Title Page

  • Terminal:

  • Prepared by:

  • Year:

  • Quarter:

Administrations and Operations

  • Manager Performing Audit:

  • Date:

  • Employee(s) Observed:


  • Are RMS controlled areas neat and well kept including Terminal Managers office?

  • Is the RMS' Anti-Harassment Policy posted in all locations used by the employees and is it the newest version with older versions removed?

  • Are current government Wage & Hour, FMLA and Equal Opportunity posted?

  • Is employee Safety & Training spreadsheet posted in the Managers office and updated?

  • Is Safety Rule of the Week posted in all locations used by the employees?

  • Is the Safety Board listing number of days injury / accident free posted, operational and accurate?

  • Are employee Safety & Training files neat and organized?

  • If applicable, have all employees completed Online training via ISN and have an ISN issued Security Badge? (CSX terminals only)

  • Does Terminal have a process in place to ensure all employees have a current and valid Driver's License?

  • Are first aid kits easily accessible to work area and properly stocked?

  • Are exits properly marked, unlocked and clear of obstructions?

  • Is a separate file maintained for incidents/injuries and organized in numerical order?

  • Is HAZCOM policy available and easily accessible?

  • Is the HAZCOM chemical inventory posted?

  • Is there a Hazardous Emergency Evacuation Plan readily available, accessible and posted in the case of an emergency?

  • Are job briefings current, available and filed in a neat and orderly manner?

  • Are Hitch Securement Audits current, available and filed in a neat and orderly manner?

  • Are all trains properly documented and closed out to include the AAR Securement signoff sheet with at least 2 signatures of employees who were NOT involved in the loading process?

  • Are Emergency Numbers Posted with updated contacts and phone numbers? Is it readily accessible in the case of an emergency?

  • Are AAR Hitch Securement Posters posted within the facility in a place for all employees to see?

  • Does the Terminal have fire extinguishers available, charged, tagged and audited monthly while in all appropriate places in need of an extinguisher?

  • Do employees perform a preshift inspection of their equipment (VCR's) and are these files kept in a neat and organized manner with an adequate process for exceptions?

  • Does Terminal have an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) current and accessible if applicable?

  • Are security badges/clearance current? (minimum of 15% of employees checked)

  • Are there any security badge/clearance due for renewal?

  • Does the Terminal Manager understand the e-railsafe adverse action procedure?

  • Are "No Smoking" signs posted in high usage areas?


  • Are safety lines trackside and crane path markings clearly visible (PUC Lines, Crane lines, etc.)?

  • Are blue or red flags in place prior to working the track (Positive track lockout to include one or more of the following: derails engaged, blue/red flags present and in correct position, pole gates applied, switch locked out, lights to indicate locked out position, etc.)?

  • Are IBC's properly stowed on the railcar and not on the ground when not in use?

  • NO equipment left unattended and running?

  • Are units sitting trackside clear of the PUC Line, NOT fouling the crane path and NOT sitting on chassis pins or twist locks?

  • No "Rouge" chassis sitting trackside or in other areas creating a safety hazard?

  • Units properly parked in the rows (not touching adjacent unit or protruding into the roadway, no units sitting on top of chassis pins)?

  • Is yard damage properly identified and documented?

  • Chassis lots are neat and organized with no units touching or overlapping?

  • No units parked in unauthorized areas or creating a safety hazard?

  • Process in place to identify and document outside driver safety violations?

  • Are groundmen using the "sidestep method" on railcars?

  • Is the Crane Movement Policy being followed?

  • Are employees stopping at Stop Signs?

  • Are "Tug Tests" being performed?

  • Are company decals on all company owned equipment?

If you have observed any behavior that is not listed above but is deemed an "at risk" behavior please add below under comment section. Location, time, and incident specific:

  • Comments:


  • Manager Performing Audit:

  • Date:

  • Employee(s) Observed:


  • Are all employees wearing proper safety equipment (PPE)?

  • Are fire extinguishers checked monthly, properly secured and Class ABC?

  • Are Oxygen and Acetylene stored properly and secured? Oxygen tanks and Acetylene tanks in storage should be stored separately by 20' preferably ih metal containment with caps screwed on top. They must be strapped or chained as part of securement

  • Are Hazardous Materials stored properly?

  • Are flammable and combustible cabinets properly vented and marked?

  • Are all receptacles, tanks, drums, etc. properly labeled per OSHA Standards?

  • Are batteries stored properly off the ground per OSHA Standards?

  • Is SDS file current?

  • Is SDS file accessible to the employees?

  • Is fueling being done safely with outlined automatic shutoff and mechanic trained?

  • Are First Aid Kits available, accessible and properly stocked?

  • Are proper safety procedures used when changing and airing tires?

  • Are Eye Wash Stations readily available, accessible and in proper working order? Are bottles still within their expiration dates?

  • Are Flash Back Arrestors present at both ends of all welding equipment (handle and near tank) and are tanks shut off if not in use?

  • Are aisles and passageways clear of debris/hoses/fluids and properly illuminated?

  • Are work benches neat, free of litter, oil and grease?

  • Are tools stored properly after use?

  • Are Lockout/Tag Out procedures followed? Key removed and power source cut out?

  • Do bench grinders have proper guards?

  • Are any and all aerosol cans disposed of properly and are caps on all cans still in use?

  • Is Fall Protection harness available for mechanic's use?

  • Are mechanics using the proper fall protection devices?

  • Is the RMS Anti-Harassment Policy posted in a location mechanics use and it is it the current policy?

  • Are government Wage & Hour and Equal Opportunity posted in a location mechanics use?

  • Do all mechanics attend "start of the shift" safety briefing?

  • Is the Maintenance Safety Rule of the Week posted in the shop area?

  • Is maintenance Safety and Training current?

  • All mechanics have a valid driver's license?

  • All mechanics have e-railsafe badge and can present it when asked?

  • Work Orders completed daily?

  • Work Orders sent to the appropriate location timely?

  • Does Terminal Manager meet daily with lead mechanic and discuss safety weekly with all mechanics?

  • PM's current and thorough? Are equipment files being utilized?

  • Hour Meter Readings sent monthly?

  • Tools and Equipment Inventory Files current?

  • Mechanic's Tool Inventory current and on file?

  • All mechanics OSHATIA Tire Certified and Certificates in their personnel file? If applicable

  • All mechanics tested and copies of test in their personnel file?

  • Check List for New Hire Employee Mechanic Safety Orientation completed and copy in their personnel file?

  • Maintenance Bulletins and Shop Talks discussed with mechanics and filed?

  • Lead mechanic works with Regional Maintenance Manager on mechnical issues to ensure best pratices are being utlized?

  • Are Emergency Response Instructions posted and updated including the Railroad Hotline phone number and an Evacuation Plan?

  • Is there an Emergency Evacuation Route posted?

  • Do all electrical boxes and electrical outlets have covers?

  • Is equipment (welders, compressors, etc.) unplugged if not in use?

  • Good housekeeping is maintained including clean restrooms that are in good order?

  • Absorbent Materials available for spills?

  • Are extension ladders a minimum of 16ft meeting OSHA standards?

  • Are step ladders a minimum of 6ft meeting OSHA standards?

  • Proper use of ladders and/or manlifts (Mechanics with manlifts over 4 feet and in use must have harness)?

  • Are best practices being used to save money on parts (Amazon, Fleetpride, tires)?

  • Are PM Boards posted and updated?

  • Do all safety appliances (strobes, alarms, seat belts, horns, hedlights, flashers, etc.) work properly on shop equipment (manlift, forklift, truck)?

  • Are extinguishers properly checked off and in good working order on shop equipment?

  • Does shop equipment have good seats without tears or metal exposed?

  • Are forklift and lift equipment mechanics properly trained and certified?

  • Does the forklift(s) have a designated parking spot and properly parked with forks not protruding to cause a STF hazard?

  • Are forklift forks in good condition and not overly worn?

  • Is there a plan to remove scrap equipment that is permanently Out Of Service?

If you have observed any behavior that is not listed above but is deemed an "at risk" behavior please add below under comment section. Location, time, and incident specific:

  • Comments:


  • Manager Performing Audit:

  • Date:

  • Supervisor(s) Observed:


  • Are all supervisors wearing the proper PPE and is it in serviceable condition?

  • Are all traffic rules being followed by supervisor (Speed Limit, stopping, yielding, safe distance allowed, defensive driving, right of way, etc.)?

  • Are supervisors identifying units parked in the foul Safety lines trackside and path markings (PUC Lines, Crane lines, etc.)?

  • Is the supervisor vehicle clean and free of debris including the bed?

  • Is the "No Rider" policy for equipment being enforced under the supervisor’s direction?

  • Are supervisor’s vehicle headlights turned on during operation with beacons functional and when not in use, vehicle engines and lights turned off; windows and doors will be shut?

  • Are blue or red flags in place prior to working the track (Positive track lockout to include one or more of the following: derails engaged, blue/red flags present and in correct position, pole gates applied, switch locked out, lights to indicate locked out position, etc.)?

  • Is the supervisor using caution at intersections when driving?

  • Did the supervisor shut off their vehicle when left unattended?

  • Is the supervisor vehicle in the clear not stopped on, parked on, or fouling tracks?

  • Is the supervisor keeping their body parts clear of areas where “pinch point” injuries occur?

  • Does the supervisor stay clear of lift equipment movements during the loading/unloading process?

  • Is the supervisor using three points of contact when climbing on and off flatcars, up and down ladders?

  • Are IBC's properly stored on the stack car when not in use, identified on the ground and plans for proper stowage made available?

  • Is the supervisor watching for proper Operator deramps with JB Hunt COFC equipment correctly (Tandems first, no nose diving, front pins pulled) ?

  • Does the supervisor understand that RMS will not condone any forms of discrimination of harassment or its employees, customers or users of the facility?

  • Are supervisors following all no smoking railroad and company polices?

  • Are supervisors NOT allowing any radios, headphones, televisions or entertainment type devices to be operated under their direction?

  • Are supervisors NOT allowing any employee to operate or place their person under a suspended load or in the presence of any potential pinch points?

  • Are supervisors addressing drivers observed not wearing seatbelts to continue to operate without an on spot correction?

  • Are employees not wearing proper safety equipment (PPE) identified by their supervisors and corrected on spot?

  • Is the supervisor’s work stations clean and free of debris or in need of repair?

  • Does the supervisor notify all employees before removing track protection?

  • Are all supervisors in compliance with e-railsafe badges?

  • Is the supervisor completing their vehicle condition report each shift and forwarding to proper authorities?

  • Is the supervisor allowing for proper protection for employees performing repair work under railcars or unloading/loading ramp tracks? No equipment trucks, trailers, containers/chassis, or lift equipment can enter into the (“Work Zone”) while the barricades and flashing amber lights are in place?

  • Are radio transmissions short, precise and professional without profanity, joking or non job related conversations under the direction of the supervisor and if not corrected on spot?

  • Did the supervisor actually give a daily verbal job briefing to discuss the subject of safety with their employees, keeping safety communication lines open and awareness high?

  • Is the supervisor making the effort to set a good example in all activities, particularly in the use of PPE?

  • Are first-aid kits available, accessible and properly stocked in the supervisor’s office and vehicle?

  • Is PPE accessible and properly stocked in the supervisor’s office?

  • Are supervisors insuring that all machinery, equipment and tools are being used properly to avoid potential accidents and equipment damage and that all equipment is maintained in good working order?

  • Are supervisors inspecting for unsafe physical plant conditions and insuring that they note hazards for correction as soon as possible?

  • Did the supervisor immediately and aggressively take command and control of any hazardous material or chemical leakage/spill release situation?

  • Does the supervisor enforce all company safety rules and procedures and assist in the documentation for disciplinary actions when necessary?

  • Does the supervisor correct improper employee work habits as soon as they are detected (on spot) and provide positive feedback and reinforcement when work practices are observed?

  • Does the supervisor investigate all incidents (accidents/injuries) and prepare the required accident investigation reports and procedures?

  • Does the supervisor understand the proper handling of leakers, leaner’s and load shift procedures?

  • When a working area contains slip, trip and fall hazards, are they identified for correction to the proper authorities (I.B.C.s on the ground or deck of railcar, brake shoes, crank handles, leaked oil, pot holes, debris, etc.)?

If you have observed any behavior that is not listed above but is deemed an "at risk" behavior please add below under comment section. Location, time, and incident specific:

  • Comments:

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.