Title Page
Job name
Prepared by
Team members
Description of work - Provide a brief description of the overall job task being completed today.
Step 1 - List the first step of the job
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Pre-task plan
Hand and Power Tools - Will hand and power tools be used?
List tools being used
Have tools been inspected to ensure safe and appropriate tools for the job?
Are electrical cords safely insulated and grounded?
Are punches and chisels free of mushrooming or cracks
Are power tools in good working order and have cords with ground prong and no frayed insulation?
Flying Debris or Silica Dust - Will the work involve flying debris or silica dust?
Choose appropriate safety glasses, goggles or faceshield.
For silica dust, list control measures that will be used to include water, dust extraction etc.
Manual Material Handling - Will material or equipment be lifted?
Over 100 lbs? - Use lifting equipment.
From 50-100 lbs? - Use team lift.
Under 50 lbs? - Use better posture including: Position elbows closer, Flex knees, Align spine, Build a bridge and Use same side hand and foot.
Will ladders be used?
Is there an alternative to ladders that can be used such as scissor or boom lift or scaffolding?
What alternative device will you be using?
Is this the appropriate ladder for the job? (non-metal for electrical, rated for the load, a-frame verses extension, proper height)
Has the ladder been inspected for cracks, cleanliness of rungs, labels present, material is sturdy, feet in good working condition?
Is the area for ladder use level and clean of debris?
Is the ladder the proper height for the job?
Will hazardous chemicals be used?
List chemicals
Have Safety Data Sheets been obtained and reviewed?
What PPE is required for these chemicals?
Heavy Equipment - Will heavy equipment be used?
Work at Heights - Will work be done over 6 feet from the ground or lower surface?
List which form of fall protection will be used below:
Fall arrest or fall restraint system (Anchorage, Body Harness, Compatible lanyard)
Warning lines 15 feet from edge of roof on low slope roof with safety officer present.
Handrail installed or standard barrier guardrail.
Net system
Describe fall prevention plan.
Hazardous Energy - Will work be done on or around energized electrical devices or other forms of hazardous energy?
Are electrical cords free of nicks, cuts, missing ground pins and electrical tape repairs?
All damaged cords or wiring must be replaced or repaired by a certified electrician.
Are GFCI outlets available?
Will work be done on energized equipment?
Describe lockout tagout procedures.
Are other forms of hazardous energy present? (hydraulic, pneumatic, steam, gravity, kinetic etc.)
Describe lockout plan.