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A well organised room sets the tone for teaching and learning and reflects the teacher's organisation and teaching style. Furthermore, when observing a classroom environment it would be remiss to not make direct links back to the Interim Professional Standards (against which teachers' performance is measured) and also to the New Zealand Teachers' Council's Registered Teacher Criteria (against which teachers are measured to retain their three-year practicing certificate).
Access to both doors is obstruction free
Student desks are laid out in a manner that allows for the free flow of traffic
Electrical cabling is kept in such a manner that it does not present a potential hazard to students/staff
Students have space to store their belongings
Teacher's resources are stored in a tidy manner eliminating clutter.
Teacher's desk or workspace is tidy and clutter free.
Art, Science and any other toxic or sharp resources are stored out of reach and or sight
Rugs are fastened to the floor so that potential tripping is eliminated.
The wall to wall carpeting is hazard free?
If there are any other tripping hazards, answer "no" so that a comment can be written.
There is enough ventilation (even in winter).
Is enough natural lighting?
Are ākonga / learners desks clear of graffiti or other drawing/writing?
Are tote trays stowed away neat and tidily?
Is there adequate space between chairs so that if both ākonga / learners need to get up simultaneously they can?
Taking a cursory glance around the room, do the displays look neat, tidy and fresh?
Is there evidence of ākonga / learners work on display?
Is the ratio between ākonga / learners generated work/displays and teacher generated in favour of akonga?
Do displays reflect the current topic? (Or in the case of the start of term the work done towards the end of the previous term.)
Is the environment text rich, and displayed so that ākonga / learners can read it effectively?
Is there art work on display to add colour and vibrancy?
Is a class treaty / code of conduct / set of expectations on display?
Is there evidence of a akonga motivation system, e.g. House chart with points, etc?
Are emergency evacuation explanations or procedures on display?
Are wall displays well organised?
Is there a section for reading, and if so is there evidence of ākonga / learners voice?
Is there a section for writing, and if so is there evidence of ākonga / learners voice?
Is there a section for Mathematics & Statistics, and so is there evidence of ākonga / learners voice?
Is there a section relating to the integrated topic, and if so is there evidence of ākonga / learners voice?
Is there evidence of displays relating to student achievement? (Reference to national standards)
Is the a chart or other form of reading tumble on display that akonga are able to refer to?
Is the a chart or other form of writing tumble on display that ākonga / learners are able to refer to?
Is the a chart or other form of mathematics tumble on display that ākonga / learners are able to refer to?
Are there any other affirmations or feed forward comments?
CRITERIA 2 Establish and maintain effective professional relationships focused on the learning and well-being of all ākonga. INDICATOR/S: i. take all reasonable steps to provide and maintain a teaching and learning environment that is physically, socially, culturally and emotionally safe ii. acknowledge and respect the languages, heritages and cultures of all ākonga iii. comply with relevant regulatory and statutory requirements
CRITERIA 3 Demonstrate commitment to bicultural partnership in Aotearoa New Zealand INDICATOR/S: i. demonstrate respect for the heritages, languages and cultures of both partners to the Treaty of Waitangi
CRITERIA 7 Promote a collaborative, inclusive and supportive learning environment INDICATOR/S: i. demonstrate effective management of the learning setting which incorporates successful strategies to engage and motivate ākonga ii. foster trust, respect and cooperation with and among ākonga
REFERENCE TO THE INTERIM PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS: CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT: • student behaviour • physical environment • respect and understanding
Beginning Teachers: <br>• apply understanding of positive behaviour management<br>• create and maintain a safe environment that is conducive to learning<br>• model interactions in ways that are known to be associated with developing respect and understanding<br>
Experienced Teachers: (in addition to meeting the beginning and fully registered indicators, experienced teachers must also:) <br>• demonstrate a high level of commitment to student welfare and learning<br>• effectively manage challenging learning environments
Experienced Teachers: (in addition to meeting the beginning and fully registered indicators, experienced teachers must also:) <br>• demonstrate a high level of commitment to student welfare and learning<br>• effectively manage challenging learning environments