Title Page
The purpose of this permit is to ensure that all personnel who are required to Work at Heights are authorised to do so, and that risk assessments have been completed with hazards identified and control measures are in place. This permit is valid only until the completion of this activity or reaching the expiry date.
Training Area
Work Location
Safe Work at Heights Permit Number
Start Date/Time
Finish Date/Time
Responsible Supervisor
Permit Details
1. General- This section is to be compiled and completed upon arrival at work location prior to any work at heights activities. This permit is to be constantly monitored for the duration of the activities.
Description of tasks to be carried out whilst working at height
What is the type of structure?
Method of Access
- Fixed Ladder with LADSAF
- Portable Ladder
- Elevated Work Platform (boom lift)
- Elevated Work Platform (scissor lift)
- Other
Provide Description
Is Ladder serviceable and fit for purpose?
Is Ladder secured both Top & Bottom?
Operators Name
Operator's Name
Does the SWMS identify the requirements for Working at heights and identified all controls to be in place?
Describe any extra controls to be put in place.
Have you informed the Responsible Supervisor?
SWMS Number
Are all personnel 'Fit for Work'?
Ensure PPE required for the task serviceable and fit for purpose?
Ensure all personnel required to work at height trained and competent?
Is the ground conditions suitable for the range of activities to be conducted?
STOP work and inform Responsible Supervisor for direction
Is the weather conditions suitable for the range of activities to be conducted?
Stop work and inform Responsible Supervisor for direction
Ensure all personnel to be involved with activities aware of their individual responsibilities?
Ensure that controls in place to prevent and manage dropped/falling objects? (lanyards, tethers etc.)
If there is a requirement for personnel to be working below, are they aware of the activities being conducted and wearing the appropriate PPE? (Hard hats etc.)
Is there a competent rescuer on site?
Ensure the rescue kit serviceable and fit for purpose?
Ensure that there is a serviceable and complete remote first aid kit onsite?
Authority to Work
- I certify that I do not suffer from any conditions such as Vertigo, Epilepsy etc. that affect my ability to work at heights. I acknowledge that I am bound by the controls identified in the SWMS and this permit to safely conduct all tasks required whilst working at heights.
As an assigned rescuer, I am fully conversant with the requirements of this permit and accept the responsibility to conduct a rescue (if required)
As the Responsible Supervisor, I accept all responsibility to ensure that all controls identified in the SWMS and this permit are in place prior to the commencement of work, and to monitor throughout. I also accept the responsibility to inform the site supervisor of any changes or incidents that may arise for the duration of this permit.