Tenant initials
Assessment conducted by:
Assessment date and time:
Fire Risk Assessment date:
Previous reports - actions logged on Inform:
Assessment of room / flat number -
Overall RAG rating:
Room audit
Are there any maintenance issues you need to report such as heating, lighting, structural surfaces? If so please complete the following:
There are no dirty or moldy food remnants, cups or plates visible?
Bedrooms are free of cooking appliances such as toasters, kettles, air fryer and microwaves etc?
Are curtains in good condition and able to be used correctly?
Is the bed and mattress in good condition and being used for sleeping as expected?
Is the bed made up with appropriate bedding?
Is there sufficient storage in the room for use by the resident?
There is no evidence of smoking internally.
Is the area free of evidence of inappropriate smoking behaviour (burns on furniture, flooring, mattress etc)?
Where there is damage, add a photograph for comparison at next assessment.
There is no no smell of cannabis present or evidence of drug use or paraphernalia.
Does the layout of the room allow for unobstructed and safe escape in an emergency?
Pests can include - flies, fruit flies, silverfish / moths, weevils, ants, woodlice, bedbugs, cockroaches, mice, rats. Please notify health and safety for advice, risk assessment or SSoW. See Environmental Health Policy for further details. Maintenance should be notified to arrange for pest control, cleaning or structural remediation. Add Support actions for personal care / self neglect issues.
Does the room appear to be free of pests?
Have previously reported maintenance issues been rectified?
There other no areas of the room that need cleaning, organising or tidying?
Check flooring, are floors clean and clear of clothes, clutter and rubbish?
Means of storage for dirty laundry present and being used.
Service Type:
RAG Rating is set by the assessment score - 40% or less should be rated RED, 41-70% AMBER and 71-100% GREEN. This is a guide, if you feel the rating does not reflect the seriousness of the situation found, please change the suggested response. Add comments in summary of findings.
RAG Rating
Date of next assessment (one month) -
Date of follow up assessment (same week) -
Date of follow up assessment 1 (same week) -
Date of follow up assessment 2 (same week) -
RAG Rating is set by the assessment score - 40% or less should be rated RED, 41-70% AMBER and 71-100% GREEN. This is a guide, if you feel the rating does not reflect the seriousness of the situation found, please change the suggested response. Add comments in summary of findings.
RAG Rating
Date of next assessment (one month) -
Date of follow up assessment (two weeks) -
Date of follow up assessment (1 week) -
This question applies when a room has been rated as either green or amber based on conditions found although there may have been factors which have made this potentially unsustainable, for example, a deep clean or removal of hoarding immediately prior to the assessment. In this circumstance, it would be inappropriate to wait one month for reassessment. Answer N/a if the room is already rated RED, tick if the rating is consistent with previous reviews or the resident has no prior history of room issues and x to create an interim review date in one week.
If rated Green, is there confidence that the selected rating will be maintained?
Now also ensure you manually change the RAG rating at the start of the assessment, so that it will be shown in the title. <br><br>has this been completed?
Suggested date / time for review -
Summary of findings -
Do you need to refer this resident to your management team as a safeguarding concern?
The results of this assessment have been discussed with me and I have agreed the action points and review dates.