Document No.
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
- Andy Stones
- Allan Lee
Location / Address
This audit is designed to undertake an inspection of general company standards of health and safety management, policies and procedures in accordance with current legislation, codes of practice and industry best practice procedures. The audit findings, if acted upon, will help the company improve their safety management standards throughout the company and reduce the likelihood of accidents and incidents, as well as reducing the likelihood of enforcement action being taken by a visiting enforcement officer.
The 'corrective actions' section is split into three levels, these being 'High', 'Medium' and 'Low'. High level actions should be completed as soon as is reasonably practicable as these may lead to serious injury or are a failure to meet the minimum requirements of legislation. Medium level actions should be completed within a given timeframe e.g. 1 to 6 months, as these may lead to minor injury or a noncompliance with industry best practice. Finally, Low level actions are not considered as compulsory, but would demonstrate a commitment to achieving high levels of safety management within the company.
The auditor has made all reasonable efforts to obtain the required information and evidence during the audit. However, if information and/or evidence has not been supplied by the company, then a noncompliance will be recorded.
1.0 - Management Documentation
Does the company have the required liability insurances in place?
Enter run-out date for Employees Liability insurance.
Enter amount of EL cover.
Do the company have a written Health and Safety policy?
Does the policy have a 'Policy Statement of Intent' which is signed by the head of the company.
Has the policy been reviewed within the last 12 months?
Does the policy detail roles and responsibilities for health and safety throughout the company?
Is there an arrangements section of the policy which details the main hazards associated with the company's operations?
Do the arrangements adequately cover the company's operations?
2.0 - Hazard Identification
Has the company identified significant potential hazards associated with the company's business.
Have risk assessments been documented?
Do the risk assessments appear to be to a suitable standard?
Have risk assessments been reviewed on a regular basis e.g. annually?
Have all significant hazards been identified?
Have employees been briefed on the finding of the risk assessments?
Does the company produce written Method Statements/Safe Systems of Work to cover its work?
Is the layout and detail of the Method Statements/Safe System of Work suitable?
Are the staff briefed on the detail of the Method Statements/Safe System of Work?
2.1 - Working at Heights
Are staff required to undertake work at height?
Is all work at height equipment identified and included on a register?
Is all work at height equipment subject to regular management inspection?
Is ALL equipment of the correct grade/standard?
Does the equipment appear to be in good condition?
Is the work properly assessed and planned?
Has suitable edge protection been provided where appropriate?
Have staff received a level of working at height training appropriate for their work?
2.2 - Manual Handling
Are there any tasks which could potentially put staff at risk from manual handling activities?
Are manual handling assessments completed for higher risk handling tasks?
Are the assessments to an acceptable standard and reviewed regularly?
Have all staff received a level of manual handling training appropriate for their work?
2.3 - COSHH
Does the company use potentially hazardous substances?
Have all substances been identified and included on a register?
Does the company hold the MSDS for each substance?
Have COSHH assessments been undertaken for any hazardous substances?
Where the company undertake site works, are the COSHH assessments available on site?
Are staff using substances briefed on the findings of the COSHH assessments?
Are the assessments adequate and reviewed regularly?
2.4 - Vibration
Do company operations expose staff to potentially high levels of vibration?
Have all vibration emitting tools been identified and included on a register?
Have assessments been undertaken to identify safe work limits?
Has health surveillance been undertaken with employees exposed to potentially high levels of vibration?
2.5 - Noise
Do company operations expose staff to potentially high levels of noise?
Has a noise assessment been carried out?
Have noisy operations and tools/equipment been assessed?
Has health surveillance been undertaken with employees exposed to potentially high levels of noise?
2.6 - Fire & Emergency Evacuation
Has a fire risk assessment been undertaken at the company premises?
Is the assessment adequate and reviewed regularly?
Have identified corrective actions been implemented?
Is there a suitable means of raising an alarm?
Are all significant fire hazards identified and suitably controlled?
Is there a suitable means of escape?
Is escape signage suitable?
Are emergency action notices displayed throughout the workplace?
Are all fire doors unlocked with free access?
Is emergency escape lighting provided?
Has the emergency lighting been serviced, maintained and tested within the last 12 months?
Does the company undertake regular emergency lighting tests?
Have suitable hand-held fire extinguishers been provided?
Are extinguishers correctly mounted onto wall hooks or located on fire stands?
Are fire points correctly marked with fire-point signage?
Have all extinguishers been service, inspected and maintained within the last 12 months.
Do the company undertake regular internal inspections of fire extinguishers?
Do all extinguishers appear to be in good condition and fully charged?
Does the company have and maintain a fire log-book?
2.7 - Display Screen Equipment
Do the company operate or use Display Screen Equipment?
Do the company undertake DSE assessments?
Are the DSE assessments reviewed on a regular basis e.g. 2 yearly?
Does the company provide free eye and eyesight tests for DSE Users?
Does the company pay for corrective lenses when required for DSE use?
Have DSE Users been adequately trained?
2.8 - Electrical / Gas Safety
Has the company premises received its 5 yearly electrical competent person checks?
Is electrical equipment subject to regular inspection & testing e.g. PAT
Is the equipment being inspected at the required intervals?
Are staff trained how to undertake before use inspections on electrical equipment?
Are mains gas systems and appliances used within the premises?
Have the gas systems and appliances been inspected by a competent person within the last 12 months?
Are gas bottles in use within the company?
Are gas bottles suitably stored in a segregated area e.g gas store?
Is there suitable signage to warn of no smoking or naked lights close to gas storage?
2.9 - Driving on Company Business
Does the company provide company vehicles or require staff to drive on company business?
Does the company have a 'Driving on Company Business' policy?
Do the company maintain a register of approved company drivers?
Do they obtain copies of driving licenses?
Are copies of licenses obtained on a regular basis e.g. annually?
Do staff drive private vehicles on company business?
Does the company obtain copies of private vehicle insurance certificates (ensuring that driving on company business is included within the policy)?
Are copies of new certificates obtained when expired?
Does the company obtain copies of MOT certificates for private vehicles driven on company business?
Are copies of new MOT certificates obtained when expired?
2.10 - Fork Lift Trucks
Are fork trucks used in the workplace?
Are truck operators correctly trained?
Do truck operators attend regular refresher training?
Are trucks LOLER inspected annually (6 monthly if used to lift people)?
Are regular management inspections undertaken on lift trucks?
Do the company use man-cages with lift trucks?
Is there a specific risk assessment and safe work instruction for using man -cage?
Have staff received specific training for the use of man-cage (including truck operators)?
Is the cage & lift truck LOLER inspected every 6 months?
2.11 - First-Aid Provision
Is there a statutory accident book available?
Have the company provided adequate first-aid boxes ( and eye-wash stations where required)?
Are first-aid kits included on a register and checked regularly?
Do first-aid box items appear to be in-date (not passed expiry dates)?
Do the company provide trained first-aiders and/or appointed persons?
Are the trained persons in-date for refresher training?
3.0 - Competent Health and Safety Advice
Does the company have access to Competent Corporate Health & Safety advice in accordance Reg. 7 of MHSWR 1999?
Who provides this advice?
What qualifications do they hold?
4.0 - Sub-Contracting
Do the company employ sub-contractors?
Does the company maintain a list of appointed contractors?
Are sub-contractors assessed for health & Safety?
Are contractors required to supply risk assessments, COSHH assessments and method statements to cover their work?
Are these assessments and method statements approved before allowing contractors to begin work?
5.0 - Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Do company activities require the use of PPE?
Does the company provide all PPE free of charge, including replacements?
Have staff been issued the PPE they require?
Have issue records been maintained?
Are staff trained how to use, care for and store their PPE?
Do management undertake regular inspections of PPE?
Do the company allow staff to purchase their own PPE?
Do the company specify the minimum standard that the PPE must meet?
6.0 - Training ( General)
Do the company maintain a training matrix/register for all staff?
Does the matrix/register detail all training requirements?
Is all required/identified training in date?
Have all staff received initial safety induction training?
Is there a refresher programme in place for general safety awareness training for all staff?
Have staff received training in their general work tasks?
Has this training been documented?
Is there a refresher training programme in place for general safety training?
7.0 - Training ( Specific)
Does the company have a requirement for specific plant/equipment etc. training?
Has this training been identified and included on a training matrix/register?
Is all required training in date?
Is there any refresher programme in place for task specific training?
8.0 - Welfare Facilities
Have suitable numbers of toilets and washing facilities been provided for both men and women?
Are suitable rest facilities provided?
Is there a means of heating food and making hot drinks provided?
Is there a suitable supply of fresh wholesome drinking water?
Are suitable facilities provided for the storage of work and personal clothing?
Are welfare facilities maintained in a clean and tidy state?
Are suitable levels of lighting provided throughout the workplace?
Have the company designated outside smoking areas?
9.0 - Tools / Equipment / Plant Safety
Is there available evidence that staff are trained to use tools, equipment and plant provided for work purposes?
Is there a planned preventative maintenance (PPM) programme in place?
Are the required competent person tests and inspections being undertaken at required intervals?
Do management undertake recorded regular inspections of work tools, equipment and plant?
Do staff undertake before use inspections on tools, equipment and plant?
Is there a suitable system in place for the reporting of faults and/or damage?
10.0 - Asbestos
Was the company premises built prior to 1999?
Do the company have an asbestos management plan for the premises?
Has an asbestos survey been undertaken?
Have ACMs been identified within the survey?
Are ACMs being correctly managed?
Do ACMs appear to be undamaged and in good condition?
Have ACMs in accessible areas been marked accordingly?
11.0 - Industrial Racking
Does the company use industrial racking?
Is the racking serial numbered and included within a racking register?
Is the racking subject to regular inspections?
Is racking correctly secured?
Is the racking marked with its Safe Working Load?
Do items/pallets appear to be correctly stored on the racking?
Does the racking appear to be in good condition with no signs of damage?
12.0 - Compressed Air Systems
Are compressed air systems in use within the company premises?
Is the system included in a planned preventative maintenance schedule?
Has the air receiver(s) been certified by a competent person within the last 12 months (or 2000 hrs)?
13.0 - General Workplace Conditions
Are all areas generally clean and tidy?
Are walkway and access/egress routes clear?
Are trailing cables being correctly managed?
Are items being stored correctly so as not to present a significant hazard?
Is there adequate separation of vehicles and pedestrians?
Where pedestrians and vehicles operate in the same areas, do pedestrians wear high-visibility clothing?
14.0 - Corrective Actions
High risk action
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- Medium risk action
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- Low risk action
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Person undertaking the audit