the delivery require Double Manning?
What type of delivery has been agreed with the customer?
Provide any additional information relevant to the final delivery point and or additional customer requirements
Select the OVERALL Risk Rating by multiplying the Manoeuvring result with the Unloading/Loading result (1-6 LOW, 8-12 MEDIUM, 15-25 HIGH)
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