
  • Document No.

  • Scope of work to be carried out

  • Contractor company name

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location

  • Contractor Supervisor

Contractor activity checklist

1. Induction

  • Have all members of the Contractor Working Party received a Chamberlin plc Health, Safety & Environmental Induction?

  • Please complete the RDC/CHC Contractor Induction

  • Has each member of the Working Party signed the Induction attendance sheet?

  • All members of the Working Party must sign to say that they have received an Induction.

2. Communication

  • Has a Chamberlin plc employee been identified as a point of contact for the duration of the task?

  • Name of identified Chamberlin plc contact?

  • Identify a Chamberlin plc employee to act as a point of contact for the Work Party

3. Risk Management

  • Has the Work Party provided up-to-date/relevant risk assessments/procedures for the task/s they will be undertaking?

  • Has all the relevant documentation been stored in the 'Contractor Documentation' folder on SharePoint?

  • Please store all of the relevant documentation in the SharePoint drive.

  • Please obtain the relevant documentation from the Work Party/Contractor company.

  • Have the Working Party received a copy of the RDC Contractor Risk Assessment?

  • Please provide the Working Party with a copy of the attached RDC Contractor Risk Assessment.

  • Has the Working Party provided an up-to-date copy of their Employers Liability Insurance?

  • Please ask the Work Party to provide a copy.

Permit to Work

4. Hot Work

  • Will the task/s included any Hot Work?

  • Have you completed the QBE Hot Work Permit?

  • Complete the QBE Hot Work Permit.

  • Scan the completed QBE Hot Work Permit and store it in the Maintenance SharePoint folder.

5. Confined Spaces

  • Will the task/s include working in/around any Confined Spaces?

  • Has an atmospheric test been undertaken?

  • Will continuous monitoring be required throughout the task?

  • Has a Watch Person been identified?

  • A Watch Person must be in place for all Confined Space work (no lone working).

  • Describe the method of communication i.e radio, verbal, hand signals, rope signals, etc.

  • Describe the method of communication.

  • Explain how individuals will be rescued in the event of an emergency.

6. Work at Height

  • Will the task/s include any Work at Height activities?

  • Have all hazards, risks, and suitable control measures been identified in the risk assessment/s?

  • Update risk assessment to include hazards, risks, and controls relative to the Working at Height task/s.

  • Is there any access/egress equipment being used during the task/s?

  • Are ladders/step ladders being used?

  • Have the ladders/step ladders been inspected prior to use?

  • Ensure that any ladders or step ladders associated with the task/s have been inspected prior to use.

  • Do the ladders/step ladders have an up-to-date inspection tag on them?

  • Ensure that all ladders/step ladders have an up-to-date inspection tag before use.

  • Will any scaffolding/platforms be used during the task/s?

  • Has the scaffolding been erected by a competent person?

  • Has the scaffolding been tagged?

  • Scaffolding must be tagged before it can be used.

  • Has the scaffolding been inspected by a competent person within the last 7 days?

  • Scaffolding must be inspected by a competent person at least once every 7 days (or after an event that may have compromised the scaffolding).

  • Has the scaffold been inspected by the Work Party prior to use?

  • Scaffolding must be visually checked prior to use.

  • Scaffolding must be erected by a competent person.

  • Are harnesses/lanyards being used during the task/s?

  • Has the equipment been inspected within six months?

  • Please ensure that the equipment is up to date in terms of a six-monthly inspection.

  • Has the equipment been visually checked prior to use?

  • Please ensure that the equipment is visually checked before use.

7. Asbestos Containing Materials (ACMs)

  • Has the site Asbestos register been reviewed to determine the presence and type of ACM

  • Please review the site Asbestos register before work commences.

  • Is there a possibility that Asbestos may be disturbed during the task/s?

  • Have all necessary precautions been taken to ensure that any ACM present will not be disturbed?

  • Please ensure that a risk assessment is undertaken and that controls are in place to prevent the disturbance of Asbestos.


8. Services and Machinery

  • Is there a need to isolate any services or machinery?

  • Fire Alarm/Zone

  • Electricity

  • Gas

  • Air

  • Water

  • Hazardous Chemicals

  • Machinery

  • Please give a brief description of any areas that will be isolated and the reasons why


9. Chamberlin plc

  • I authorise the work to be carried out in accordance with the safety control measures specified and have notified all relevant personnel - Name / Date / Time

  • Please review and sign before work commences.

10. Contractor Acceptance

  • I have read and understood the conditions of this permit and have notified all relevant personnel - Name / Date / Time

  • Please review and sign before work commences.

11. Work Complete (Contractor)

  • I certify that all work is complete and that all personnel, parts, equipment have been withdrawn and the area has been left in a safe condition - Name / Date / Time

  • Please confirm that the task has been completed and that the area and equipment have been left in a safe state.

12. Cancellation - Chamberlin plc

  • I certify that all work is completed and that the area has returned to normal operation - Name / Date / Time

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.