Title Page
Conducted on
Prepared by
Site Address:
Attendance Date/Time:
Owner/Tenant Name:
Photo of the facade:
House Level:
- Single Storey
- Split Level
- Double Storey
- Triple Storey
House Design:
- Free Standing Dwelling
- Townhouse
- Apartment
- Unit Complex
- Granny Flat
Roof Design:
- Skillion
- Gable
- Hip and valley
- Other
If other please list:
Roof Material:
- Corrugated
- Spandeck
- KlipLok
- Trimdeck
- Other
If other please specify:
Is Sarking/Sislation present:
Photo of Sarking/Sislation:
What is the roof pitch:
Has the roof had previous restoration works conducted:
If yes, provide details:
Estimated age of roofing material:
Picture of roofing (general)
Damage and Causation
Generally list damages being claimed by the insured:
What is the insured suggesting is the cause of the damage:
Is there any evidence of storm created openings:
If yes provide photos:
Is there evidence of wind driven rain:
If yes provide photos:
Is there evidence of impact damage resulting from hail:
If yes provide photos:
Has any recent events occurred relative to the claim?
If yes, please specify:
Has there been any recent alterations or additions to the property/roof that has impacted:
If Yes, please specify:
Are there any maintenance issues contributing to the resultant damage:
If yes, list maintenance items:
If yes, provide photos:
Are the gutters a contributing factor in the resultant damage:
Are the numbers of downpipes satisfactory (max 13m between and considering the roof area):
Provide photos:
Are any permanent fixtures present to the roof that will impact repairs:
If yes, list items: (ie solar panels)
If yes, provide photos:
List Recommendations based on the above:
Can repairs be warranted? If no, list reasoning: