Title Page
Site conducted
Inspection start
Person undertaking inspection
Carpark (front)
General housekeeping and cleanliness
Defect/s? - Vehicle abandonment
Pick Defect/s
Management Office
General housekeeping?
Defect/s? - PC's, monitors and photocopier, lighting, equipment, doors, windows, CCTV, BMS, AED
Pick Defect/s
- PC's, monitors and photocopier all in good working order?
- Lighting in good working?
- Equipment,door and windows in good order?
- CCTV fully operational
- BMS: Operational and free from any trips
- AED: Operational and free from faults
- Other
Reception, Entrance and Concourse
General Housekeeping?
Defect/s? - Lighting, equipment, doors, windows, fire extinguishers, fire panel
Pick Defect/s
- Lighting in good working order?
- Equipment,doors (digi-lock) and windows in good order?
- Fire extinguishers in place and free from tampering
- Fire alarm panel fully operational, locked and free from faults
- Other
Staff room
General housekeeping?
Defect/s? - Lighting, equipment, doors, lockers, fire extinguisher/ fire blanket
Pick Defect/s
- Lighting in good order?
- Equipment, doors (digi-lock)
- Fire Extinguisher / fire blanket in place and free from tampering
- Other
Environmental conditions: 20'c - 22'c?
Dry Side cleaning cupboard
General housekeeping?
Defect/s? - COSHH, door, shelving and sink, lighting
Pick Defect/s
- COSHH compliant?
- Door (digi-lock),shelving and sink (taps) in good order?
- Lighting in good working order?
- Other
Men's dry side changing area
General housekeeping?
Defect/s? Lighting, doors, cubicles, WC, mirror, taps, sink and hand dryer
Pick Defect/s
- Lighting in good working order?
- Entrance door, lockers, cubicle, WC mirror, sink and hand dryer in good order?
- Other
Environmental conditions 20'c-22'c?
Disabled WC
General housekeeping?
Defect/s? - Door, WC, mirror, taps, sink, hand dryer, assistance alarm, lighting, alarm
Pick Defect/s
- Entrance door, WC, mirror, taps, sink, hand dryer in good order
- Assistance alarm in full working order?
- Lighting and extractor fan in good working order?
- Other
Environmental conditions: 20'c - 22'c?
Ladies dry side changing area
General housekeeping?
Defect/s? - Lighting, door, lockers, cubicle, WC, mirror, taps, sink and dryer
Pick Defect/s
- Lighting in good working order?
- Entrance door, lockers, cubicle, WC mirror, sink and hand dryer in good order?
- Other
Environmental conditions: 20'c - 22'c?
Pool viewing area
General housekeeping?
Defect/s? - Emergency doors, fire extinguisher, table, chairs, benches, lockers, lighting
Pick Defect/s
- Emergency doors to poolside clear and in good working order?
- Fire Extinguishers in place and free from tampering?
- Tables,chairs and benches in good order?
- Lockers, chairs and benches in good order?
- Lighting in good working order?
- Other
Environmental conditions: 20'c - 22'c?
Fitness suite
General housekeeping?
Defect/s? - Fire Extinguishers, lighting, doors, alarm, electrical equipment, windows.
Pick Defect/s
- Fire Extinguishers in place and free from tampering?
- Lighting in good working order?
- Entrance and emergency exit doors in good working order?
- Assistance alarm fully operational?
- Electrical Equipment (PC, monitor, CV, TV, Synergy additional floor fans and music system) in good working order?
- Windows intact?
- Other
Environmental conditions: 16'c - 18'c?
Spin room
General housekeeping?
Defect/s? - Fire Extinguishers, doors, lighting, electrical equipment
Pick Defect/s
- Fire Extinguishers in place and free from tampering?
- Entrance and emergency exit doors in good working order?
- Lighting (including club and plinth lighting) in good working order?
- Electrical equipment (Projector, screen and music system)?
- Other
Environmental conditions: 16'c - 18'c?
Multi-purpose fitness studio
General housekeeping?
Defect/s? - Fire Extinguisher, doors, mirrors, lighting, electrical equipment, store rooms
Pick Defect/s
- Fire Extinguishers in place and free from tampering?
- Entrance and emergency exit doors in good working order?
- Mirrors in good order and free from damage?
- Lighting in good working order?
- Electrical equipment (music system)?
- Store room: General housekeeping?
- Store room: Doors in good working order?
- Store room: Lighting in good working order
- Other
Environmental conditions: 16'c - 20'c?
General housekeeping?
Defect/s? - Fire Extinguishers, doors, windows, lighting
Pick Defect/s
- Fire Extinguishers in place and free from tampering?
- Entrance and emergency exit doors in good working order?
- Windows in good order and free from damage?
- Lighting in good working order
- Other
Environmental conditions: 20'c - 22'c?
Changing village
General housekeeping?
Defect/s? - Door, lighting, hair dryers, mirrors, cubicles, lockers, wc, urinals, hand basins, hand dryers.
Pick Defect/s
- Wetside cleaning cupboard: Lighting in good order?
- Changing Village: General housekeeping?
- Changing Village: Environmental conditions 20'c-22'c?
- Changing Village: Hair dryers in good working order (free from tampering, no bare wires and filters in place)?
- Changing Village: Mirrors in good order and free from damage?
- Changing Village: Cubicles, locks and benches in good working order?
- Changing Village: Showers fully operational?
- Disabled changing area: Entrance door and radar lock in good working order?
- Disabled changing area: Lighting in good working order?
- Disabled changing area: WC in good working order?
- Disabled changing area: Hand basin and tap in good working order?
- Disabled changing area: Electrical equipment (Hand dryer, overhead hoist and table) free from damage, corrosion and in charging position.
- Disabled changing area: Mirror in good order and free from damage?
- Disabled changing area: Shower fully operational?
- Disabled changing area: Environmental conditions 20'c-22'c?
- Ladies WC area: Entrance door in good working order?
- Ladies WC area: WC's fully operational?
- Ladies WC area: General housekeeping?
- Ladies WC area: Cubicles, doors and locks in good working order?
- Ladies WC area: Lighting in good order?
- Ladies WC area: Hand dryer fully operational?
- Ladies WC area: Hand basin and tap in good working order?
- Ladies WC area: Environmental conditions: 20'c-22'c?
- Men's WC area: Entrance door in good working order?
- Men's WC area: General housekeeping?
- Men's WC area: Lighting in good working order?
- Men's WC area: WC and urinals in good working order?
- Men's WC area: Cubical door and lock in good working order?
- Men's WC area: Hand basin and taps in good working order?
- Men's WC area: Hand dryer fully operational?
- Men's WC area: Environmental conditions: 20'c-22'c
- Other
Main Pool Hall
General housekeeping (including rescue equipment is in place)?
Defect/s? - Poolview, lighting, emergency exits, fire extinguishers, alarms, clocks, extractor fan
Pick Defect/s
- Entrance shutter and lock in good working order?
- Poolview monitors dully operational (Position 1&2)?
- Lighting in good working order?
- Emergency exits clear and in good working order?
- Fire Extinguishers in place and free from tampering?
- Assistance alarms fully operational?
- Public wall clock in place and showing correct time?
- Pace clock in place and working correctly?
- Environmental conditions 27'c-29'c?
- Environmental conditions: Humidity (less than 70%)
- Pool Store: General housekeeping?
- Pool Store: Lighting in good order?
- Pool Store: Entrance door in good working order?
- Pool Store: Extractor fan system fully operational?
- Other
Teaching Pool Hall
General housekeeping (including rescue equipment is in place)?
Defect/s? - Lighting, emergency exits, alarms, clock
Pick Defect/s
- Lighting in good working order?
- Emergency exits clear and in good working order?
- Assistance alarms fully operational?
- Public wall clock in place and showing the correct time?
- Environmental conditions: 28'c-30'c
- Environmental conditions: Humidity (less than 70%)
- Other
First aid, shower and WC area
General housekeeping?
Defect/s? - Doors, WC, shower, lighting, extractor fan, first aid equipment, alarm, electrical equipment
Pick Defect/s
- Entrance, internal and emergency doors in good working order (including lock)?
- WC and Shower in good working order?
- Lighting and Extractor fan in good working order?
- Sufficient first aid supplies?
- First aid equipment (seat) in good working order?
- Assistance alarm in good working order?
- Music system in good working order?
- Other
Environmental conditions: 20'c - 22'c?
Store (general)
General housekeeping?
Defect/s? - Lighting, pool chemicals
Pick Defect/s
- Lighting in good working order?
- Pool chemicals COSHH compliant?
- Entrance door in good working order (including lock)
- Other
Poolview plus system (DDS)
Opening Up: Turn on monitors (switch at the bottom of the hard drive system)
Opening Up: Activate the iris system (please see the SSOW)
Close Down: Deactivate the iris system (please see the SSOW)
Close Down: Turn off the monitors (switch at the bottom of the hard drive system)
Dosing area
Defect/s? - Doors, lighting, pool chemicals
Pick Defect/s
- Outside door/s in good working order (including lock)?
- Lighting in good working order?
- Pool Chemicals COSHH compliant?
- Floors clear of any pool chemical (granular or liquid residual)?
- Other
Sufficient Pool Chemicals (Min.4 Melclorite)
Main Plant Room
General housekeeping?
Defect/s? - Doors, fire extinguisher, Lighting
Pick Defect/s
- Outside door/s in good working order (including lock)?
- Fire Extinguisher in place and free from tampering?
- Lighting in good working order?
- Other