Title Page
Site conducted
Conducted for
Conducted on
Conducted By:
- Nicole Lucas
- Scott Conlan
- John Baker
- Rex Sheater
- Roger Orr
- Vivien Thomson
- Other
General Information
Photo of Brigade Station
Location of Brigade Station
Does the station appear structurally sound?
Why does station not appear to be structurally sound?
Is the vegetation managed around the station? (Lawns/Weeds/Overhanging Branches)
How is the vegetation not managed?
Is there a tank attached to the station?
Is the water tank in good condition with appropriate fittings?
What causes tank to not be in good condition?
Are hardstands and paths free of slip and trip hazards? (No major cracks/ No moss coverage)
What slip and trip hazards are present?
Station Access
Is the station on the Riverina Zone Master Key system?
Type of lock system on door?
Photo of lock system:
Is the PA Door functional?
Why is PA door not functional?
Do all locks work?
Why doesn't the lock work?
Are engine bay roller doors easily opened?
What prevents engine bay roller doors from being easily opened?
Is the station generally tidy?
Why is station untidy?
Photos of why station is untidy:
Is the station free of active vermin/spiders?
Should station be present with vermin/spiders, treatment systems need to be put in place. This may include the use of pest "bombs" to kill any live vermin/spiders before clearing webs etc.
Are walkways/floor clear of slip/trip hazards?
What is causing walkways to unclear of slip/trip hazards?
Is there sufficient storage facilities throughout the station for this type of station?
What determines there to be in-sufficient storage?
What type of storage?
- Cabinets/Lockers
- Shelving
- Pallet Racking
- Other
Is the pallet racking bolted down?
Pallet racking needs to be bolted down.
Are there foot cuffs in place on the pallet racking?
Foot cuffs need to be installed.
What other types of storage?
Is there first aid facilities in the brigade station (not including whats on appliances)?
First Aid kits are only required in brigade stations that are likely to have members/persons present at station whilst appliances are not there.
Is a first aid kit required?
A first aid kit needs to be placed in the station, as well as a sign and log book.
Are the contents in date?
Contents need to be updated.
Emergency Preparedness (Fire and other emergency)
Is the Brigade Evac & Site Management Plans clearly displayed?
Photo of Plans:
Brigade Evacuation and Site Management Plans need to be produced and clearly displayed within the building.
Is there an SDS register for all chemicals onsite?
An SDS register must be placed in the station containing information about all chemicals present within the station.
Are all chemicals clearly marked and stored as per SDS?
What is preventing chemicals to not be stored/clearly marked as per SDS?
Is the register up-to-date?
SDS register must be updated as required.
Are all exit doors free of obstructions and able to open freely?
What is preventing exit doors to be free of obstructions and able to open freely?
Is there an exit sign on all exit doorways (not including engine bay roller doors)?
Photos of exit signs:
An exit sign needs to be placed above all exit doors.
Is there a fire extinguisher in the station?
Is one required?
Fire extinguishers are required in any station that is likely to have members/people present whilst the brigade appliance is not there. All brigade stations that have kitchens are also required to have an extinguisher.
What type of fire extinguisher?
- Water
- CO2
- Dry Chemical AB(E)/B(E)
- Foam
- Wet Chemical
- Fire Blanket
Is there a fire extinguisher sign in place?
Photo of extinguisher and sign:
A fire extinguisher sign needs to be installed.
Electrical & Lighting
Does the Station have 240v power?
Photo inside Power Box/s (internal and external):
Test Residual Current Devices (RCD's). Physical test okay?
RCD to be inspected by qualified technician
What electrical equipment is in station?
- Battery Chargers (1 per truck)
- Chargers (Radios/Phones/Torches)
- Fridge/Freezer
- Computer/Printer
- Kitchen Appliances
- Maintenance Equipment (Compressor/Pressure Washer)
- Extension Leads
- Other
What other equipment?
Is all electrical equipment tested and tagged?
Electrical contractor required to test and tag equipment.
Does the station have Solar Power?
Photos of solar power set up:
What type of solar power?
What type of battery is it?
What is the battery serial number?
What date where the batteries made?
What is being run from the power source?
What other items are being run off the power source?
What is being run from power source?
- Truck trickle charger
- Lights
- Other
What other items are being run off power source?
Is there battery storage?
What is the manufacture date of the battery?
What is the type of the battery?
Is there any power on the shed at all?
Other station facilities. Does the brigade have:
A Kitchen?
Photo of the Kitchen:
Are all appliances within kitchen tested and tagged?
All kitchen appliances must be tested and tagged.
Is there a zip water heater in kitchen?
Is the zip water heater current with test and tag?
Zip water heater needs to be test and tagged.
Is there an area to safely handle and prepare food?
What is the reasoning for area not to be safe to handle and/or prepare food?
Is there Fire Safety Equipment in the Kitchen?
What sort of fire safety equipment?
- Water
- CO2
- Dry Chemical AB(E)/B(E)
- Foam
- Wet Chemical
- Fire Blanket
All kitchens must have a relevant fire extinguisher and/or blanket available.
Are there cleaning products in the kitchen? (mop & bucket, broom, detergent and sponges)
The kitchen should have a mop & bucket, broom, detergent and sponges. These will need to be added to the kitchen.
A Training/Meeting Room?
Photo of the Training/Meeting Room:
Is the room generally tidy?
Photo of untidiness?
Why is room untidy?
Is there Air conditioning/heating?
Does it work?
Contact a contractor to have fixed.
Is it required?
Contact a contractor to have it installed.
Are there sufficient tables and chairs?
How is this determined?
A Bathroom/Toilet Facility?
Photo of the Bathroom:
Is there a Toilet?
Is it working with no leaks?
Contact Plumbing Contractor to get fixed.
Is it clean and hygienic?
Organise to have toilet cleaned.
Is there shower facilities?