Safe Behaviour Observation (SBO)
Document No.
Engineering department
Conducted on
Is the person/s wearing the correct PPE for the task they currently undertaking?
Is PPE supplied adequate for the task?
Is PPE being worn properly?
Emergency procedures.
Can the worker produce a RADAR booklet and/or a JSA form for their work task?
Can the worker describe where the closest fire alarm is?
Can the worker describe where the closest evacuation assembly area is?
Can the worker describe where the closest fire hose and fire extinguisher is located?
Worker/s to identify 3 key hazards.
Hazard no. 1
Hazard no. 2
Hazard no. 3
Observer/s to make 3 observations and obtain a response
Observation no. 1
Observation no. 2
Observation no. 3
Signature and Finalization
General Comments/Feedback
I have completed this assessment to the best of my knowledge. This audit is not intended to identify all safety and health hazards, but to identify all visible/known hazards as of the date printed on the completed assessment.
Workers signature
Supervisors signature
Select date