Title Page
Site conducted
Conducted on
Prepared by
Risk Category Standard - Structural Integrity
Who is the Risk Owner of this risk category?
Who is the Control Owner of the risk category?
Who is the Risk Executer of this risk category?
Who is the Task Executers of this risk category?
Is the Risk Owner trained and competent to manage this risk category?
Is the Risk Control Owner trained and competent to manage this risk category?
Are the Risk Exacters trained and competent to manage this risk category?
Are the Task Executers trained and competent to manage this risk category?
Is the Risk Owner appointed to conduct his/her duties? (WAH Planner, risk assessor.....)
Is the Risk Control Owner appointed to conduct his/her duties? (WAH Planner, risk assessor.....)
Risk Management Requirements
Enable and conduct the respective risk assessments for the task (IBRA, PTRA) to specify the risks and precautions to be in place for the task
Ensure that structures are well designed and maintained as per requirements. Quality control and assurance must be given on welded structures.
Adhere to legal legislation and in-country standards with regards to all structures.
Conduct structural surveys or reports as required.
Issue a Permit to Work before structural work commences.
Refer to the Working around liquid bodies, Working at heights, Confined space and/or High-risk machinery risk category standards if the work includes anything relevant to these.
Adhere to Structural Design
All structures to be designed and approved by registered professionals.
Ensure the material of construction is correct to ensure structural integrity throughout the lifespan of the structure (e.g. prevent rapid corrosion and failure).
Conduct recognised integrity inspections and testing(e.g. non-destructible tests (NDT)) where required.
Provide indications of safe structural load limits (e.g. signage) as far as reasonably possible.
Do not overload any structure, adhere to safe working load capacities.
Conduct a structural survey to confirm load bearing of structures as required, also when changes or additions are made to structures or new structures are added.
All changes to structures must be subject to an MOC and approvals process.
Requirements for Specific Structures:
Special scaffold structures must be structurally sound for the intended use and built to the relevant in-country regulations and/or standards.
For man-made dams (e.g. ash dams): Maintain the freeboard requirements (area between the flood level and crest of dam). The capacities of the dams must not be exceeded
Dam walls should have filter drains to capture seepage moving through<br>the ash walling and prevent structural failures.
Structural Integrity Inspections
Structures must be inspected regularly by a competent person or registered professional according to in-country regulations.
Inspect all materials before construction and thereafter. Inspect the completed structure at pre-determined intervals and after adverse weather events by the competent person.
For any dams: Conduct stability analysis of the dam walls by the registered professional
For any dams: rly inspect the dam or other catchment lining to prevent underground<br>water pollution.
For any dams: Inspection to include checking for blockages on the penstock to avoid liquid build up in ash dams.