Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location

Food safety

  • Staff asked for id?

  • Staff asked to sign in on mpro5?

  • Bakery storage area is clean and dust free

  • In bakery storage products are covered and in date

  • Bakery storage chillers freezers work correctly

  • Colleagues can explain how temperatures indicator works and what it means when number is showing

  • Bakery area free from items unrelated to bakery that could contaminate products or packaging

  • All bakery products on display for sale are in date and rotated

  • Sel for loose products show required calorie statement

  • Bakery products on sale have correct allergen statement

  • Bakery fixtures including towers have blue allergy warnings labels displayed

  • Colleagues can demonstrate how to deal with customer query on allergen

  • Baker wearing correct uniform

  • Baker can explain when and should they wash their hands

  • Cuts open sore are covered with blue water proof plaster

  • Colleague correctly state how long to stay away from after GI symptoms have stopped.

  • Colleagues remove protective clothing when leaving the area

  • All food contact surfaces utensils equipment are in clean sound condition.

  • Walls,floors and ceilings are in good condition .

  • Whb,s are fully equipped in good repair and free from ingrained dirt.

  • Equipment sinks are in good repair. With hot a d cold water free from ingrained dirt.

  • Equipment sinks are provided with a plug and dilution markings where appropriate.

  • Colleagues can explain where different cleaning chemicals are used and how to obtain cleaning cards.

  • Aseptopol is available colleagues can explain how to dilute and contact times.

  • Only authorised cleaning chemicals and consumables are used for cleaning

  • CAYG is overall to a good standard no buildup of flour in any area due to lack of cleaning

  • All colleagues have completed silver food safety

  • Clean tongs -greaseproof hands and bags available for customers

  • And EFK is located in the area and is in clean condition

  • Colleagues are aware of what to do in the event of hot water failure or other water supply issue.

Shopfloor .

  • Grocery shelving is in good repair and visibily clean from loose dirt or debris

  • Floor underneath fixtures is free from any excessive accumulation of debris

  • Chillers are working effectively

  • All chilled equipment has the correct temperature indicators displayed in correct location

  • Food items with the use by dates are correctly rotated and within date

  • Food items with a best before date must be correctly rotated within date.

  • Baby milk products must be within date code

  • Colleagues can explain how temperature indicators work what it means when numbers showing

  • There must be separation between Raw and RTE in RTC chillers.

  • Reduction labels must not cover date code.

  • Vending machines are clean and in good repair

  • Any record books for vending machines must be accurate and complete.

  • Country of origin SELs for loose produce are displayed except banana.

  • Colleagues can demonstrate how to deal with customers allergens query

  • Freezers are working effectively clean and no ice buildup

  • Walls floors ceiling are in clean sound condition

  • Aseptopol is available colleagues can explain how to dilute and contact time.

  • Only authorised cleaning chemicals and consumables are used for cleaning

  • Correct color cloths in use

  • Colleagues can explain the process of damage stock ,ooc,wibi

  • Colleagues know what to do if they notice sign of pest activity.

  • All grocery rotation planners checks completed for last period

  • All epws have been actioned and products removed from sale.

  • Colleagues wear disposable aprons when cleaning bins and toilets

  • Correct color mops are used in the Correct areas

  • Tobacco gantry doors are kept closed except when serving customers or during replenishment

  • Fridges are in working hygienic condition

  • Asspetopol and cleaning tools are readily available for use

  • Colleagues toilet are free from any stock food items

  • Colleagues know the temperature requirements for delivery and checks are made on receipt

  • A clean working probe thermometer is readily available

  • Colleagues can explain how to use the thermometer and how it is calibrated

  • Colleagues can explain 20 minutes chill chain rule

  • Walk in chillers and freezers are in good clean condition with no buildup of ice.

  • Correct temp Indicators located in the Correct position and easily visible

  • No food is stored outside

  • Stock properly rotated and within date code.

  • All food and consumables must be in cage pallet or dolly nothing to be stored on the floor

  • All external doors are free from gaps must be <6mm and closed when not in use.

  • Rainwater drainage must be adequate and affective

  • The cleaners store is being properly organised with no standing water

  • Cleaning equipment is in sound condition and the area is free from excessive accumulation of waste

  • There are labelled dedicated areas for the storage of waste within chillers and freezers

  • Waste streams are properly segregated with waste trasnfer labels attached.

  • Daily safe and legal checks accurately reflect the standards observed.

  • Colleagues know what to do if they see signs of pest activity

  • The yard is free from excessive litter debris standing water

  • Shift runner can explain the temperature escalation process

  • Manager can explain what to do if hot water supply fail.

  • Store manager have completed gold food safety

  • All colleagues completed silver food ,legal training

  • SL can login to pest control

  • SL can login to Hicom incident reporting

  • The manager can access the previous audit report

  • There are no repeat escalations

  • All non conformance from previous audit are closed

  • Licence summary and s57 notice are displayed

  • Full licence is available to view

  • Store manager name and address is n licence.

  • Fireworks folder is available

  • Bakery equipment in God working order

  • Emergency stop.saftery interlocks buttons are fully functional

  • Walk in freezers and fridges have fully functional safety release buttons and lighting

  • Colleagues can demonstrate how to clean coffee machine safely as per guidance

  • Required clean as you go tools are stored in dedicated area and available

  • Hazards kits are used as per tesco training

  • Colleagues can explain cleanas you go procedures

  • Equipment not left unattended on shopfloor and moved safely

  • Flowers bags available for customers

  • Capping shelves guidelines followed

  • Cleaning machine floor scrubber In sound condition

  • Checkout equipment clean and tidy

  • AED is in working order with green tick.

  • Entrance matting is in good condition and flush to the floor

  • Only tesco approved electrical equipment is used staff room

  • Lifts are in fully working order

  • Warehouse shelving in sound condition

  • Work at height equipment is in sound condition

  • During delivery colleagues wear the correct ppe, follow the sdra and use the required equipment.

  • Yellow repair label's are available to help identify damaged equipment

  • SDRA is upto date signed and reflects the delivery area.

  • Fire extinguisher are safe accessible in good working order

  • Fire doors are not properly open

  • Fire escape routes are free from combustible/obstruction

  • Fire Doors have the correct signage

  • There are nominated fire wardens

  • Fire risk assessment is available and has been completed correctly

  • Qualified 1st aider is on duty

  • 1st aid kits eye wash stations are available in all areas

  • Sharp disposal unit and suitable tools are available for the safe disposal of sharps

  • Know your building folder is available and contains the hazard information sheet for the store.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.