
  • Audit Title

  • Document No.

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel


  • Subcontractors submitting JHA forms daily

  • Pre Construction meeting being held with documentation

  • Subcontractors meeting being held weekly

  • Northstar Safety program manual on site

  • Northstar eye wash station on site and useable

  • Northstar first aid kit on site and stocked

  • Northstar Project team has valid CPR and first aid training

  • Northstar SDS book on site

  • Project site orientation up to date


  • Masks being worn

  • Signage in place

  • Social distancing being performed

  • Hand washing station available

  • Temperatures being checked

Project Postings

  • Project team phone numbers posted

  • Emergency phone numbers posted

  • Directions to hospital and minor emergency care facility posted

  • OSHA posters posted

  • OSHA 300 log posted

  • GHS information posted

  • Right to know station created

  • Site logistics plan created and posted

  • Emergency action plan created and posted


  • Clean up being performed by composite crew

  • Housekeeping being done by subs

  • Project site clean and organized

  • Trip hazards being identified and corrected

  • Lay down yard organized

  • Worker parking organized and adequate

  • Proper access to work area

Public Protection

  • Security system / Site security implemented

  • Barricades installed properly

  • Street closures identified

  • Excavations protected

  • Perimeter project fencing and signage package installed

  • Danger high voltage signs posted

  • Equipment windshields are free of defects

  • Traffic control plan created / submitted

Motorized Equipment

  • Operators using seat belt

  • Operator appears to be qualified

  • Operator training documentation onsite

  • Fire extinguishers inspected and present

  • Back-up alarm properly functioning


  • Fuel on site been permitted

  • All hoses free of leaks and defects

  • Fuel on site properly stored and containment measures installed

  • Does equipment have fire extinguishers

  • Equipment and ground worker separation being maintained

  • Dust control being maintained

  • Fire lanes / road being cleaned / no mud on streets

  • Housekeeping being done

  • Proper equipment to comply with Silica

Utilities / trench safety inspection

  • Spill kits on site and readily available

  • Daily inspections being performed

  • Perimeter protection at excavations installed properly

  • Excavations shored/sloped or benched properly

  • Access within 25’ of workers

  • Spoils at a minimum 2’ from excavation

  • Surface encumbrances removed

  • Excavation free of water

  • Excavation exceeding 20’, shoring must be engineered

  • Surface traffic exposure identified and removed

  • One call system being used

  • Housekeeping being done


  • Ladders extended at least 36" above landing?

  • Ladders are secure to prevent slipping, sliding or falling?

  • Ladders with split or missing rungs taken out of service?

  • Stepladders used in fully open position?

  • No step at top two rungs of stepladder?


  • Eye protection being used, when appropriate

  • Ear protection being used , when appropriate

  • Is proper protection being used for silica exposure

  • No free rigging being used on project

  • Safety glasses and face shields being used when cutting rebar

  • Safe access to grade beams created

  • Fire extinguishers on equipment

  • No dry cutting

  • Curing compounds properly stored and used

  • Housekeeping being done

  • Proper equipment to comply for silica

Cranes and Hoisting

  • Annual 3rd party crane inspection performed

  • Operator NCCCO trained and current

  • Boom angle indicator visible

  • Anti two block device working properly

  • Crane leveled properly on firm footings / Outrigger pads

  • Fire extinguisher in cab present

  • Daily inspections current

  • Flag man identified

  • Load chart/owners manual present

  • Riggers been identified

  • Riggers being inspected

  • Housekeeping being done

Steel Erection

  • Steel erection plan submitted and approved

  • Steel erection plan being followed

  • Back up alarms working on all equipment

  • Gauges on torches working properly

  • Flashback arrestors installed on torches

  • Harness’s being worn correctly

  • No free rigging being performed

  • Lifts being used on level surfaces

  • Bottles upright/properly separated 20’

  • Acetylene/oxygen caps installed when not in use

  • Fire blankets on site , used when needed

  • Annual 3rd party inspection performed

  • Fall protection system in place

  • Toe boards in place ?

  • Is dunnage being removed?

  • Housekeeping being done ?

  • Gates/chains on lifts being used ?

  • Welding leads in proper condition


  • Standing surfaces on lifts,clean <br>, no debris

  • Acytelene and oxygen gauges in proper working condition

  • “Laser in use” signs being posted

  • Back up alarms working properly

  • Fire extinguisher on equipment

  • Proper use of ladder

  • Ladder inspected

  • Scaffold bracing and pins installed

  • Scaffold inspected and tagged

  • Fall protection being used

  • Hilton gun in proper working order

  • Extension coeds & screw guns/chop saws being inspected daily

  • Housekeeping being done

  • Safety glasses and face shields being used when required


  • Proper access on scaffold provided if required

  • Temporary electrical in proper condition

  • Eye protection being used , when required

  • Building minimum 8 foot candles

  • Electrical rooms locked when not in use / proper signage on doors

  • Ladders inspected daily

  • Fire extinguisher on equipment

  • Qualified electrician in electrical room when in use

  • Back up alarms working on equipment

  • No hot work being performed

  • Gates/chains being used on scissor lifts

  • Eye protection worn when required

  • LOTO being implemented

  • Fall protection being used ?

  • Housekeeping being done

  • Proper equipment to comply with silica


  • Toe boards properly installed

  • Walk boards properly installed

  • Footing boards properly installed and footings leveled

  • Scaffold tied off to structure if required

  • Safety railing installed at each end of walk boards inspection

  • Fire extinguisher on equipment

  • Is the proper equipment being used for silica exposure

  • Nuisance masks being used , when required

  • Masonry wall bracing plan submitted

  • Dry sawing not being performed

  • Masonry walls braced properly

  • Proper access provided to mixing station

  • All equipment guards in proper condition to manufacturing guidelines

  • Hand tools in good condition

  • Face shields been used while using porta saw

  • Housekeeping being done

  • Proper equipment to comply with silica

Mechanical / Plumbing

  • Ladders inspected daily?

  • Is ladder being used correctly

  • Extension cords grounded, no cuts

  • Task fire extinguisher being used

  • Flash back arrestors on torch bottles

  • Back up alarms working on equipment

  • Fire extinguishers on equipment

  • LOTO being implemented

  • Fall protection system in place

  • Proper equipment to comply with Silica

  • Housekeeping being done


  • Fire extinguishers on equipment

  • Laser in use signs posted

  • Ladders being used properly

  • Ladders inspected

  • Back up alarms working on equipment

  • Heavy equipment in good condition

  • Housekeeping being done

  • Proper work platforms being utilized


  • Parapet heights identified on plans

  • Kettle 15’ away from building and fencing installed

  • Kettle operator has proper clothing and eye protection

  • Controlled access zone implemented under (Hot Tar) work areas

  • P.P.E being used as required

  • Sky track for loading material has outriggers

  • Control access zone in place

  • Heavy equipment in good condition

  • Fire extinguishers on sky track

  • Housekeeping being done


  • Back up alarms working on equipment

  • Air hoses in proper working order

  • Electrical cords inspected

  • Materials/rags being stored properly

  • Safety glasses being worn when required (texturing)

  • Nuisance masks being worn when sanding

  • Harness being worn properly

  • No flammables being stored in building

  • Proper use of ladders

  • Nuisance masks being worn when sanding floors

  • Heavy equipment in good condition

  • Housekeeping being done?

  • Ladder inspection

  • Proper equipment to comply with Silica

  • Man lifts being used correctly

Confined Space

  • Confined space permit required

  • Atmospheric conditions being monitored

  • Rescue plan submitted

  • Extraction equipment provided

  • Confined space entry posted with signage

  • Communication plan created and implemented

  • Ventilation required

  • Extraction equipment provided

  • Confined space training provided

Northstar Equipment Inspections

  • Bobcat/ATV/Street sweepers being inspected daily

  • Equipment operator qualified ?

  • Proper fire protection implemented

  • Back up alarms working ?

  • All belts/ hoses free of defects ?

  • Seat belts / Fire extinguishers on equipment and inspected

  • Tires and tracks in good shape ?

  • Regular maintenance scheduled

  • Housekeeping of machines being done

Silica compliance

  • Subcontractor have PPE

  • Subs have equipment Hepa filter

  • Silica program on site

  • Subs using the proper equipment

  • Proper equipment to comply with Silica

  • Housekeeping being done


  • Housekeeping being done

  • Guardrails in place

  • Open holes covered

  • Fire extinguisher in right location

  • Fire extinguisher being inspected

  • Fall protection in place

  • Toe boards in place?

  • Unsafe acts being performed

  • Proper use of ladders

Mill work

  • Equipment in working order

  • Equipment guards in place

  • Cords in good shape

  • Proper PPE being used

  • Competent person on site to inspect scaffolding

  • Proper use of scaffolding

  • Proper use of ladders

  • Ladders being inspected

Fire sprinkler

  • Threader machine in good shape

  • Ladder used properly

  • Ladder inspected

  • Housekeeping being done

  • Cords in good shapes

Carpenters from work

  • Face shields being used when grinding

  • Equipment being inspected

  • Housekeeping

  • Ladders being used correctly

  • Nail removed from forms

  • Dust mask, ear plugs used when grinding

  • Fall protection being used

  • Ladders built correctly

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.