Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Conducted & Prepared by
Additional Personnel
Saw Department
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Employee's wearing required PPE (i.e. safety glasses, gloves, and shoes)?
Employee's wearing face shield when using grinding tools or vertical sanding equipment?
PPE being worn properly?
Floor clean and dry with no spills (no trash, scrap, etc., laying around)?
Exits clear and unobstructed?
Materials and tools organized and in their proper place?
Work areas clear of slip, trip, and/or fall hazards?
Shirts tucked in, sleeves rolled up, and/or hair tied up to avoid entanglement within equipment during production processes?
Employees positioning their body to avoid injury by any moving hazards (saw blades, overhead cranes, sanding belts, falling objects, etc.)?
Hands & fingers positioned to avoid pinch points?
Employees using proper lifting techniques (using legs, back straight, weight close to body, feet flat on floor, knees bent)?
Are employees watching what they're doing and where they're going (looking for / being aware of hazards)?
Employees using the right tools for the job?
Are they using the tools correctly?
Employee(s) safely handling materials?
Electrical switches and/or covers in place and working properly?
Electrical connections secure (i.e. not loose, not disconnected, etc.)?
Are machines and/or equipment hard-wired in through conduit (extension cords not being used as permanent wiring)?
Electrical cords in good condition (e.g. not frayed)?
Are electrical junction boxes/panels clear of obstructions?
Fire Line
Fire extinguisher(s) easily accessible / identifiable?
Fire extinguisher(s) inspected monthly/annually?
Equipment barriers / guards in place (and not removed) before operating machines?
Chains / belts properly guarded?
Cranes straps being used correctly?
Are the straps being used in good condition (e.g. not frayed / worn)?
Are other personnel clear / notified when employees are using cranes to lift components?
Crane hooks stored 7-10 feet from ground level?
Jib Cranes and/or Overhead cranes load rated on each side & visible?
Sound Level
Screen Capture (15s - 30s) using Sound Meter app